Phlox. Cultivation and care throughout the growing season

Phlox. Cultivation and care throughout the growing season
Phlox. Cultivation and care throughout the growing season

Everyone knows how beautiful phlox blooms. Growing and caring for it is not difficult. It is necessary to properly add fertilizer, water, mulch, loosen the soil and much more.

phlox - cultivation and care
phlox - cultivation and care

Phloxes are plants that love light. They are resistant to cold, but do not tolerate lowlands and lack of moisture. For these flowers, the ideal soil is light, moist, nutritious, well-cultivated. All this is the success in breeding this plant. Phlox really needs water, especially when it grows intensively and releases buds. It should be taken into account the fact that plants cannot be watered from above. This can spread the development of fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew.

Mulching is an important stage in the care of phlox, due to its biology. This is important to do if the flowers were planted 3-4 years ago. This can be determined by the roots, which seem to stick out of the soil.

Phloxes. Planting and care

Plants are planted mainly in open spaces, in the shade. This promotes long flowering. According to some amateur flower growers, the plant can be transplanted during this period. For which, until the moment of transplanting, the bush must be plentifully watered. Gotta dig it outa large piece of "native" soil, so that in the future the plant will take root well. Phloxes need to be transplanted in the evening and it is desirable that the weather is cloudy. Under no circumstances should flowers be transplanted in the heat.

phlox - planting and care
phlox - planting and care

If an old bush is transplanted, then the middle one is usually thrown away. It is not advisable to pour manure under the phloxes, this can cause the horses to rot. The following composition is applied per square meter of thoroughly mixed soil: 7 kg of peat, compost - 5 kg, 300 g of wood ash. Small gravel can be added to this. From mineral fertilizers, add a tablespoon of potassium sulfate.

To make phlox bright, cultivation and care involves feeding. The first time you can feed the plant when it begins to grow rapidly. During this period, the plant consumes nitrogen and a large amount of water. For one large bucket of compost, add 1-2 tablespoons of urea. Next - everything should be thoroughly mixed and then scattered under two or three bushes. The second time top dressing should be done at a time when the plant is actively blooming. During this period, you need to reduce the dose of nitrogen, but it is worth increasing the amount of potassium and phosphorus. Approximately 10-11 liters of water should be diluted with two tablespoons of nitrophoska. At this time, the accumulation of nutrients in the seeds and rhizomes occurs. The plant begins to intensively absorb phosphorus, which contributes to the formation of proteins. This means that phlox is preparing for the cold. Cultivation and care of the plant is suspended.

phlox,perennial varieties
phlox,perennial varieties

Phloxes, perennial varieties of which can be propagated by cuttings, are planted in May and June. To do this, young shoots are cut into small pieces. It is desirable that the handle had a couple of leaves. They are placed in wet sand and covered with a jar on top. In autumn, the stems are cut off, and the bushes are sprinkled with humus. This plant also reproduces by dividing bushes. In spring or early autumn, they are separated and planted in a permanent place, where phlox will grow in the future, the cultivation and care of which is not difficult. Each bush should be at a distance of 60 cm from each other. After transplanting, phloxes bloom more magnificently.
