Arches in the apartment: exquisite and original style

Arches in the apartment: exquisite and original style
Arches in the apartment: exquisite and original style

Nowadays, in many apartments of compatriots you can see various types of arches. Let's not be mistaken if we say that almost every person who has made repairs in the last ten years has thought about such a change in the traditional doorway.

The benefits of this solution

arches in the apartment
arches in the apartment

Arches in the apartment save space. They allow you to view the entire interior of the room. But it is necessary that the design be organic, the arches have their own look, creating their own, special atmosphere. Each model is designed to solve a specific problem. It can serve as a border between two zones, for example, between the living room and the hallway. But at the same time, it should not divide the interior - on the contrary, it unites the ensemble. Most often, this technique is used by owners of small apartments. This decision is fully justified - the arches in a small apartment are an indispensable part. They will help make your home more comfortable, lively and modern.

Types of arches in the apartment

There are a great many forms of such openings. All of them are aimed at creating a certain atmosphere in the house. In general, they can be dividedinto two independent groups:

- active;

- passive.

Most often, passive arches are used in the apartment. More thanare considered active

how to make an arch in the apartment
how to make an arch in the apartment

complex, original and unusual designs that allow you to see several rooms at once. Despite the fact that this is a fairly self-sufficient decoration, they are often additionally decorated with various elements.

Arch decor in the apartment

It primarily depends on the basic style in which the room is made. If your apartment is decorated in Art Nouveau style, then a wooden arch will look the most harmonious. Fine painting on its edge looks stylish. This can focus attention on objects behind the structure.

Shapes of arches

They are completely dependent on your imagination, as well as on the ceiling in your apartment. Many arches look spectacular only in high rooms, because they significantly reduce the visual height of the opening. Now consider some popular arch shapes:

- Classic - has the correct radius equal to half the width of the opening.

- Modern - more than half the width of the opening (suitable for rooms with low ceilings).

- Romantic - suitable for very wide openings. They only round the corners.

- Portal - has the shape of "P". It is believed that this is the easiest option, which requires only careful and thorough processing.

Is it possible to do this work with your own hands

types of arches in the apartment
types of arches in the apartment

Manyare interested in how to make an arch in an apartment. The easiest way to create it is from drywall, which is capable of taking any shape when wet. He is given the desired bend, which is then stored in a dried form.

With the help of specialists, you can make a brick arch. She always looks very impressive, attracting attention to herself. You can process the opening with a tile imitating a brick.

The extended door frame resembles a wooden arch. One of its advantages is that the side edges of the opening are protected and do not wear out.
