Fertilizers for petunias: manufacturer reviews and tips for use

Fertilizers for petunias: manufacturer reviews and tips for use
Fertilizers for petunias: manufacturer reviews and tips for use

Petunias are the most beautiful flowers. Great decoration for balconies and windows. In order for the plant to please the owners for a long time, careful care and fertilization of the soil are necessary. The article will consider what fertilizers to feed the petunia. The plant needs frequent watering and quality nutrition - to get abundant flowering.


Fertilizers are divided into long-playing and fast-acting. For fertilizing petunias, the most commonly used means are in liquid form. They usually contain a large amount of beneficial nutrients. A small amount of the drug is diluted with water and watered flowers.

Let's consider the best way to feed a petunia. Fertilizers for petunias for flowering "Ideal", "Agricola" have proven themselves well. But there are others.

You can also buy petunia fertilizer in powder form at flower shops or speci alty places. They are convenient to feed flowers. Granular fertilizers for seedlings of petunias are also very popular. They are diluted in the same way with water in the requiredquantities indicated in the instructions. Powder fertilizers - "Master", "Plantofol".

It is very convenient to use long-acting fertilizers. These include superphosphates, "Etisso" and many others. When watering the plant, the granules gradually dissolve and nourish the soil. Funds are added to the ground just before the flower planting process.

Feeding seedlings

After a week after germination, the plant must be sprayed with fertilizer for the growth of petunias. Universal preparations are good for this.

To avoid excessive growth of stems, petunias are watered with a solution with "Zircon". To prevent the plant from bushing, it is necessary to cut off the extra stems - to give a beautiful shape.

When the petunia begins to grow actively, increase the feeding. It is produced 2 times a week. Top dressing is done in turn with the usual watering of flowers. In the case when petunias are planted in a flower bed, one feeding per week is enough.

Petunias love light and moisture. For growth to be successful, it is very important to feed the seedlings. If you properly care for young plants, they begin to grow stronger and grow rapidly.

Seedling of petunias
Seedling of petunias

Also, the quality of flowering depends on top dressing. If the petunias are not fertilized, the flowers will be few and pale in color. Top dressing is made with mineral, as well as organic substances.

To grow a beautiful flowering plant, constant careful care is required. Petunias need to be well watered, fertilize young seedlings. At this stage of growth, fertilizing with green fertilizer for petunia seedlings works well. It has an excellent effect on growth and good future flowering. Top dressing with humates will nourish the plant with the most useful substances.

First treatment

Blue and purple flowers
Blue and purple flowers

Petunias are very fond of podkomki. Well-drained soil promotes excellent flowering. Petunia fertilizer for abundant flowering should be taken care of immediately when buying seeds.

Seeds in the form of dragees are a great option for care in the first stage. They will help the plant to quickly ascend and strengthen. For the first time, petunias are fed approximately two weeks after sowing. Thanks to this, the plant grows and develops faster. For this stage, complex tools are very good. They are rich in nitrogen and contain phosphorus.

It is necessary to prepare a peat substrate for petunias. It should be lightweight and breathable. This will create a comfortable environment for growth.

Succinic acid treatment:

  • 1/4 part of the tablet dissolve in half a liter of water.
  • Spray the top of the soil. This procedure will allow the seeds to germinate quickly.

For the first feeding, mixtures dissolved in water are well suited - "Garden of Miracles", "Ideal". Dry mixtures can be used if desired. Fertilizers containing iron eliminate the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves of the plant.

Long feeding

When a petunia has 3-4 leaves - the plant is stronger and you canadd additional nutrition. Fertilizers in the form of sticks can act for a long time, nourishing the plants. Within three months, the flowers will be reliably fed.

Sticks when watering will gradually dissolve and enrich the flowers with useful substances. A fairly simple method of application: the sticks are stuck into the ground.

Use this type of fertilizer after carefully reading the instructions.

Watering petunias

The he alth and beauty of a plant depends not only on fertilizer, but also on regular watering. Watering the flowers is best in the morning and evening hours.

Good water quality and moderate temperature are important for irrigation. Irrigation with poor-quality water leads to the destruction of the soil. Because of this, fertilizers are poorly absorbed. The plant begins to hurt, its growth worsens, the root system suffers. Petunias are watered carefully to avoid damage to the flowers.

Yellow flowers
Yellow flowers

Petunias need frequent feeding, regardless of their variety. It is best to plant plants in large pots so that beneficial trace elements are better preserved.

Petunias usually bloom from mid-summer to September. Plants of some varieties bloom even longer. Care and regular fertilization are very important.

It is necessary to avoid drying out the soil, otherwise the plant will die. The soil should be rich in nutrients and moist. Excellent water for watering petunias - melt or snow. When watering with tap water, it is necessary to let it settle for a day.

Pruning and plant propagation

Necessarypruning petunias - this contributes to a long and high-quality flowering. It is very important to remove faded buds. If you do not clean the flower, then its strength will be spent not on flowering, but on the ripening of seeds. Also dried flowers don't look very pretty.

In the second half of summer, petunia blooms less often, the stems become longer. Flowers are cut, leaving about 15 cm long stems.

Flowers are propagated by cuttings and seeds. When roots appear, petunias are planted in the ground.

flower decoration
flower decoration

Diseases and pests

With improper care, pests and diseases may appear. Fungal diseases cause the formation of root rot. The stems of the plant become dark and soften. The affected part of the petunia is removed, and the he althy part must be treated with a fungicide solution.

It is possible to form a white coating in the area of leaves and flowers. This also applies to a fungal disease called powdery mildew. The appearance of plaque on the plant is possible with sudden changes in temperature, excessive humidity. Diseased areas should be cut off and treated with sulfur petunia - for disinfection.

The most common pests are aphids, whiteflies. Spider mites are often found. To destroy pests, special means are used (with a careful study of the instructions).

Fertilizer for petunias

Petunias bloom throughout the warm season. It is important to choose the right fertilizer so that the plant enjoys flowering for a long time.

Ifyou will notice that the plant has changed the color of the leaves and there are fewer buds, then this is a clear sign of a lack of phosphorus. In this case, liquid fertilizers with a phosphorus content will help well. If the appearance of the leaves has not changed, it is necessary to find the cause of the disease of the flower. When excess phosphorus is added to the soil, the petunia dies.

Periodically it is desirable to change the types of dressings. Using only long-lasting fertilizers for petunias can lead to the rapid death of the plant. The reason is the long presence of fertilizer in the soil. Gardeners with experience do not use this type of fertilizer for this plant. If used, then with a reduced dosage several times.

After picking and transplanting into a new container, a good top dressing for a petunia will be watering with a tool to stimulate root growth. You can use drugs such as "Kornevin" or "Kristalon".

flower care
flower care

Methods of fertilizing petunias

There are several ways to fertilize flowers:

1. Seed treatment with succinic acid. Promotes good plant growth and regulates soil microflora. Complementary food for flowers and live microorganisms. The acid will help the plant become resistant to various diseases. Petunias will be easier to tolerate the lack of moisture. It is impossible to overdose with succinic acid, which is also a big plus.

2. It is necessary to feed the soil. Immediately before planting the plant, it is necessary to saturate the substrate with fertilizers, this will help to avoid black leg disease. Be sure to add peat to the container - to create drainage. Stagnation of moisture can lead to the death of the plant. Before sowing the seeds, the soil is watered with a fungicidal solution or slightly diluted potassium permanganate.

3. Fertilizer for mature plants. Petunias are fertilized with an iron-containing preparation at intervals of five days, for three to four times. Phosphates are used to improve the external condition of flowers.

4. Foliar fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers are sprayed on the leaves of flowers with a spray bottle. This method will also help to cope with incipient flower diseases.

How often to fertilize

As the plant grows, it is necessary to feed more frequently. Feedings for petunias can increase up to 3 times a week (between waterings).

During the growth of young seedlings, the soil should be kept moist. Periods of feeding seedlings are made based on its condition. For abundant flowering of petunias, soil fertilizer must be done regularly from the next week after sowing. Complex fertilizers are best.

A malnourished plant will not bloom. Potassium and phosphorus are the favorite fertilizers of these flowers. With the help of phosphorus, the plant grows rapidly. Leaves and stems receive the necessary trace elements. With insufficient intake of phosphorus, the leaves become dark and weak. Potassium is the main nutrient for flowers. It is an essential petunia fertilizer for abundant flowering.

When fertilized with potassium, the color of the buds becomes bright and saturated, the plants last longerbloom. Petunias are fertilized with potassium before the flowering period, avoiding excess. An overdose will result in the death of the plant.

Secrets of flowering

There are secrets to abundant flowering besides the use of fertilizers. If you do not perform these manipulations, then petunias may not bloom or bloom a little.

First of all, you should give the plants more space to grow. Transplant into large containers. One plant per five-liter pot.

During the heat, abundant watering with soft water is necessary. The soil surface must always be moist. An excess of moisture should be avoided so that there is no stagnation of water, as this can lead to plant diseases. Peat drainage will help absorb water.

Fertilizers for flowers
Fertilizers for flowers

Petunias don't like hard water. You can acidify ordinary tap water. Petunias need plenty of sun or artificial color to bloom well.

Pinching favors flowering. When flowering, the buds should be carefully cut. This will speed up flowering.

Every lover, if desired, will be able to grow lush, flowering petunias. They will set the holiday mood for months.

Reviews on the quality of fertilizers

Petunias in a pot
Petunias in a pot

Many gardeners note that complex fertilizers are great for caring for petunias. Also yeasted seeds are a great choice.

Russian producers offer a wide range of fertilizers for petunias. Dry, liquid, solutions.

Sprays andstrengthening the root system has a wonderful effect on the plant and will allow it to bloom brightly and colorfully for a long time.

Proper and timely care is the key to the beauty of petunias. High-quality and he althy fertilizers will greatly simplify the task of caring for flowers.

Good fertilizers containing calcium. Thanks to this element, the plant will get stronger and acquire a he althy appearance. There is a beneficial effect on the structure of leaves and stems.

Fertilizers containing boron will make flowers look unique and irresistible.

The best fertilizer for petunias is liquid complex. It contains all the necessary trace elements and nutrients. Since petunias are "gluttonous" flowers, you should not expect them to delight in flowering without regular top dressing.
