Rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers and the queen of fragrances all over the world. It is most often grown in garden beds. But in order for the plant to please gardeners with its marvelous flowers, it must be carefully looked after. Not the last role in this direction is played by fertilizers for roses. What are they and how to use them correctly? Consider this in the article.
Fertilizers at planting
Usually fertilizer for roses is laid in the soil when the plant is planted. When planting a bush, you should correctly select the soil composition. The most favorable type will be loamy soil, it perfectly retains moisture. But it does not matter if the land on the site has a different composition. In this case, it is important to properly prepare it for growing roses.
First, you need to make a hole 50 cm deep and 1 m wide. Its bottom is covered with crushed stone, crushed brick, which will ensure good drainage of the soil. Soil mixed with urea and superphosphate is added to the recess. Additional fertilizers when planting roses are notare introduced, this is done after the plant has taken root a little.

Types of fertilizers
After some time has passed and the soil has slightly wasted the initial beneficial trace elements, and they have also been washed with moisture after watering, it is worth thinking about fertilizing.
The most effective are their complex types, selected taking into account the soil composition, climatic characteristics and the state of the plants themselves.
All fertilizers for roses are divided into:
- organic;
- mineral.
To best feed rose bushes in spring and autumn, experts recommend combining both types of fertilizer. Their main difference is that organic matter helps to improve the structure of the soil, while decomposing extremely slowly. And mineral trace elements quickly decompose and are able to satisfy the needs of plants for nutrients in a short time. However, their excessive amount can significantly worsen the structure of the soil, lead to its petrification and "salinization", which will negatively affect the state of the root system.
Organic options
For rose bushes, any organic compounds are used, except for fresh manure. The latter can severely damage root structures. Therefore, if you want to use manure, it is taken in the stage of half-life or complete decay.
Peat or compost is used under the bush. You can also use these "recipes":
- Chicken manurediluted in water in a ratio of 1:20 - this is if the litter is fresh. Old bred in a ratio of 1:10. After the solution has been infused in a dark place for five days, water is added to it for irrigation 1: 3 and the plantings are fertilized.
- An infusion is made from cow dung in a ratio of 1:10, insisted for a week and watered in proportion, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.
- Green manure can be prepared from weeds. To do this, weeds are used up to the stage of insemination, they are crushed and put in a plastic container, pouring water. After 10 days, the infusion is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 and plantings are watered.
- Superphosphates and wood ash can be added to organic mixtures at the rate of 1 kg or 0.5 kg per 50 liters of water.
Mineral options
Among the mineral fertilizers for roses are the following:
- Nitrogen. They are necessary for the development of green mass, the growth of stems and leaves. Excess nitrogen leads to problems with the appearance of flowers. This type includes urea, ammonium nitrate.
- Phosphoric promote active flowering and shoot development in autumn. These are superphosphate, ammophos, double superphosphate.
- Potassium increases the frost resistance of plants, helps sap flow and moisture retention, improves the colors of flowers.
A popular fertilizer for roses is potassium sulfate, which combines the benefits of potassium and phosphorus in its composition.
What do growers use?
Popular among flower growers is the complex liquid fertilizer for roses "Fertika", containing in its compositionnitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. With it, you can increase the intensity of the color of flowers and greenery, lengthen the flowering period. Fertilizer is used for garden and indoor roses. It is available in liquid form and in granules. You can use it absolutely at all stages of plant care, that is, starting with digging a planting hole.

Another option for fertilizers for roses, according to reviews, is the complex composition of "Hera". It combines minerals and trace elements that can revive even dying plantings. The tool was created specifically for roses and other flowering plants. It is suitable for garden roses and can also be used as fertilizer for indoor roses.
No less popular is the composition of "Agricola". In it, manufacturers have collected all the substances necessary for the growth and development of roses. Top dressing helps plants grow green mass and delight owners with lush, very bright flowering.
Flower growers also note the Gloria remedy, which is often found in stores. It is available in granules. It has good ratings from those who have used it. Provides quality nutrition to roses throughout their life cycle.
The listed funds are the best fertilizers for roses, if we analyze the opinions of gardeners.
Foliar applications
Foliar fertilizers are used in any season in addition to other types. At the same time, the solution is diluted twice as much as with root top dressing. If small particles are found in organic solutions, they are filtered before use. This iswill help to avoid clogging the sprayer and save leaves from excess debris.

The following compositions can be used as foliar fertilizers for roses:
- 30 grams of urea diluted in 10 liters of water;
- 10 grams of sodium humate is dissolved in 3 liters of water, diluted another 20 times before use;
- 50 grams of superphosphate is dissolved in a liter of hot water, then diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed on plants;
- 500 ml of wood ash must be dissolved in a liter of water, then diluted in 10 liters of water, strain.
For foliar fertilizers, each time a freshly prepared solution is taken, they are sprayed with greens in warm weather without precipitation. Atmospheric moisture can quickly wash away all the nutrients and nullify all efforts.
Spring feeding
Care for rose bushes in early spring begins even before the buds swell and shoots develop, when the air warms up to a positive temperature. In this case, perform the following actions:
- around the bushes, organic matter is added to the soil, for example, half a bucket of rotted manure;
- you can apply dry mineral fertilizers to the ground with subsequent active moistening, one tablespoon of ammonium nitrate or urea will do;
- mulch bushes with organic matter, garden compost is suitable for this purpose.

Some growers start with nitrogen formulations in late April and add organics a week later. In this case, the next top dressingplanned for June - the time of swelling of the buds. At this time, organic species (chicken manure, mullein, green manures) are suitable. The next top dressing is carried out in July, after flowering and pruning of buds, phosphorus-potassium compounds are introduced at this time. In September, they also feed with organic matter.
Urban plantings of roses can be fed with store mixes, which are offered in sufficient quantities by retail chains.
Before flowering, it is useful to flavor the bushes with potassium and phosphorus, and nitrogen fertilizers just reduce in volume.
If the bushes were planted last year, they can not be fertilized with organic matter, since it was introduced into the planting pits and has not had time to spend.
Autumn chores
Summer flowering has exhausted the bushes, so they need care in autumn. It is necessary to apply fertilizer for roses in the fall before the onset of frost. So the plant will be able to survive the cold season with strong immunity.
To do this:
- Watered with potash-phosphorus solutions, with the help of which it is possible to accelerate the ripening of shoots and stop their growth. It is necessary to dissolve 25 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water.
- From the beginning of September, nitrogen fertilizers are stopped. This is done in order to stop the growth of green mass.
- With the onset of cold weather, the ground under the bushes is sprinkled with mulch or manure, this will delay spring fertilization.
- Mineral substances are brought under the bushes, burying them in the soil.

In rainy autumn, the bushes do not need to be watered, and granular fertilizers are scattered on the ground next to the plants. With sufficient natural moisture, the substances will have time to dissolve and produce the desired effect.
Features of indoor rose fertilizers
Feeding indoor plants have their own characteristics, which are related to the fact that home flowers need to be fertilized more carefully. This is due to the limited volume of the pot where the flower grows, that is, less nutrients in the soil.
When the plant is transplanted into a new soil, after a month you can think about feeding. Their further addition is possible once every two weeks, not more often.

For this purpose, complex mineral compositions intended for flowers are usually used. It can be liquid fertilizer for roses, and dry. All of the above products are quite suitable for pets.
In the spring, the owners usually take the flowers to the balcony, where they stand until the onset of cold weather. During the entire summer period, plants need careful care and more frequent watering (than in the case of garden specimens). Otherwise, caring for domestic beauties is not much different from their sisters in the flower beds.
Expert Tips
According to the opinion of professional flower growers, top dressing for roses should be carried out based on an analysis of the condition of the bushes. They also give advice like this:
- Phosphorus is needed for lush and long flowering.
- If the bush is weak, it needs nitrogen. This is especially true for youngspecimens or newly planted plants.
- If overfed with nitrogen, the bush will be green, but will not produce many flowers. In this case, attention is switched to phosphorus-potassium variants of mixtures.
- Mineral fertilizers are not applied to dry soil, it can burn the roots.
- If the leaves dry up and the bush weakens, it's time to add organic matter to the soil, which will improve its composition.

When fertilizing rose bushes, one should take into account the climatic conditions of the growing region, the condition of the soil, its composition, and the weather. At the same time, you can grow beautiful roses on your plot or in the conditions of an apartment, which will become a real joy and pride of the owner.