Insects are just seemingly harmless little bugs. Sometimes they can greatly annoy a person: crawl into food, itch over the ear, preventing sleep, and also bite and spread the infection. A few decades ago, to fight them, only a fly swatter and a bottle of Dichlorvos were in service, and, moreover, by no means harmless to human he alth, but today there are much more reliable means.

Electric traps differ in their designs and the principle of catching insects, in size, in the presence of an adjustable shutdown temperature, but what unites them all is that they all work or are recharged from the mains. There are electric traps to get rid of mosquitoes and flying insects, cockroaches, garden pests and even rodents. According to customer reviews, such models of traps as Patriot, Independence, Executive, Commander have proven themselves well in work.
Electric flying insect trap
Electronic traps are based on the use of an ultraviolet lamp. Placed inside the body, it with its lightattracts all kinds of flying midges, which instinctively flock to the light. But the path to the luminous source is blocked by a thin high-voltage grid, upon contact with which the insect dies and falls into a special tray installed at the bottom of the device.

Device characteristics
When the device is connected to the network, a lamp lights up, from which heat and a spectrum of ultraviolet rays emanate. This is where the trap begins its work, flying insects are attracted by luminous heat, which is why they fly straight to the lamp. The spectrum of radiation is not dangerous for a person, even if he is constantly in a room with a working device. In addition, the mesh housing of the device protects from direct contact with the high-voltage grid. Unlike man, he is not a barrier to insects.
However, in apartments and houses where there are small children, you should not use an electronic trap. Since, despite the fact that the current discharge is not at all fatal, but tangible, it can greatly frighten a curious baby. According to the principle of operation and efficiency, the device has earned a lot of positive feedback, the task of its owner is only to follow the instructions and instructions for the operation of the electronic trap and to replace the lamp in a timely manner.

Instructions for using the device
Electric insect trap emits rays invisible to the human eye, but the glow itself becomes less bright over time. Having noticed this, we can conclude that the time has come to replace the lamp. The insect trap lamp should be replaced approximately once a year for the appliance to work effectively. Once in a period of 1-2 months, the device should be cleaned of accumulating dead insects. Place the electronic trap away from damp places and food areas.
Electric cockroach trap
Trapping devices powered by electricity are mainly used to kill cockroaches. This insect trap is a small device inside which you need to lay the bait. After that, the device is connected to the network for a certain period of time. The cockroach army, attracted by the tempting smell of the bait, one by one penetrates inside the device, where they get through and receive an electrical discharge incompatible with life.

Since the principle of operation of such traps is associated with electricity, they should only be installed in dry places. An indisputable plus of such devices is their durability. The owner will only need to periodically replace the bait and sometimes clean the electric trap from dead insects, of course, first disconnecting it from the network.
Main types of insect traps
By their principle and design, most traps are similar to each other. Some of them are presented in the form of small boxes: square, round or rectangular, along the edges of which there are several openings for entry. Inside such a device is hidden poisonousbait. Other types of traps are based on the principle of ultrasonic devices. Such devices destroy insects with an electric current. Which device to choose depends only on your preferences.
Glue insect trap
Glue types of traps are among the safest and most effective inventions, which are also very affordable. The general principle of the device is based on the use of sticky, but fragrantly attractive bait for insects, which is applied from the inside to the bottom of a small cardboard house. Insects follow the smell, make their way inside the box, from where they can no longer get out, as their paws firmly stick to the sticky glue bottom.

It is necessary to put glue traps for insects in the places of the most active movements of these uninvited guests, and such areas are easy to identify by visible traces of their vital activity. Despite the fact that such an adhesive application does not dry out for quite a long time, nevertheless, the houses often have to be changed due to insects accumulated in them. Therefore, when choosing them, it is better to purchase several of these trap houses at once.
Insecticide traps
A lot of positive feedback also deserved a trap for insects, inside which there is a special insecticide. Cockroaches that have been inside the device and tasted the poisonous bait, before dying, carry the poison on their paws to their nests and to places of large concentrations of their relatives,what causes their massive infection. The substance very quickly produces its detrimental effect on the body of insects, poisoning and sterilizing them, and sometimes just a few days are enough to completely get rid of the numerous annoying hosts, and at the same time greatly reduce their population as a whole.

Such traps can be used repeatedly, since insects can neither adapt nor get used to the poisonous substance from which the insecticide is made. The back panel of most models of these traps is equipped with a sticky surface, which allows you to place the device even on vertical surfaces, for example, on the back wall of a kitchen cabinet or wardrobe, under the sink, on the side of the refrigerator.
Pheromone trap
Female insects during the breeding season determined for them by nature secrete a substance with pheromones that attracts males. Males can smell this substance, which causes them to mate, from several kilometers away. An insect trap using an artificially produced pheromone fragrance is, in principle, simple to the point of impossibility. The design is based on the use of an adhesive tape, in the middle of which a flavoring agent is applied. Striving for an enticing smell, insects, having stepped on the tape, remain on it, not having the opportunity and strength to tear themselves away from its sticky base.
Based on the above, it can be concluded that today insect traps are very diverse and very effective.