Equipment for a long journey, an experienced tourist will definitely think about the possibility of comfortable cooking. Of course, the conveniences in this case are conditional, but it is more expedient to use a special device than to hope for favorable weather for making a fire. Moreover, the market offers very interesting solutions for such tasks. The best option would be a portable device that works offline. In particular, camping gas stoves and burners have long established themselves in the circles of avid fishermen and travelers. True, so that the unit does not disappoint during operation, you should responsibly approach its choice. Models of such burners differ in many criteria, including power, design, type of ignition, etc. But first, you should figure out why you should choose from gas devices, because there are also good models with a different source of supply on the market.
What are the advantages of gas burners?

Unlike other varieties, gas models do not require preheating time. That is, the device itself will start working directly.with dishes immediately after switching on. It is also one of the most compact and lightweight designs - for example, some models weigh no more than 100 grams without a cylinder. The only caveat is related to security. It is widely believed that a camping gas burner is not suitable for use in a tent. In fact, this is not the case, since in the process of burning the flame does not create the effect of a torch. However, a fire is theoretically possible. If you leave the burner on for a long time, but without ignition, then a third-party fire can lead to a fire. Therefore, the safety rules should be remembered. However, the same applies to other types of burners.
Selection of the optimal design

Regular camping stoves can come in three designs. The most reliable option in operation is considered to be a model that provides for connection to a cylinder and gas supply through a hose. In this case, the burner can stand separately on its legs, which will give it stability. This, in fact, is due to the convenience in its use. But the same device is considered the most cumbersome. The second type of design involves a connection without a hose, in which the camping gas burner is also located separately from the cylinder. The advantages of this type include low price, and the disadvantages are the collet thin-walled material from which the gas container is made. And the third type is a device in the form of a nozzle, which is attached to the cylinder from above. That is, the hose is again missing, but this advantage is often blocked by the instability of the burner. Nozzlemakes the design taller, so when choosing such a device, preference should be given to complete sets with reliable stands.
What to consider in a gas bottle?

Without looking up from the connection between the burner and the gas tank, it is worth considering the requirements for cylinders in more detail. There are no particular difficulties in choosing a material - with the exception of collet models, all modern products provide sufficient reliability. It is more important to pay attention to the fuel with which cylinders for camping gas burners and stoves are filled. Again, the choice is represented by three options - isobutane mixture, butane directly and propane. The optimal solution refers to the first type of fuel. The fact is that isobutane provides clean combustion, while giving a fairly high thermal effect. Propane and butane cylinders are also found on the market, but less frequently. For example, butane is not as popular due to problems in burning in the cold. But in any case, regardless of the chosen filling, it is worth considering one trick in the operation of the balloon. Some modern models are equipped with a system that automatically stops the gas supply at the moment it is disconnected from the burner. This feature is useful both as a safety feature and as a way to increase the efficiency of your burners.
Power selection

At first glance, high power is a plus for any burner, as this characteristic increases the performance of the device. In practice, however, this does not alwaysrational use of the unit. For example, when you need to cook a small amount of food, high power is not required at all. On the other hand, low productivity will also not give a good result if you need to serve a large company. Accordingly, the question arises: how to choose a camping gas burner of optimal power? You should be guided by a simple rule - 1 kW is provided for 1 liter. According to this scheme, a 2 kW apparatus should be used for three people, since such a group of people needs to cook 2 liters of food - for example, it can be cereals, soups, tea, etc. In this case, the average power level is considered, but also there are devices for 5 kW, which will provide food and more tourists.
Requirements for the ignition system

Here the choice is small and represented by two options. These are models with and without piezo ignition. If a simple cheap model of the second category is purchased, then you need to prepare for self-ignition using matches or a lighter. It is clear that in conditions of extreme cold or in inclement weather with precipitation, this option will be inconvenient, if not impossible. Therefore, among experienced tourists, a camping gas burner, which provides for piezo ignition, is highly respected. In essence, this is a simple and useful option that will allow the burner to work without third-party sources of fire. But not everything is simple here either. The fact is that a standard piezo ignition may not fulfill its task at an altitude of more than 4000 m. In addition, it requires careful treatment of the burner in terms of protection against moisture - this factor also disables automatic ignition. However, these shortcomings do not in the least detract from this function, since it does not exclude the possibility of starting the burner normally with matches. If the main ignition method does not work, then you can use auxiliary means.
The nuances of choosing camping stoves
The main difference between a camping stove and a burner is the presence of a housing. This means that the device gets the ability to install the cylinder directly into the structure, which, in turn, adds to the mass. This choice is worth making if you need convenient equipment for cooking, which will not cause problems with installation and ignition. A camping gas stove with a ceramic burner is especially attractive in its qualities, since it is more durable and reliable. I must say that only the head is made of ceramics. The peculiarity of this model is that the working element does not heat up, and this saves gas. Almost all tourist stoves on gas fuel are started from automatic ignition. In this case, it is not as capricious in severe operating conditions as in combination with conventional burners.
Stovetop food - what to consider?

As mentioned above, the stove has the ability to integrate a gas cylinder into its body. In itself, this is not a bad solution, but there are times when separation of these components is required. I.eit should also be possible to connect the device to the cylinder through the same hose. In order not to miscalculate in choosing the configuration of interaction with the power source, you should refer to multifunctional models. In particular, it can be a universal camping gas stove. A portable gas burner in this design will provide the ability to work both from a built-in cylinder and from a container connected through a hose.
Burner accessories
Manufacturers of this type of burner offer many useful accessories. One of the most important is the panel with the wind protection function. Also, if you plan to hike in the dark, it would be useful to provide the device with a special nozzle with a heater. This device is complemented by a camping ceramic gas burner, and standard models. As a result, the device will provide the tent not only with heat, but also with light. In addition, a complete set of equipment is impossible without a suitable case, in which it will be possible to securely lay all the structural elements.

Modern tourist equipment, in addition to the quality of its immediate functions, is also characterized by ergonomics, low weight and compactness. A camping gas burner also meets these requirements, which without any problems is part of the equipment of any tourist. Of course, there are larger versions, and there are smaller ones, but in any case, there will be no problems with the choice of this unit for a number of basic requests. In terms of costs, suchdevices are also humane. There are models within 1 thousand rubles, and there are options for 3-5 thousand. The price is mostly determined by the type of design, functionality and power. At the moment, Primus, Coleman, JetBoil, Campingaz and Kovea can be considered the main manufacturers of gas burners that are popular with the user.