Today, begonia is the most common indoor plant. This subtropical colorful plant attracts flower growers with decorative leaves or beautiful bright flowers.

They say that begonia has a certain magical attraction: whoever sees it at least once will fall in love with it at first sight. It is possible that you are also interested in begonia. This article will tell you how to care for begonia at home.
There are many types of begonias, but all representatives of exotic flora can be divided into decorative leafy and flowering. Decorative deciduous plants attract with colorful leaves with different colors, but with small flowers or their absence at all. Blooming species pride themselves on their bright, double flowers of red, pink, yellow, white and other spectral colors and hues. The well-known begonia terry mix is a common representative of flowering begonia. This species is most often seen in garden stores and, of course, purchased.
Terry begonia mix: features of caring for her
So, if you purchased a flowering begonia, the question itself arises: “How to care for begonia at home?” Begonia is a very capricious plant and its “accumulation”

in your room is influenced even by the time of its purchase and transportation. It is better not to buy begonias in winter, as rather sharp temperature changes can kill them.
It is best to place the begonia on a southwest or southeast window sill, as direct sunlight is completely contraindicated for the plant. If you have chosen the right place for her, then with her flowering she will delight you throughout the spring-summer period. Closer to late autumn, the bulb stops growing, and the plant "goes" into a dormant period.
How to care for begonias at home if the flowering period is over? Reduce watering and fertilizing. As the leaves shed, it is necessary to transfer the pot with the plant to the basement, providing the begonias with rest at a temperature of 10-13 degrees, periodically moistening the ground.

In early spring, move the pot back to the permanent place of "residence", and start watering the plant more often.
What does begonia not like?
Since the plant is quite whimsical, you should know how to care for begonias at home, avoiding common mistakes in this business.
1. Begonia does not tolerate drafts and changes in location. Therefore, you need to decide on a room,where a flowering plant will show off, delighting others.
2. It should be watered regularly, but moderately, since it is forbidden to flood the plant.
3. Exotic beauties do not tolerate spraying: the leaves become covered with brown spots and die.
4. Prefers loose, nutritious soil. Does not tolerate souring, so you need good drainage to the bottom of the pot.
If the care of the begonia was violated, the plant will feel it perfectly and may become infected with some diseases. You can also learn everything about begonia from special literature.