How to care for cyclamen at home

How to care for cyclamen at home
How to care for cyclamen at home

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Many beginner flower growers say that cyclamen is a very capricious flowering plant. From the information below, you will learn whether this opinion is true, as well as how to care for cyclamen at home.

how to care for cyclamen at home
how to care for cyclamen at home

In autumn, closer to winter, the flower shops are covered with many colorful "butterflies" fluttering over the greenery of the leaves. These are unusually shaped indoor cyclamen flowers. Of course, it is difficult for flower lovers to refrain from such a purchase, and a colorful flower appears in the house.

In order for it to please you with its bright flowering, and it lasted for a long time, be sure to read how to care for cyclamen at home. With proper care, this rather unpretentious plant can live with you for up to 20-25 years. In addition to the fact that cyclamen is a beautiful perennial exotic plant, its annual tubers are an excellent remedy for sinusitis.

Features of plant care

If you decide to put on your windowsillthese indoor flowers, the encyclopedia will tell you

indoor flowers encyclopedia
indoor flowers encyclopedia

that the most common types of cyclamen are Persian and European. This "Persian" pleases us in winter with its flowering, while in the European cyclamen, the vegetation begins in the spring, and flowering in the summer. These beauties love a well-lit place on the windowsill, but not direct sunlight.

Cyclamen captivates with its bright original buds of red, pink, white and many shades. Flowers are simple and double. But the main feature of this plant is the profusion of bud formation. With the right content, cyclamen will give you up to 60 colorful flowers! Like all indoor plants and flowers, it needs timely watering and regular feeding. Water cyclamen with regular flowering plant food once every 10 days.


indoor plants and flowers
indoor plants and flowers

The mistake of novice flower growers and just plant lovers is spraying cyclamen leaves. Doing this is strictly prohibited! The plant needs moderate, careful watering so that settled water does not fall on the leaves and growing point. Otherwise, the leaves are affected by rot, and the plant dies. Excessive drying of the soil also negatively affects the condition of the plant - diseases characteristic of cyclamen develop.

You can find other information about how to care for cyclamen at home, but remember that mass drying of the leaves begins in spring. Notthink you did something wrong. This is a natural physiological process - the transition of the plant into a dormant period, which will last approximately 8 months. Therefore, closer to spring, watering and fertilizing should be carried out less often, and in case of complete drying of the plant, rearrange the flower pot in a dark, cool place. Remember to keep the soil moist.

Plants should not be taken lightly, because you have already received the basic knowledge of how to care for cyclamen at home. And in order to enjoy the appearance of buds next year, you need to treat the content of this exotic miracle with all your heart and responsibility.
