Many people like the taste of pistachios. This delicacy can not only be bought in stores, but also grown independently. The pistachio tree grows in hot countries, its planting and care are simple, you just need to have a warm temperature. It is difficult to grow it in Russia, but there are still some recommendations that will allow you to do it at home.
Pistachio tree has another name - green almond. It grows up to 30 feet tall, usually in poor, rocky soils. The plant is also found on slopes and in areas with cool winters, as it is able to tolerate frosts down to -20 degrees. And what a pistachio tree looks like, you can find out from the photo.

It can tolerate drought and does not require special care. Because of the beautiful leaves and reddish fruits, the plant is valued for ornamental purposes. In Central Asia, where pistachios grow, there are rocky slopes. Exactlytrees grow there. They have an unusual root system, therefore they are able to extract moisture from semi-desert and rocky areas. Because of this, thickets do not form.
How and where does it grow?
The pistachio tree was first mentioned in 7000 BC. e. The first copies were found in the Middle East, but they soon spread to Europe due to the simple care and original taste of the fruit.
Pistachios grow in the highlands of Asia. Artificially planted crops have taken root in Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan. Cultivation in our country is carried out in the Caucasian and Crimean mountains. Another crop is planted in plots as a decorative element.

A deciduous tree has medium-length dissected leaves (up to 20 cm), a branched trunk with a rough surface. The crown is low-set and dense. How does the pistachio tree bloom? Flowers are divided into male and female species. The former are presented in the form of wide panicles (5-6 cm), and the latter in the form of long inflorescences. Flowering occurs in March-April.
When does the pistachio tree bear fruit? The first fruits can be harvested at the end of September. They are presented in the form of a long seed with a hard shell, inside of which there is a soft core. Walnut may have a green or yellowish tint. It is edible, so a lot of pistachio oil is made from it, which is used in cooking, medicine, and cosmetology.
Fit features
Pistachios are difficult to accept in the garden. To get spreadkrone, hot, sunny and dry weather is required - summer. It is not easy for a culture to survive a long winter with low temperatures.
To grow a pistachio tree at home, you need sandy soil that maintains the required acidity - 7-7, 8 pH. The best soil is rocky and s alty. It is advisable to apply top dressing, which must be alternated regularly.
Today, everyone can plant a crop on the site. It is allowed to grow and decorative view of the window. You just need to follow some rules. How to grow a pistachio tree? Germination required:
- fresh drupe soaked in growth stimulant;
- then should be planted in sandy soil;
- then abundant watering;
- at the end, cover with lutrasil, a non-woven fabric used in the manufacture of greenhouses.

Emerged sprouts are fragile, so it takes a lot of effort to grow the crop. It is all the more difficult to establish which of them are “girls” and which are “boys”. But you can buy a stronger seedling in the nursery.
Growing from cuttings
With this method of cultivation, the crop bears fruit after 10-12 years, it all depends on the conditions. How to plant a pistachio tree with cuttings? To plant a seedling in the ground, you need to make a large hole. For several seedlings, it is preferable to make holes at a distance of at least 3 meters. Before this, you need to check the roots, cut off the damagedsections and sprinkle with ash slices. Then planting is carried out, and then it is necessary to compact and water.

Young crops don't need special care. In the summer, they should be watered every 2 weeks, and in the fall, watering is reduced. For the 2nd year, top dressing is required with the help of phosphorus, potash, nitrogen fertilizers. The soil around the plants should be clean, free of weeds.
Conditions and care
The pistachio tree does not require frequent watering and is drought tolerant. You can find out when watering is required by the dryness of the soil. If you want to get fruits from a crop, then you need to plant male and female seedlings nearby.
A fruitful tree is also grown from a walnut, but from a natural one (harvested from a tree and not treated with chemical components). Germination is carried out with the help of a fruit in which the seed is tightly closed. The first fruits should be expected in 6-8 years, and when planting a nut - 12-14.
Recommendations from gardeners
Experts recommend adhering to the following rules.
- Growing should be done in a well-lit area, such as a balcony, and with a low level of humidity (using a dehumidifier).
- The plant needs high temperatures, so in winter you need to take it to a warm and bright room.
- You should prepare a long flowerpot or pot, and then fill in sandy s alty soil.
- In many cities of Russia, it is difficult to buy seedlings, so tightly closed seeds are usually grown.
- It is necessary to plant seeds in the soil to a depth of 4 cm. Plantingmust be done in groups to improve germination.
- Requiring moderate watering then.

You can grow a culture at home, most importantly, follow the simple recommendations provided by experts. In addition, not only the tree will grow, but also the fruits.
Usually it comes in September. Nuts must be dried in the sun, and then they are suitable for storage for 1 year. Often they are soaked in saline and fried.
Harvest the fruit when the outer husk weakens. They fall easily, you just need to shake the tree. The husk covers the pale green fruits, placed in a beige body. One crop can have approximately 25 kg of shelled nuts.

If fried pistachios are put in airtight packaging, they can be stored for several months. And when frozen, the fruits are preserved for many years without loss of taste and minerals. Pistachios are the best nuts, about 80-90% fried and s alted are used as a snack. Unroasted peeled fruits have a sweet taste and are used in culinary business.
The product is of great value for human he alth.
- Nuts are indispensable for people with problems of the circulatory system. If you constantly use them in small quantities, you will be able to improve the condition of the circulatory system, as well as normalize cholesterol.
- When problems with the liver, pistachios will be the best helpers. howexperts believe that a moderate amount of the product cleanses the bile ducts and eliminates bouts of hepatic colic.
- Nuts have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and improve digestion. They play an important role in the treatment of tuberculosis, since when they are taken, the heartbeat and breathing normalize.
- With constant intellectual stress and fatigue, you can use these he althy nuts. The fruit is a powerful aphrodisiac for men.
- The use of pistachios in cosmetology is known, since the oil from them has a rejuvenating, regenerating and nourishing effect on the skin. In addition, it protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
But pistachios also have negative sides. They are recognized as a strong allergen, so they can lead to anaphylactic shock, so it is important to eat the product carefully, especially if it is tried for the first time. It is advisable to eat a few nuts and control the reaction of the body. In addition, pistachios contain a lot of fat, and excessive consumption leads to excess weight.
Interesting facts
There are facts you don't know about.
- Trees have a long lifespan. On average, it is 500 years, but about 1/3 live up to 800.
- Height can be within 5-7 meters.
- Mature nuts are harvested at night. The reason for this is the pungent smell of the leaves. It is believed that the essential oil is unhe althy, it increases blood pressure.
- Nuts have all the vitamins you need for he althy teeth. The use of the product improves tooth enamel and strengthensgums.
- Fruits have a tonic effect, as well as the ability to improve mood. The reason for this, scientists call the presence of essential oil, which in small quantities has a positive effect on humans.
- The cost of nuts is high. Difficulties in growing with low yields, requirements for growing places do not allow to obtain fruits in large quantities.
- No pistachio forests, crops grow singly. It does not affect pollination. One male tree can pollinate many females.

Thus, growing a pistachio tree at home is noticeably more complicated, but still possible. The recommendations of experts make it possible to do everything right.