Sand-cement block: properties

Sand-cement block: properties
Sand-cement block: properties

Many beginners in running their own household in a summer cottage or in the countryside are interested in the question of what to build buildings from. Indeed, in the modern market of building materials there is a wide range of wall blocks, wood materials, frame construction technologies. What material to choose as the main one for building the foundation and walls of a house, cottage, garage or barn? In this article, we will consider the properties of such a material as a sand-cement block, its characteristics and applications.


Sand-cement wall blocks contain high-quality Portland cement, coarse sand and stone chips as the main components. Rare manufacturers include plasticizers and other additives in their composition.

sand-cement block
sand-cement block

Sand-cement blocks: specifications

In accordance with GOST 6133-99, such blocks are made with dimensions of 390190190 and 400200200 mm. Other characteristics include:

• weight - 14-18 kg;

• thermal conductivity - 0.4-0.55 W (mC);

• strength - M- 35;

• frost resistance - F-25;

• block density– 940-1100 kg/m3.

Production technology

Sand-cement block is formed from a sand-concrete mixture by vibrocompression, which determines its high compressive strength and long service life. This technology provides almost ideal geometric parameters of the blocks and compliance of practical data with the declared characteristics.

sand cement blocks specifications
sand cement blocks specifications

Varieties and advantages of blocks

Sand-cement block can be solid or hollow. There are two, four, 7 or 8 cavities inside. Hollow block options have somewhat less strength, but they are more heat-shielding and soundproof, and also have less weight and price.

Sand-cement blocks 20x20x40 cm, as a rule, are used in the construction of load-bearing structures, supporting columns, foundations, basement walls. Walls can be half a block thick, single-row, one-and-a-half, or double-thick. Due to the high strength characteristics and satisfactory thermal insulation properties of hollow blocks in the central strip of Russia, a single-row thickness is sufficient when laying external walls. The sand-cement block is resistant to aggressive environmental influences and is also used in industrial construction. The consumer qualities of the blocks include:

• ease of masonry process;

• ease of plastering and painting of blocks;

• reasonable cost;

• environmental friendly;

• good sound insulationand wall insulation.

sand-cement blocks 20x20x40
sand-cement blocks 20x20x40

Scope of application

Sand-cement blocks allow you to create unique load-bearing structures of houses, buildings with their further insulation. They are recommended for use in the construction of foundations, plinths and external walls of industrial buildings, low-rise construction and multi-storey buildings (of which walls are filled during monolithic construction). Laying sand-cement blocks is lighter than laying single bricks. After all, the volume of one sand-cement block is equivalent to the volume of 7 bricks.

The construction of foundations and basement floors of buildings from sand blocks has a special benefit compared to the pouring method. This makes it possible to eliminate the process of preparing the formwork and immediately after laying the foundation, start laying the walls, without waiting for the concrete to set, which gives a significant, at least a month, acceleration of the construction work.

When constructing foundations and basement floors of buildings, it is advisable to use solid blocks, and when laying walls - hollow ones, which reduces the cost of construction, improves the heat and sound insulation qualities of walls and reduces the requirements for foundation strength. For the installation of partition walls, you can use special partition wall sand-cement blocks with a thickness reduced by half. They are also available in solid or hollow.

An even greater gain in the cost of construction work can be achieved by using sand-cement blocks for masonry walls with the addition of porousmaterials - expanded clay, fine slag, sawdust.


The use of sand-cement blocks in the construction of low-rise buildings can significantly speed up the work while meeting the requirements for heat and sound insulation, strength and durability of buildings. It is these distinctive features that determine their widespread use in modern construction.
