Modern construction market is in constant improvement. There are very convenient products for the repair and decoration of houses. Many of them can be used to cover walls from the inside and outside. Finishing with a block house - a relatively new material - became possible only a few years ago. Let's get to know her better.
Method of manufacturing a finishing structure
There are enough analogues among finishing building materials. So, a block house can be compared with eurolining. The starting material for the manufacture of the latter is a flat board. The basis of the new product is a whole log.
The block house "Wood" is a design obtained on machines designed for wood processing. The technology of its production consists in the implementation of the "square in a circle" scheme. The initial material - a log - is processed to obtain a square profile. Cut planes with a semicircular shape are a blank for the production of a block house.

Further, the workpieces are to be cut, polished, equipped with a lock likethorn groove and special notches on the reverse side. The advantages of the new material are as follows:
- For the manufacture of the block house panel, natural material is used - wood, with high quality characteristics.
- The ease and simplicity of connecting structural elements to each other gives it a significant superiority over its counterpart - eurolining.
- Blockhouse cladding gives the house the appearance of a log texture.
- Ease of assembly and a well-thought-out system for connecting panels to each other allow you to carry out sheathing at home on your own, without the involvement of specialists.
Types and purpose of block house
Wooden modern block house decoration is available in various sizes. Dimensions and thickness determine the directions of its application:
- The panel for exterior finishes has a width of 19 cm or more, its thickness must be at least 3.6 cm.
- The block house for interior decoration has a narrower shape. The width of such elements can be no more than 9 cm.
- Wide block house - outdoor - is used not only in the decoration of houses. For all building structures that require insulation that matches the exterior design, this material can be used.
In addition to various types of wood, the production of a block house made of plastic and metal, imitating wood and, of course, differing in cost, has been established. So, if you take a vinyl block house under a log, its price will start from 200 rubles per square meter. This very light material used for claddingpavilions and summer cafes are in great demand.
And for a metal block house the price is less than for natural wood products, but higher than the vinyl counterpart - from 500 rubles per square meter.
Features and advantages of the block house
Those who, when starting to build a house, are looking for the possibility of saving, you can offer its foundations from cheaper materials, followed by facing the finished house with a finishing material that imitates natural. Of the many proposals, the most popular and relatively inexpensive is the block house finish.

Blockhouse panels have many advantages:
- High strength, resistance to mechanical damage.
- Aesthetics of the appearance of the room after facing with a block house.
- Sufficiently light in weight, the panel does not create a large load on the foundation of the house, the foundation.
- Serves as a good protection for the structure of the house, contributes to the preservation of heat inside it.
- Provides the quality of finishing the facades of houses, baths, cellars, arbors.
- It is resistant to temperature extremes, without the consequences of the appearance of external defects in the form of cracks, distortions, thanks to waxing technology.

In addition, today, finishing a house with a block house requires less financial costs compared to other analogues with similar characteristics.
Disadvantages of facing material
Like any block house building productsome disadvantages are also characteristic:
- Despite the simple installation principles, it is imperative to follow the cladding technology so that there are no costs in the form of deformation processes.
- Low steam permeability. As a result, condensation may accumulate on the inner surface of the panel.
- UV radiation reduces the life of the block house.
- Blockhouse panels can be used as a decorative cladding material. There are no insulation characteristics for this material. If finishing with a block house with insulation is required, additional insulation must be used - natural or synthetic.
- Mandatory care is required during operation, as dust, dirt deposited on the surface will spoil the overall appearance.
- High flammability.
Exterior cladding panels
The block house comes to the market in plastic packaging. The choice of the basis of the material is quite diverse. The customer can choose from pine, spruce, larch or oak according to his preference.

The dimensions of the boards are as follows:
- board length - 2m or 6m;
- width and thickness vary - 90mm wide board is 20mm thick, 140mm wide board is 30mm thick, and wider board is 45mm thick.
Currently, the finishing panel comes to the consumer in the form ready for installation, that is, it is equipped with the necessary fasteners. Block house in this designgreatly simplifies and speeds up surface finishing.
Preparing for sheathing
Getting started with the tree view of the panels, you need to perform some preliminary operations:
- Treatment of wooden elements with an antiseptic preparation that prevents wood decay, and additional treatment with a fire retardant, which will increase resistance to fire and mold. The manufacturer is currently releasing material that has already undergone such processing.
- A film of vapor barrier material is attached around the perimeter of the house with a slight overlap, fastening it with staples using a construction stapler.
- On top of the vapor barrier, a crate is equipped using beams for this. They are fastened to a facade made of wood or clay with self-tapping screws, and frame dowels are used for a brick base. The bars are fixed after checking their horizontal position with a level. It serves as the basis for mounting the block house.

Next is the laying of insulation blocks in the prepared cells of the crate.
Tools and fasteners for facade mounting
Metal block house, the price of which is much higher than other types of panels, has gained popularity due to the external effect of the facades of private houses. To cope with the lining of this material with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists, you need to have basic knowledge in construction, the ability to use tools.
So, before starting work, you need to make sure you have the necessary tools, fasteners andmaterials:
- staple fiberglass and fibrous thermal insulation material (rock wool) to provide heat retention, sound reduction and vapor barrier (used as boards);
- special materials to protect walls and insulation from moisture. The most practical is foil kraft paper or film;
- wood bars to form the crate (the dimensions of these elements: 40 x 50 mm, 30 x 50 mm);
- hammer for galvanized nails;
- drill with screwdriver functions;
- a tool for sizing wooden parts, a saw, a jigsaw or a simple hacksaw;
- water building level;
- construction stapler for fastening insulating materials;
- fastener elements: self-tapping screws, nails, kleimers.

Step by step steps of facade cladding
Installation of block-house panels on external walls is carried out on a prepared surface. The operation is the same for all types of this facing material:
- Before starting work, a vinyl block house under a log, the price of which is affordable for middle-income homeowners, is laid out indoors to adapt the material to the environment. This procedure should be applied to any type of block house panels to eliminate shrinkage and the possibility of warping the finished skin. It is recommended to do it only in summer dry weather. In winter, block-house sheathing is allowed only inside heated rooms.
- The surface of the walls needs to be cleanedfrom old upholstery and dirt.
- The prepared surface of the facade is covered with a vapor barrier material, attaching it to the wall with construction tape.
- On top of the vapor barrier layer, using 50x50 mm wooden bars, the battens are mounted. It is attached to a brick surface with dowels, and self-tapping screws are used for a wooden facade.
- The wooden crate should be treated with special preparations that protect the wood from decay and insect pests;
- Insulation plates are placed in the cells of the crate and a moisture-absorbing film is attached to it.
- An additional crate is being installed from bars measuring 30x40 mm. This is necessary to ensure ventilation between the layers of heat, steam, moisture insulation and the cladding of the block house.
- Block-house panels begin to be laid from above, after marking the boundaries of the area intended for work. The first element is mounted on the wall strictly horizontally, as it represents the basis of the skin. This is checked using the building level.
- Finishing the facade with a block house requires the arrangement of panels with grooves down, which will prevent moisture from entering under the skin, protect its inside from decay and increase its service life.
- The following panel components are mounted by placing the tongue into the groove at an angle of 45o. They are to the crate with screws or nails, being careful not to damage the part.
- On the finished skin, additional measures are carried out necessary to mask the fasteners with plugs and a paste prepared by mixing sawdust and glue.

Panels can be fastened with self-tapping screws and nails, followed by their masking procedure. The second assembly option is carried out using kleimers - special metal plates with a platform with a mounting bracket to fix one of the adjacent parts of the groove.
Block house elements have holes for self-tapping screws or nails and a foot for installing the block house spike into the groove of the previous panel. Preparing the installation of the block house on the kleimers, consists in attaching the latter to the crate.
It is recommended to fasten the closing strip of the block house with self-tapping screws or nails, providing its more reliable, durable fixation.
Designing the outer corner of the facade with a block house
The cladding of the facade is completed by the design of the corners. The complexity of this stage lies in the fact that when connecting the panels end-to-end, a special sawing of the ends of the block house is required. This operation requires the use of a special tool. In addition, a tight joint will create the problem of free deformation of the panels when the ambient temperature changes. That is, only specialists can join the corners of the block house on the facade.
When doing the work yourself, it is more expedient to use ready-made docking elements - planks and corners. With these details, you can close the joints of the block house at the corners of the facade. Attached with a special adhesive, they will hermetically close the joint and perform a decorative function.
Another option is a rounded wooden beam, 50x50 mm.
Architectural design
Another necessary operation when facing a house is the design of platbands. This home element has a dual function:
- Window decoration, decoration of the facade, creating the personality of the outside of the house.
- Masking cracks, an additional way to insulate the interior space of the room, protecting it from drafts of dust and moisture.
In order for the facade to have a complete look, windows and entrance doors are framed with platbands. They can be flat, semicircular and curly. They fix the structure in the usual way, framing the windows with overhead strips. The second method is more advanced, has a special design with protrusions designed to be attached to the window frame.
Rules for the care of facade cladding
Block house, after completion of installation work, it is necessary to prepare for long-term operation. To do this:
- material surface treatment with colorless antiseptics and stains based on wax or alcohol;
- coating with varnish or special paint designed to protect wood from exposure to ultraviolet dried base layer;
- sanding a completely dry coating;
- additional surface treatment with a layer of varnish (paint).
The performed operations will protect the house cladding from the effects of external climatic conditions, extend its service life.
The block house for interior decoration after completion of the work is subjected to a similar treatment five years later, after a preliminary inspectioncoatings. Detected damage must be repaired before updating the surface of the facade.