Any owner of a private cottage or house is well aware that the arrangement of the yard is not so simple. It is in the yard that experienced landscape designers or owners of a suburban area create real beauty. However, when arranging the decor of the yard, it is necessary to plant flowers in a certain order, follow the rules for caring for them, and also choose garden furniture that fits perfectly into the design. Beginners in this business can do without extra financial investments, as well as without design services, if they use some tips on how to beautifully decorate their garden with flowers and improvised materials on their own. If everything is done correctly, then you can create beautiful decorations for the yard that will delight the eyes of not only their owners, but also guests.
Before you start arranging your yard or garden, you need to clearly draw up a plan of your actions. Gardenthe yard is an area adjacent to a private house. It is this area that is the main object of attention. Therefore, it is safe to say that the courtyard tells a lot about its owner.
Before you start planning the decor of the yard, you need to determine for yourself what exactly you want to see in it: a mowed lawn, beautiful flower beds, chic lighting or a large pool. Much here will also depend on what kind of lifestyle the owner leads, whether he has pets, children, and how often barbecue gatherings are organized at home in the yard.
Already at the initial stage of planning, important nuances should be taken into account, thanks to which it will be possible to significantly save your money, save yourself from buying unnecessary materials, and reduce time.

Territory area
The next step in planning the decor of the courtyard is the measurement of the territory. If a small yard is being arranged, then it will be much more problematic, since there is not much space here, for example, to install a gazebo, a pool, etc. But in a large area, the flight of fancy will be limited only by the financial capabilities of the owner, the type of soil, as well as landscape features.
If you plan to decorate the courtyard of a small private house, then the owner will have to impose some restrictions before work is carried out. Therefore, you should prioritize in advance, as well as clearly understand which elements are simply necessary to decorate the territory, and which are not.will be of particular importance. If the yard area is several square meters, then it will be difficult to place a sandbox, a barbecue area, a large flower bed at the same time.

Markup objects
When the area of the territory is measured, and the courtyard decor plan is drawn up, it is possible to mark out all the objects that will be located on the site. This must be done with maximum precision. To do this, it should be noted reservoirs, gazebos, rock gardens, which are planned to be organized on their site. It will be quite easy to make markings if the territory is divided into squares. On each of these squares, a specific decorative element or a separate structure is selected. They will be key. Thanks to this, it will be possible to evenly distribute all the elements, make decorations balanced and harmonious.
At this stage, you should also check the presence of groundwater in the yard, as well as lay the necessary communications with which decorative flowers will be watered, fountains or waterfalls will be organized.
Beautiful paths in the yard are a must for any landscape design. To do this, you can lay out alleys with the help of beautiful stones, making it more comfortable to move around the yard. In addition, each path performs the function of zoning, while being an important part of the decor.

In order for the tracks to be not only comfortable, but alsoattractive, you can use large and flat stones, gravel and concrete slabs, clinker bricks. Some people prefer to fence the paths with low curbs. You can also combine different materials to achieve the desired functionality, as well as turn a nondescript walkway into a work of art.
Lawn and flower beds
Many people cannot imagine their yard without a lawn. It must be necessarily even, and each bush will have to be cut regularly and very evenly. And it is not at all necessary to have a large area in order to sow a lawn on it. Even in small areas, evenly trimmed green grass looks very harmonious if it is skillfully combined with other decorative elements.
If we talk about decorative flowers that will be used for decoration, then their planting must be planned in such a way that after the flowering of some crops, buds bloom on others. Thanks to this, the flower carpet will constantly be fragrant in the yard and delight the eye with all the colors of the rainbow.
You should also pay attention to the fact that flowers can be planted not only in the ground, but also in special pots and garden tubs. If the terrain in the yard is uneven or wavy, steps can be built there, on which various plants are planted. Thus, it will be possible to create a real focal point and draw everyone's attention to the site.
Fountains and cascades
It is very difficult to organize a small pond on your suburban area, but the result will definitely exceed expectations. It will probably be necessary to take the help of professionals, to study the soil features on the site well, and also to choose suitable places for organizing a reservoir. In addition, the owner will have to bring all the necessary communications. If you organize a small pond, then it will look good in a small yard.

Lighting in the courtyard
There are two main reasons why you need to organize lighting in your yard. First of all, you can chat with friends until the morning. In addition, if there are flashlights on the site, then it is much safer to move around the territory at night.
However, experts recommend decorating your yard based on functional lighting. First of all, the main facade of the house, the main entrance, as well as the entrance to the garage should be highlighted. Designers also say that yard lights should be placed in such a way that the outlines of the site around the entire perimeter are clearly visible. Particular attention should be paid to garden paths and steps.
When the work on organizing the main lighting is completed, you can arrange decorative lighting. A garland of lights near flower beds, ponds, garden sculptures and rock gardens will look very unusual. And if trees and shrubs are decorated with LED strip, it will look even more attractive.
Courtyard decorations with improvised materials
A creative and extremely exciting activity can be called the design of your summer cottage withhelp of improvised materials. Depending on the area of the courtyard, it can be divided into several main zones. In the backyard, it is best to make a small cozy corner for relaxing, where you can place a barbecue and receive guests.

At the front of the yard, it is best to organize beautiful flower beds that can be decorated with various handicrafts made from improvised materials.
Using car tires
Many people think that old car tires are only suitable for creating flowerpots and flower beds, but this is absolutely not the case. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this material is ideal for creating country furniture. From car tires you can get unusual benches for the yard, tables, comfortable stools, sofas or bar stools.
If there are about 10 unnecessary tires, then you can make a very cozy sofa for giving. And if you put a beautiful wicker cover on a car tire, you can make an attractive coffee table or ottoman out of it.

In addition to furniture, various crafts for the playground can be made from this improvised material. For example, from car tires you can get a swing, on which kids will swing with pleasure in a summer cottage.
What can be done from an old bike
Quite often when designing a private courtyard, designers use old unnecessary things, such as bicycles, wheelbarrows, barrels. Of theseproducts you can get very unusual flower beds. Therefore, it is not necessary to throw out old unnecessary bicycles. To give this object a second chance for life, it is only necessary to paint it in some bright color, install baskets in front and behind, where the soil is poured. In conclusion, it is only necessary to plant beautiful flowers and plants in baskets.
It is worth paying attention to the fact that to create such a country decor, you can use not only a two-wheeled bicycle, but also a children's tricycle. It only takes a little imagination to create a beautiful bike craft.

Plastic and glass bottles
This stuff is more than affordable. If you are smart, empty plastic bottles can be used not only for growing seedlings, but also for decorative purposes of decorating your yard.
Glass bottles are ideal for decorating the borders of flower beds, garden paths and flowerbeds. And if you get some skills in working with glass goblets, you can make beautiful lamps, unusual hanging vessels where flowers will be grown, as well as bird feeders.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that you can use many different improvised materials to decorate your private yard. It is not necessary to invest heavily in the design of the territory. It just takes a little imagination and time.