What could be more beautiful than blooming roses? In every garden, with the help of this queen of flowers, you can create an atmosphere that combines romance, fabulousness and discreet luxury. Roses look equally impressive in flowerbeds, and in separate plantings, and even in a pot on the windowsill.
General information
Probably there is no woman who would not be pleased to receive a bouquet of these beautiful flowers. Roses have long been a symbol of love. Many garden plots adorn these beautiful flowers. They attract with their sophistication and beauty. But those who did not grow them do not even realize that this is a rather capricious culture.

Therefore, those who are just going to breed them need to be prepared for the fact that they will need some skill and patience. But the garden, immersed in fragrant flowers, will be a worthy reward for all the work.
Why prune roses
Care for this crop must be right. Only in this case, the plant will bloom magnificently, pleasing to the eye. One of the important aspects of care is properpruning roses. For beginner gardeners, this article provides information on the timing, as well as the technique for performing this procedure, which is carried out regularly. After all, in this way a person not only removes unnecessary shoots, but also creates favorable conditions for the formation of young shoots.
In addition, thanks to pruning, roses build up strength and develop better. The procedure affects both lush flowering and the life span of the bush. That is why pruning roses is considered one of the most important agricultural activities. I must say that this is a simple job, but different types of plants require a different approach. In any case, whether it is a hybrid tea variety or a Chinese rose, pruning stimulates the growth of young shoots and the development of the root system.

The bush will not only please with a large number of buds, but also with larger flowers, because as a result of the correct removal of weak branches and shoots, it will receive more nutrients.
When pruning
Any suburban area will get an aesthetic look if it has a front garden planted with flowering plants.
Roses are best suited for decorating your backyard, of course. However, they are quite whimsical in care. Even if one season is skipped pruning rose bushes, this can lead not only to a decrease in the number of buds, but also to the withering of the entire plant. Therefore, you need to know everything related to this event, strictly observe the deadlines and rules. For example, pruning roses in autumn is needed in order to prolong the youth of the bush,making him stronger. But most often gardeners carry out this work in the spring. Pruning roses immediately after the retreat of winter is intended to remove dead or frost-damaged branches. In addition, it is in early spring that bushes of these beautiful flowers are formed so that they do not become too thick and so that the shoots do not block the light from each other. Some varieties also require summer sanitary pruning after flowering. Thus, according to experts, the risk of diseases of the bushes is reduced.
Cutting types
There are several types of this event.

Strong or short pruning of roses is applied in the spring, after the winter shelter is removed from hybrid tea, polyanthus and floribunda. And it is also carried out when planting new seedlings. Strong pruning involves shortening the stems by two-thirds, to the level of the third or fourth point from the bottom. After flowering, the shoots are shortened by half.
Medium, or moderate pruning of roses is needed for medium-sized varieties. The bush in this case is formed to the level of 5-7 buds from the base.
Long or light pruning of climbing roses or hybrid tea varieties suggests a slight shortening of the branches. It is carried out in the spring when planting seedlings.
There are also combined and sanitary pruning roses. In the first case, the shoots of one plant are shortened to varying degrees. This is how some varieties of floribunda are cut, giving the bushes an elegant shape. For sanitary purposes, during the entire growing season, dry, weak branches are removed,shortened to green fabric.
Required inventory
For pruning, the gardener will need a sharp pruner, fairly thick gloves and some kind of antifungal drug. The tool must make a straight cut. And if he is stupid, then the torn place left by him can lead to illness and death of the plant. Before starting work, the secateurs must be disinfected with a manganese solution.
Autumn pruning - pros and cons
Pruning roses for the winter helps the bushes better tolerate the cold. It especially helps varieties prone to freezing. The benefits of autumn pruning are the following factors:
- already formed rose bushes are more convenient to cover for the winter;
- the plant will accumulate nutrients that will allow it to develop well in the spring;
- growth of new branches will increase;
- the root system will develop better;
- the bookmark of peduncles will increase;
- will minimize the risk of fungal infection.
However, autumn pruning of roses also has its drawbacks: if the night temperature rises to above zero, the growth of dormant buds may be stimulated.

As a result, the latter, having entered the stage of development, may die from subsequent frosts, leading to a disease of the shoot.
Which roses should be pruned in autumn?
The fact that before winter all the bushes of this beautiful culture need to be cleaned is unequivocal. But some varieties require pruning. And first of all it concernsfloribunda. In this type of roses, flower buds are placed on the shoots of this year only. Therefore, floribunda needs a combined pruning. Part of the branches is removed, leaving only up to ten buds, which will ensure early flowering. And the rest of the shoots are greatly shortened. They should have 3-5 buds left, which cause the growth of new ones and bloom later.
In polyanthus roses on adult bushes, you need to leave only 7-8 main branches, and remove the rest. By pruning, you can get a spherical shape of the bush. Be sure to clean and its middle. Shoots should be cut off by a third, and only one or two buds should be left on growths.

Do the same with miniature roses, shaping them to give symmetry. As for the stems, their type of pruning depends on the group of the grafted variety. In any case, experts do not recommend a strong option. In autumn, you just need to remove the flowers and unripe shoots, preparing the stem for the winter.
How to prune roses
For this agrotechnical event, it is better to choose a sunny and calm day. Pruning should begin first of all with the removal of damaged, dry, diseased and shoots directed inside the bush. They need to be shortened to a he althy area, and sometimes to the level of the soil.
If heavy pruning is expected, several he althy and strong shoots are selected, for example, five or six pieces, and the rest are cut off with a pruner at the root. About five buds are counted on the selected shoots, and the rest are removed. Trim carefully and quickly so as not to damage the bark. In this case, the extreme kidney, well developed, should look outward. Otherwise, as the bush grows, this will lead to its thickening. From the kidney, you need to step back one centimeter and make an oblique cut, which should be turned inward. This is necessary to prevent moisture retention.

After completion of work, all sections must be treated with garden pitch or any other antifungal agent. This is necessary so that harmful microorganisms do not get there. Cut shoots and leaves around the bush must be removed so that there is no decay.
How spring pruning is done
Before you start it, you should remove the winter shelter from the rose bush, remove debris and all old leaves, and also remove the mulch. Spring pruning of roses is carried out immediately after the establishment of warm weather, when the buds are already swollen, but the shoots have not yet started to grow. At this time, the bush needs sanitization. If the plant is too dense, it is thinned out, leaving four or five strong and he althy stems. It is important to use a very sharp tool that minimally injures the bush. In addition, all shoots on the bush must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees, stepping back from the last bud about five millimeters up.
In the spring, it is recommended to subject all types of roses to this event, since it is very important that all old and dry branches are removed. The plant will not spend its strength on them, but will build up new ones. ExceptIn addition, the bush will get the desired shape.
Pruning climbing varieties
Climbing roses should be treated very carefully. They are distinguished by thin branches, which, intertwined with each other, can crawl onto other plants. Pruning such plants primarily involves getting rid of those shoots that grow in the wrong direction. They should be removed immediately.
Pruning climbing roses is not difficult, but different groups and varieties require a different approach. This event, carried out incorrectly, can harm the plant and even destroy it. There are several types of pruning. A short one is carried out when planting rambler climbing roses. In the first year they do not bloom. However, with pruning, gardeners stimulate the growth of shoots that will give buds next year.
Medium pruning of roses is carried out in summer to remove shoots with faded flowers: they should be shortened to a well-developed bud. This stimulates new shoot formation and creates a decorative form for the bush.
In the case of light pruning in the spring, the tops of the shoots are removed from climbing roses. It is relevant immediately after removing the winter shelter.

How to care for indoor flowers
Pruning roses at home is one of the main secrets of their luxurious flowering. It must be said that in this matter miniature indoor flower queens do not differ from other varietal species. Pruning should be done three times a year - in spring, summer and autumn. This eventstimulates thickening of bushes, abundant flowering and growth. Basic pruning of indoor beauties is carried out immediately after the dormant period. Usually it is carried out in February or early March, when the buds begin to swell. First of all, all dry damaged shoots are removed. Trimming is carried out to he althy tissues. All weak, thinned shoots are also removed to the base.