If you are the owner of a private workshop or a paving slab enterprise, of course, you need to have a tool such as a vibrating table. You will make it with your own hands, or you will purchase a ready-made version in the store, it is not so important - the result and the quality of the work performed will be almost on the same level.

However, if your company's budget is significantly limited, you have no choice but to make this device with your own hands. That is why today we will look at how to make a vibrating table with minimal money and time.
To begin with, you should draw up an image of the future design, with which you will then produce tiles. As we know, the vibrating table performs one function - by its actions it expels excess air from the concrete solution, due to which the composition of the tile or other concrete productbecomes more durable.

But in order for the quality of work to really meet all expectations, it is necessary to draw up a drawing correctly. In the question "how to make a vibrating table with your own hands", the drawing should have the most accurate values and dimensions with all respect to scale. However, it is not necessary to draw lines with millimeter precision.
How to make a vibrating table with your own hands? Making the base
Now let's get to work. After reviewing the readings of the drawing, it is necessary to weld together several corners measuring 60x60x5 millimeters using a welding machine. At the same time, 4 bars must be cut off on the resulting frame and also welded to the structure. They should be placed symmetrically. With this angle of the frame base, cuts can be made at 450 for structural reliability.

The top cover is perhaps the only mechanism that almost completely repeats the contours of the base of the device. Due to this, making a vibrating table with your own hands is not very difficult. After the steel sheet is welded to the frame, proceed to install the motor (main vibrator). Yes, and install an OSB sheet between the frame with the sheet. This is done in order to remove unnecessary bumps, traces of welding or heads of mounting bolts.

How to choose a vibration motor for this tool?
When making a vibrating table with your own hands, remember that the main part of this device is a vibrator - a smallan electric motor that rotates the surface of the device (sheet at the base) from side to side. Some craftsmen use an engine from old washing machines as a power plant, others purchase a ready-made unit in a store. It is worth noting that the first option is not so reliable and durable. The maximum, for how long the motor from the washing machine was enough, is for 20-25 switching cycles. Further, the motor required replacement (in its design, the axle began to dangle, or the bearings were wedged). Therefore, for the production of paving slabs, it is best to buy ready-made vibrators in stores. Let them cost many times more, but they will serve you for a very, very long time.