Any structure requires the organization of a whole range of measures to protect it from moisture, precipitation and other external environmental influences. As for concrete and structures based on it, this material is distinguished by the fact that it absorbs moisture well, which, unfortunately, affects its quality over time. In this regard, all buildings must be protected from moisture in advance, for this you can use waterproofing mastic.

What is waterproofing mastic?
This is a mixture of various substances for gluing, cementing, sealing cracks and voids in order to make the surface impervious to water. What is waterproofing mastic? This is a composition of petroleum, bituminous, binder, organic solvent, mineral filler, plasticizer and antiseptic. Basica feature of this material is its compatibility with many waterproofing elements. In other words, mastic is a kind of composite, which is a highly stable adhesive mass. Among other things, waterproofing mastic (MGTN) is a relatively cheap, very reliable material that does not require special skills when working with it.

Application of mastic
For the implementation of construction and finishing works at various levels, waterproofing mastic "TECHNONICOL" (24 MGTN) based on bitumen has found wide application. Its popularity is associated with the universal performance characteristics of the building material, thanks to which it is practically indispensable for:
- Arrangement of the roof of all levels.
- Installation of the foundation.
- Flooring.
- Sealing window and door openings.
- Device of seamless coatings, for example for swimming pools.
- Arrangement of various engineering communications.
- Laying pipelines.
as a parquet adhesive, for anti-corrosion protection of car body parts.

Types of mastics
There are several types of mastics, such as hot and cold. The first are prepared directly at the construction site before the start of waterproofing work. One of the advantageous indicators of this mastic is its cheapness in relation to cold. Waterproofing mastic "TECHNONICOL" of the second type is manufactured at the enterprise. There, bitumen is mixed with various fillers and components and packed in a special container - metal buckets with a volume of 20 liters. This building material is completely ready for use, it does not need to be heated and various substances are added.
There is another type of mastics - acrylic-based waterproofing material. It is an excellent insulator of concrete from moisture. After applying acrylic mastic, the surface becomes resistant to cracking, which can occur from uneven shrinkage of the foundation or other movements in the building structure.

Mastic properties
Hot mastic based on bitumen is ideal for protecting all surfaces from mold, rust, dampness. This material has excellent penetrating ability, filling the pores of the top layer of concrete, thereby preventing moisture from penetrating inside. Its impact on the structure is possible not only outside, but also inside the building.
Cold waterproofing mastic "TECHNONICOL" 24 MGTN is able to resist the effects of water vapor. Compared to roll insulation materials, this type creates a seamless coating.thanks to a certain method of application, because it is the joints that are the weakest link in waterproofing. Mastic after hardening does not crack and has increased strength. It is applied to the surface using conventional construction tools, with no particular difficulties.

Physical properties of bituminous mastics
Due to its properties, TECHNONICOL mastic is recommended for use for exterior and interior works on insulating protection of building structures. Physical properties of bituminous material:
- Flexibility and elasticity.
- Excellent waterproof performance.
- High strength when cured.
- Homogeneous structure.
- Versatility.
- Effective use on porous and uneven surfaces.

Technical characteristics of waterproofing mastics
Industrial enterprises that specialize in the production of various building materials produce waterproofing mastic of various grades and specifications. Depending on the type, the composition may include:
- Some types of natural and organic resins.
- Synthetic plasticizers.
- Natural rubber and active binders.
These mixtures, when used, do not emit harmful substances and remain chemically neutral. In addition, the most popular waterproofing mastic 24contains special components that provide the material with antiseptic and herbicidal properties. Thanks to all the additives, it is durable, elastic and resistant to environmental influences. Depending on the drying time, bitumen-rubber mastic can be:
- Non-drying. Liquid glue-like non-drying mixtures are able to remain in a jelly-like state for a long time..
- Quick dry. This mixture hardens in a short time, while taking the desired shape.
- Drying out. This putty is somewhere between non-drying and quick-drying.
Also, this material is divided according to the characteristics of the reaction to mechanical stress. Mastic waterproofing happens:
- Elastic.
- Plastic or hard.
Consumption of bituminous mastic depends on its type. Due to its excellent binding properties and the ability to reliably adhere to other materials, waterproofing easily fits into any, be it horizontal or vertical joint.

Process of surface treatment with waterproofing mastic
Before applying the waterproofing material, it must be thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous mass. When hardening, a solvent must be added to the mixture. It is necessary to store building material in a closed container and in a warm place.
When waterproofing mastic "TECHNONICOL" 24 is applied, any base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, grease, ice. Andmore: before you start laying the waterproofing, the surface must be primed, that is, treated with a special primer. This is especially true for porous surfaces. In the case when the mastic is applied to the metal parts of the structure, it is recommended to clean them of rust and treat it with a solution against its formation. The surface for applying the waterproofing material must be dry, if necessary, dry it additionally.
Features of working with mastic
During installation, the room must be ventilated. Also, during operation, the use of open fire is not allowed, since bituminous mastic is a combustible and flammable material. If the temperature is below zero outside, then the waterproofing mastic needs to be heated. It is applied in layers using brushes, rollers, sprayers. It is advisable to do two layers along and across. Approximate drying time for each is 6-9 hours. It is also allowed to spill the waterproofing agent over the surface and then level it with a doctor blade. The average time for complete drying and solidification of the mixture, as well as a set of all the necessary properties, is 7 days. The approximate consumption of a bituminous waterproofing agent is 1 kg per 1 sq. m. surface.
The excellent quality of waterproofing mastic, its high environmental friendliness, ease of installation are appreciated by most construction professionals, which is why it is so popular among experienced craftsmen.