Socket block: types and methods of connection

Socket block: types and methods of connection
Socket block: types and methods of connection

The need to create an outlet block arises for those who need to connect a group of electrical appliances. In one such installation, there may be several main points. Today we will look at the types of sockets and how to connect them.

About design

The blocks differ from the standard outlet only in the number of distributing places. The unit has a plastic case and internal elements. The latter include terminals with terminals and contacts. After fixing the springs for the forks. Today, modern installations are grounded. This improves safety and reduces stress levels.


Most often there are two main socket blocks:

  1. Installation for creating concealed electrical wiring. It is built into the wall, and outside there is a module for socket boxes in the form of glasses.
  2. Open wiring. This is a simple design with a plastic socket.
power supplies socket
power supplies socket

There are other designs - for example, retractable. They are mounted in furniture, and they are used if necessary. There is no big difference from simple and often usedinstallations. The power supply of sockets is mounted in the kitchen. They have their own location, which is recognized as correct. Without such sockets it is difficult to imagine the convenience of the kitchen appliances. But in other rooms, most often sockets are located near large energy consumers. This is a TV, computer, etc.

The block of power outlets for bathrooms is made from three main points of consumption. But they have their own addition - protection from moisture. And one more condition is the distance from the outlet to the water source. It should be at least half a meter. This rule should not be violated so that there are no short circuits and accidents.

Commissioning Methods

When commissioning a socket block of one group, the daisy chain method will be suitable. This implies powering all members of the group to a common wiring power line. But the allowable load should not exceed 16 Amps.

socket block
socket block

Combined method is another option. The process uses a parallel circuit. This method is more common outside of Russia and the CIS. But in the post-Soviet countries, only large consumers work on separate lines. During the installation process, two cables are laid from the main junction box, with their own purpose:

  1. First in the form of a loop, supplies power to four out of five outlets.
  2. And the second one is already going to the fifth point. There is a group of outlets here. This is intended for appliances with increased power consumption.

It is clear thatThe combined design has enough advantages, one of which is the lack of dependence on energy consumers located in the same circuit. Although there are downsides. These are the costs of additional cable footage, as well as more complex installation work.

Both methods (stub and combined) are used in both closed and open systems. The first option involves laying the wire in a channel made in the wall and a place for sockets. But in the combined already the whole structure passes along the wall. To fix the socket block to 2 sockets, it is better to use plastic cable channels, as they are safer. When the wiring is opened, it looks more neat and does not interfere with the external perception of the entire space.

The main part of the channels is equipped with partitions. The line is mounted in them. The design itself has removable covers, so checking the condition of the wiring is very simple. Everyone decides for himself what is suitable for his house or apartment. It is worth expressing your preference depending on the degree of wiring load.

Instructions for connection

Before you start the installation work, you need to decide what exactly will be used. It does not matter what the walls are made of - concrete, drywall or wood. It all depends on the material of the switch block. In some cases, you will have to make channels on the wall, and in others, lay the elements on top.

switch block
switch block

To avoid slowdowns in work, it is worth preparing the necessary tools and materials. In order not to forget anything, it is better to work according to the choseninstructions.


The very first thing that is required is to de-energize the line on which the work is being done. If there is no automation, then you just need to unscrew the plugs. The process will require the following:

  • Switch box with socket.
  • Planck.
  • Wires for laying line and jumpers.
  • Socket boxes.
  • Alabaster mortar.

When choosing, you should focus on the quality of all components. In the process of work, you need to stock up on special tools:

  • Perforator with bit for drilling.
  • Level.
  • Wiring tool kit.
  • Roulette.
  • Ruler and marker.
  • Capacity for solution.
  • Spatula.
switch box with socket
switch box with socket

The choice of crown is based on the surface to be worked on. There are a variety of nozzles, depending on the cost and characteristics.

How to mark a wall?

Correctly made markup will allow you to create a quality design and determine further work. It is worth paying attention to the presence of any communications in the plaster. If it is drywall, then there is a possibility of damage to metal profiles. Using a ruler, level, marker (pencil), the surface is marked.

It is immediately decided how many points will be in one installation. They become the centers where exactly the hole is made. Before starting, it is worth making a slight indentation. It is not allowed to leave the center of the mark, otherwiseit will be possible to install the element exactly. It is good when the crown on the punch is slightly larger than the required hole. Experts say it's better to work according to the drawing.

Working on the footprints

The creation of holes is done at low speed with a gradual increase in speed. In the process, you should pay attention to the course of the drill. It is important that it does not go away. The resulting hole will be filled with construction debris. It is completely removed. After that, it is worth making connecting channels. If the wiring is hidden, then it is better to use foil for it.

block with socket
block with socket

When the preparation is complete, the process of installation and connection of the entire structure begins.

Features of fixing socket boxes

For a better connecting system, special glasses are used. They have an additional plastic retainer element. If the wall is made of concrete, then the fastening is made with alabaster. Such a solution quickly hardens, so it is worth diluting it a little thinner than usual in order to be in time.

What's next?

After that, the socket block (19 8 sockets) is placed in the hole. To make everything even, you should use the building level. Then the edges of the structure are leveled. The wires leading to it are covered with the same composition. When the solution hardens, they start connect.

power socket block
power socket block

If this is a stub type application, then the wires go from the junction box immediately to the socket. This is done carefully so as not to breakconstruction. The excess cable is twisted and placed in the socket. But the length should not be large. Otherwise, the installation of the remaining components will not proceed correctly.

It is worth positioning the terminals correctly. After that, the conductor and zeros of the cable are led to the socket block. It is worth knowing exactly the principle of polarity of contacts. It is important to strictly follow all the rules, because any violation can lead to serious consequences.
