Balloon flower: preparation of materials, order of execution

Balloon flower: preparation of materials, order of execution
Balloon flower: preparation of materials, order of execution

Balloons are an affordable way to decorate your home celebration. They make arches, hang them, create figures and flower arrangements. Today, one of the most popular services is balloon decoration, but if you have free time and some effort, you can make a beautiful and bright decoration yourself. The article provides several examples of how to make a flower from balloons with your own hands.

Recommendations before you start

Before you start working with balloons, you need to read some recommendations that will facilitate the process of making the composition:

  1. For beginners, modeling is best done while sitting at a table with a flat surface so that nothing falls from it and does not distract from the process of creating flowers from balloons with your own hands.
  2. Long balloons are best inflated with a pump, since it is rather difficult to inflate with your mouth.
  3. When working, it is better to keep the balls away from the face.
  4. Balloons should not be inflated too much duringmodeling they may burst.
  5. Long balloons lose their shape when re-inflated, this fact is important to consider. Also, do not twist round balls, they are not designed for this.
  6. Before modeling, nails must be cut and jewelry removed. If the material is electrified, it is advisable to degrease the hands. Some balloons are coated with talcum powder, which can stain dark clothes.
  7. To make the finished figure look neat, twisting is performed in one direction.

Make flowers out of sausages

To make decorations from "sausages" you will need balls of green and any other bright color.

Make a flower out of a balloon:

  1. The balloon is inflated so that 5 cm are left without air.
  2. From the side of the inflation hole, a small “sausage” is twisted with two turns. Then the same segment is measured with it and twisted in the same way. The result should be six identical "sausages".
  3. The air is released from the remaining ball and the workpiece is tied with a ring.
  4. To form a petal, the "sausage" is folded in half and twisted twice. Do the same with all six bubbles. The petals are flattened into a flower shape.
  5. The green balloon is inflated and twisted into a small piece at the end. Then it is folded in half and twisted - this is the future core of the flower.
  6. The green ball is threaded through the hole of the first part. The flower is ready.


Stems for flowers from balloons can be made in differentways, make them with or without petals.

Option 1:

  1. A long green balloon is inflated. At the end, two green balloons are alternately twisted at the place of inflation.
  2. Bubbles are tied to the base, and then each is twisted in one direction and the other. This option is more suitable for tying to a flower.

Option 2:

  1. Inflate a green balloon. From one end, the segment recedes and twists, then it is folded again and twisted in half.
  2. A ring is made in the middle of the stem and twisted - this is the first leaf. A little lower, another ring is made and twisted - this is the second petal.

Option 3:

  1. Inflate a green balloon. 10-15 cm retreat from the knot and twist. Then they are folded in half and twisted again by the already known method. Then thread through the flower.
  2. The main stem is folded like an accordion and twisted in the middle to form petals.

Large daisies from balloons and the base for them

If you need a bouquet of flowers from balloons, you can make an arrangement of daisies.

For this, flowers are made according to the following scheme:

  1. Inflate two large round balloons, twist twice and tie together. Then they do the same with two more balls, and tie one inflated ball to them.
  2. Two parts, one of two, the other of three balls, are twisted to form a daisy.
  3. Inflate a small ball in a contrasting color and leave a long tail, thread through the center of the flower, and tie.
  4. Camomile basemade from a long green ball, as in the first master class. Should be a five leaf flower.
  5. The base is tied to the bottom of the chamomile, and then the stem is attached.

Daisies can decorate the wall. To do this, they do not need to attach the stem. Flowers in the amount of more than four pieces are interconnected with adhesive tape and attached to the wall.

chamomile balls
chamomile balls

How to make a rose?

A balloon rose looks very unusual and beautiful, and even a beginner can make it. To do this, you need 3 balls - 2 red and 1 green.

A balloon flower is made like this:

  1. At the end of one inflated balloon, a small segment is twisted, folded in half and twisted again - this is a rosebud. A small knot is made from another ball and threaded into the loop of the first ball.
  2. Then around the first ball in a circle, the end of the second ball is wrapped inward, resulting in a twisted ring. The free end of the ball is wrapped in a circle in the same way, passing through the ring.
  3. Inflate a green balloon and twist the leaves. The knot is pushed into the bottom of the rose and tied, thus connecting both parts.
rose from flowers
rose from flowers

Balloon iris

To model an iris, you will need a ball of purple or hot pink and green for the stem.

To make a flower out of balloons will help actions:

  1. The balloon is inflated so that one end remains 5 cm without air. Then it is folded in half and both are tiedend.
  2. The resulting circle is folded in half so that the knot is in the middle and twisted, resulting in a part similar to the number 8.
  3. The loops are folded together and, retreating about 1/3, twisted together. The iris flower is ready.
  4. The green balloon is inflated and the sheet is twisted approximately in the middle. The knot is pulled into the middle of the flower and tied.
iris from flowers
iris from flowers

Flower from one long balloon

If it is not possible to buy several products for creativity and you are wondering how to make a flower from a long balloon, then the following instruction will help to cope with the problem.

The craft is going like this:

  1. Inflate one long balloon. The knot is tied and by pressing the index finger the tail is hidden inside the ball. Then twist a small segment, forming the core of the flower.
  2. Next, a small segment is measured, folded in half and twisted around its axis, and then around the flower head. This creates two more petals.
  3. The air remaining at the end of the balloon is displaced towards the flower. It should be between the flower and the stem, so the artificial plant looks more natural.
single balloon flower
single balloon flower

Flower assembly patterns

To arrange a composition, balloon flowers can be assembled into a bouquet, attached to a wall or other interior items.

A few simple colors are usually used to decorate the interior. They can be done like this:

  1. Inflated long balloon tied upring. Then fold in half and twist. The resulting 2 rings are folded together and twisted again exactly in the middle. The result should be a four-leaf flower.
  2. The green balloon is inflated, leaving the tip about 10 cm uninflated. The tip without air is threaded into the center of the flower, and then air is displaced into it. You should get the core of the flower.

Such products can be tied with a ribbon. Compositions with flowers from balloons in an amount of five or more elements look spectacular.

bouquet of flowers
bouquet of flowers

To diversify the bouquet, you can add an element in the form of a heart from a balloon. They do it like this:

  1. Inflate a pink or red balloon, tie the ends.
  2. Next, you need to give it a characteristic heart shape. The knot should be in the middle of the ring at the bottom. In the upper part of the ring, in the middle, with both hands they strongly press the ball, slightly shifting the air in opposite directions, you should get a heart.
  3. Two petals are twisted at the end of the other balloon. Then they are twisted at the bottom of the heart, so he got a leg. The heart can now be placed in the flower balloon bouquet.
balloon heart
balloon heart

Now you know how to make a sweet surprise for a child and decorate a gift with a balloon flower. It is not difficult to assemble such a composition, the process takes little time, but the impressions and reaction of the baby will remain in the memory for a long time.

Having mastered this modeling technique, you can safely move on to creating more complex shapes andtracks.
