You can make a double bed with your own hands with little or no problems. The presence of ready-made drawings on the network, as well as a large number of various manuals, will help in this matter. The most common material for assembling such furniture is wood. If this is the first copy that the owner decided to make himself, then it is worth using it, as it is cheap and also easy to process.
What do you need to work?
The work begins with the fact that you need to prepare everything you need:
- do-it-yourself drawings and diagrams for a double bed, on which all dimensions for each part are indicated;
- plywood sheet and metal corners;
- large capacity with PVA and MDF glue;
- self-tapping screws or nails for furniture assembly;
- pins and beams.
After that, you can start preparing blanks for further assembly of the bed:
- Requires 14 pcs. bars with dimensions of 4 x 5 cm. The main requirements are the absence of defects, strength. ExceptTo do this, they must be perfectly even, and therefore glued pine is usually preferred as a material for such bars. Their length should be 200-210 cm.
- You will need planed and edged slats in the amount of 20 pieces with a length of 2 m and dimensions of 2 x 10 cm.
- Some make drawers built into the double bed with their own hands. If they are needed, then for them you need to purchase additional sheets of chipboard.
- It is worth buying fasteners with a margin. Most often, expensive parts are not required for assembly. Enough about 70 wood screws with a length of about 6 cm.

Small nuance. Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, it is best to purchase a mattress. It often happens that it differs from the declared dimensions by a few cm, and therefore, it may be necessary to adjust the dimensions of the furniture.
Getting Started
How to make a double bed with your own hands? The work is carried out in the following sequence.
The first step is, of course, assembling the frame. To make the structure as rigid and durable as possible, each side of it must be assembled from three bars fastened together in height. The result should be a rectangle with even sides. The internal dimensions of this frame must be exactly equal to the dimensions of the mattress. If there is a risk of making a mistake with the dimensions, then it is worth making an allowance on each side of the wooden base by 1-2 cm.
To successfully assemble a double bed with your own hands, you need to followthese stages of frame assembly:
- You need to take bars with dimensions of 4 x 5 cm and cut them into two pieces of 162 cm each. You need to remember about allowances of 1 cm on each side. Next, you will need two pieces of 210 cm each. This can be achieved by using elements with a length of 202 cm and adding two bars of 4 cm each to them. When all the details are ready, they need to be laid on the floor and PVA furniture glue can be immediately applied to the first row.
- The next step is laying the second row of timber on top of the first, right away. Here it is very important to ensure that there are no distortions. The material should lie exactly on top of the first. Immediately you need to fix the wood with self-tapping screws. The best way to check if a rectangle is even is to measure diagonally on both sides with a tape measure.

Fixation and legs for frame
Do-it-yourself drawings of a double bed should include some additional elements:
- First thing about fixing. During the tightening of the screws, excess glue will come out. They must be removed immediately, otherwise they will not only spoil the appearance of the bed, but also dry out, preventing the surface of the wood from being properly treated.
- How to make your own bed more comfortable? It is necessary to make an orthopedic base for furniture. However, the slats used for this are only 2 cm thick, too thin to support the weight of a mattress and two people. For this reason exactlyin the center of the frame, you need to add another stiffener with two legs.
- Of course, you need to add 4 more legs to the base. They are installed at the corners of the rectangle. The legs will serve as segments of bars, the measurements of which are 4 x 5 cm. After they are securely fixed at the corners with glue and self-tapping screws, you can turn the furniture on the legs.
- Drawings of a do-it-yourself double bed made of wood should include the presence of supports for the slatted base. For this, the same material is used that was used to assemble the base. The length of these supports is equal to the internal width of the bed.
- A small caveat is that the thickness of the frame is enough to secure three tiers of such rails. However, only one needs to be fixed, and it should be at the level of the second row. In this case, there will also be room for the installation of thin orthopedic slats, if necessary.

Fixing the rails and finishing the frame
Making a do-it-yourself double bed using technology involves a few more final steps:
- The rails are fastened in increments of 15 to 30 mm. It is only necessary to remember that the chosen step must be observed to the very end of the bed. Each rail is fixed with the help of two self-tapping screws in three places: on the sides, as well as on the axial stiffener. Glue is also used.
- After installing all the elements, you must leave the glue to dry.
- From now on, you can go tofinal stage. It begins with the fact that all elements, including the legs, are polished. You can use a special grinder or grinder with a special coarse-grained machine. After such work, you need to process all sides again, but with fine-grained sandpaper by hand. Movement should be along the grain of the wood.
- After that, you need to make sure that the entire surface is perfectly smooth and remove all dust from it. If this is not done, then it will settle on the paint and ruin the appearance of the furniture.
- Wash-resistant varnish is best for paint.
- A do-it-yourself double bed made of wood is covered in this sequence. First, the frame is treated with a primer for wood, after which you can begin to apply layers of paint and varnish. It is important to know that you need to apply at least 3 coats.

Rectangular headboard
How to make a bed with your own hands? Making the frame and processing it is not all. It is also necessary to independently assemble the headboard for the structure. There are several variants of this supplement. The simplest option is a rectangular upholstered headboard. To assemble it, you will need a piece of plywood, fabric, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, a construction-type stapler and staples for it:
- You need to take a sheet of plywood and cut it to the right size. The thickness of this material is determined purely individually.
- On top of this sheet you need to lay an ironed piecefabrics. All dimensions must be such that they confidently cover the entire sheet, foam rubber, and also go on the back wall of the plywood by at least 15 cm.
- First, any one side is fixed. After that, you need to fix all the rest. Here it is important to ensure that the desired tension is created. Once all 4 sides are attached, turn the headboard over to check that the tension is correct and that there are no wrinkles.
- It usually takes several hours to assemble such an item. You can fasten it to the wall. For this, metal loop ears are used, which are attached to the headboard from the back, and self-tapping screws are screwed into the wall. However, this method will not work if the wall, for example, is made of drywall without a mortgage.

Another headboard option
How to make a bed with your own hands? Step-by-step recommendations include making several headboard options. To assemble the curly part, you will need the following tools and materials:
- plywood;
- bar of soap or chalk to mark on fabric;
- universal glue that can be used to glue both foam rubber and fabric;
- construction type stapler;
- foam;
- furniture nails;
- decorative upholstery material for item.
The work begins with the fact that it is necessary to prepare a curly sketch of the part. After that, you need to prepare a stencil of the part in its actual size. suchpaper blanks will also help to decide whether this option is suitable for the bed. According to the stencil, it is necessary to cut out such a part from foam rubber and plywood. Further, in order to complete the do-it-yourself double bed and its headboard, it is necessary to coat all the edges of the plywood and foam rubber with glue, and connect them together. To improve fixation, the foam rubber can be nailed along the edges with a stapler.

A decorative fabric is laid on top of this material and also nailed with a stapler along the edge. After that, you need to turn the headboard over and fix all the allowances so that they are tight. In order to hide all the staples that the stapler leaves, decorative twine is used, which is fastened with furniture nails along the edge of the part. After that, we can assume that the headboard is ready.
Carriage tie
There is another option for assembling the headboard, which is called a carriage tie. Most often it is used together with elite models of furniture. For a do-it-yourself double bed, this will be the best decoration. As working materials, everything is used the same as in the previous versions. Additionally, you will need to purchase only a decorative lace and the right amount of decorative large buttons.
Foam rubber is glued onto a sheet of plywood of the desired shape. To achieve the desired result, the thickness of this material must be at least 5 cm. Next, you need to take a sheet of paper that matches the dimensions of the headboard itself and draw it into squares. In the right places, marks are made -These are the locations for the buttons. These points are cut out and the sheet is applied to the part from the side where the foam rubber is located. Using a pencil, marks are made for attaching buttons. In all such places it is necessary to make holes in both foam rubber and plywood. Their diameter should be somewhat smaller than the buttons themselves. To do this, you can use an electric drill with the right nozzle. Decorative fabric is also nailed with a stapler. Buttons have eyelets through which you need to thread a thick rope. A thin incision is made in the fabric in the place where the button should be. The rope is pulled through in such a way that the button strongly presses both the fabric and the foam rubber, and presses tightly against the plywood. On the reverse side, the rope is tied and fixed with a stapler.

Double lift bed
This type of furniture is best suited if the room itself is small enough. Key benefits include:
- Under the double bed there will be enough space that you can use as you wish.
- Since it will be possible to store things, bedding, etc. under the bed, there will be no need to buy a wardrobe.
- The lifting mechanism is said to be fairly easy to operate.
- If the whole interior is made in the style of minimalism, then a raised bed will be the best solution.
- When lowered, the space under the bed will be fully occupied, andit means that dust will not accumulate there, and, for example, children's toys and so on will not get there.
Mechanism options
Assembling a wooden bed with a lifting mechanism is not much different from a regular bed. The only difference is that you need to buy the required articulated lift kit.
The main structural elements will be:
- framework;
- lifting mechanism;
- fittings;
- mattress.
There are three options for lifting mechanisms that are successfully used in do-it-yourself assembly.
The first type is a gas shock absorber. This device is considered the most expensive, but at the same time it is the most reliable and easy to operate. To raise the object, you will have to apply a minimum of effort, and therefore it is the gas option that is considered optimal to raise a heavy double bed.
The second type of device is a spring mechanism. This device is made more simply, and therefore its cost is somewhat lower. In the initial state, the reliability and strength of this mechanism are also quite high, but with prolonged use, the springs wear out and may eventually fail. However, their replacement is quite simple, and they themselves cost quite a bit. A significant disadvantage is that the lifting process itself is difficult. Therefore, it is rarely chosen for a double or children's bed.
The last, third type is loops. Naturally, this device is the most primitive and cheap. However, suchthe version of the device does not take on even a partial load when lifting. The entire weight of the bed will fall on the one who lifts it, and therefore for a double structure, which is quite heavy, it is usually not chosen at all.
Drawings and reviews of do-it-yourself double bed
As for the drawings for a double bed, it’s worth saying here that a lot depends on this stage, and therefore it’s not worth compiling them yourself, if there is no experience in this at all. You can use the ones provided in the article, or contact a special company that will help you overcome this stage.
As for the feedback on the assembly of this furniture with your own hands, we can say with confidence that there are no negative ones. Reviews are positive. The thing is that with self-assembly, not only material costs are reduced, but also the possibility of an individual design for the bed appears, which often plays a decisive role.
It is worth paying a little attention to where it is recommended to install this type of furniture. It is not recommended to install the bed headboard to the window, as in this case it can blow through. If you place the bed with the headboard towards the doorway, then you will not be able to see who enters the room. It is best to arrange the furniture in such a way that a chandelier, a picture and other objects do not hang over it. There are houses, the outer walls of which are not insulated. In such places, it is also not worth having a place to rest. If the bedroom has a small width, then you do not need to place the furniture in the center, it willvery uncomfortable and can cause severe discomfort.
We have analyzed in detail the information on how to make a double bed with your own hands. As you can see, it is not difficult at all, but it is very economical. In addition, creating furniture yourself, you can realize your creative potential and give free rein to your imagination. So don't be afraid to experiment.