Caring parents know that kids need to be outdoors. This problem is very relevant now, because the children practically refuse to walk, referring to the fact that they have nothing to do in the yard. Or maybe they are right? After all, there is not even a normal playground where kids can safely play without fear of cars and bicycles.
Who else but parents should solve the problem of playgrounds?

With their own hands they will be able to make it much better and more convenient, and most importantly, it will meet all the wishes of the yard guys. You need to start by clearing and leveling the area under the site. Agree, this does not require a lot of money, but this is one of the most time-consuming stages of work. The main thing is to start arranging the playground, with your own hands and improvised materials you can be able to make it much more beautiful and better. You will build everything for your own children.
How many playground ideas can you come up with?With your own hands you will create a real fairy tale for the children. Those who are older will gladly take part in this process. For example, they can do gardening, painting, making a fence and other simple elements of the site.

Give thought to the design of the playground. With your own hands you will make it non-standard. For example (except for the usual swings and sandbox), you can equip it with children's houses, in which the kids will be happy to play mother-daughters, a store, etc.
From ordinary logs you can build a good gazebo with a table for older children, as well as benches in the form of a train for kids. And why, in fact, the sandbox must be necessarily square or rectangular? It is much more fun to play it if it is in the form of a car or, say, an airplane.
Out of old tires, you can build not only various loopholes, but also a whole zoo - from frogs to giraffes.
Plastic bottles, too, let them not stand idle: a little imagination, and they can be used as a multi-colored border. And what a beautiful flower bed you can make out of them! Ordinary plastic bottles of various sizes are connected to each other so that not only elephants and penguins with mice are obtained from them, but also entire palaces. Of course, they are not as durable as wood crafts, but children can make them themselves.

How wonderful a mushroom meadow would look, equipped with oldstumps or wooden beams! Not a yard, but just a dream! Guys not only from neighboring houses, but even from neighboring districts would come to play on such a site.
Why do so few parents think about arranging playgrounds with their own hands? Do they really care where their own children play? After all, in just a couple of days, if you try, you can build a whole gaming complex, while spending a minimum of money.
I think if adults could go back to childhood for a few days and be in the place of their kids, then there would be much more playgrounds in the yards. With their own hands, they themselves would create a place to play, which, unfortunately, children cannot afford.