How we wish our children didn't need anything, and they had enough toys for all occasions. Unfortunately, we cannot always afford to buy this or that branded item for our child, especially large outdoor toys, because they are quite expensive.
A do-it-yourself wooden playground will not only significantly save your budget, but will also be a great place for your baby to spend time. He will be able to play there from a very young age, and having matured a little, he will already be building sandy underground tunnels together with his comrades. Such a playground can be built in your backyard, where the baby will feel completely safe, fenced off from cars and dirty homeless animals.
In addition to the sandbox, you can build a toy house for a child, and he will have his own corner where you can hide and stay insolitude when he needs it. The house can be put together from old boards, having previously sanded them. In order for them to serve you longer, they must be treated with an antiseptic that will protect the wood from rot, preventing moisture from entering.

Why else do kids need a wooden playground? With their own hands, they will be able to learn how to work with various tools, helping dad build his corner. Of course, this applies to older children. In addition, they will understand the value of handmade items. After all, when a thing is simply bought in a store, children do not see how long it takes, and therefore they can easily spoil it and break it. Playing in the children's house, the kids copy the behavior patterns of their elders, and in the future this experience will help them in adulthood.
Another advantage of the playground is that children spend all their time outdoors, breathing fresh air, playing active games, instead of sitting at home, staring at TV or playing on the computer. The most practical playground made of wood. It is not too difficult to make it with your own hands, while it will be thought out especially for your children, so there will be only what your children love and appreciate. For example wooden swings. Or maybe it will be a table with small chairs or a ladder with bars? Swings are recommended to be made of durable wood, such as pine or ash. A flat board serves as a seat, and on the sides, after making several holes, thread a strong cable and hang it on the frame. When the children grow up, theythey will already know how a wooden playground is built. With their own hands, they can easily turn it into a sports ground, where they will climb a rope, work out on a horizontal bar and jump on tires. You can even build a miniature rope town with ladders and passages.
Do-it-yourself playground in the country (photos and examples, as well as practical advice can be found in special literature and on relevant sites) will greatly help the development of your children's imagination. It will also contribute to their good physical fitness.

What else could playgrounds be like? With your own hands from bottles, you can create an interesting corner that will be no less popular and can be made with children. Think empty plastic bottles can't be reused anywhere else? Wrong! They will make whole sculptures, as well as fabulous animals and street fountains made with your own hands. And with their help, you can decorate a flower bed in an original way! By the way, wooden paving stones, which can be made from sawing logs, are suitable for the same purposes. Using paints, you can create a whole fabulous town from plastic bottles and improvised material. The kids will be happy to help you in this interesting undertaking, and you can also study without being distracted from work. For example, making a flower bed in the form of a giraffe, you can repeat the colors, as well as count how many spots it has on its back. How many entertaining games can be invented with such joint work! And whatPleasant memories will remain with the child for a lifetime! Is it possible to find and buy such happiness in a store?