Transformer bench: not only convenient, but also beautiful

Transformer bench: not only convenient, but also beautiful
Transformer bench: not only convenient, but also beautiful

Every owner dreams of creating a beautiful garden near his house. At the same time, I want everything in it to be perfect. At first glance, it seems that for this you need to make a huge amount of effort and spend a lot of money. But in practice, things are somewhat different. So, for example, a transformer bench, the drawings of which can be made even with your own hands, will decorate any garden. In addition, this is a convenient solution if frequent gatherings with friends are planned.

What materials can the bench be made from?

A feature of such a device is that it can be used as a bench or, if necessary, as a tabletop with two benches. In addition, you can buy a ready-made model in the store or make it yourself. Usually, in order to create a high-quality transformer bench, wooden materials are used. Moreover, both natural wood and plywood or PVC can be taken. Of course, the first option will be more expensive, but the manufactured device will last not 2-3 years, but 20-30 years. It is advisable to cover the shop with an antifungal solution before use, and also paint it with varnish. This will be an excellent prevention of rot.


Buying tools for work

Before you start creating a bench, you need to make sure that all the tools are available. So, in order for the transformer bench to turn out to be of high quality and last for more than a dozen years, it is recommended to purchase the following tools and materials:

  • Beam.
  • The material from which the device will be made. It is necessary to take the already cut part.
  • Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  • Roulette.
  • Small skin.
  • Bolts and nuts.
  • Drill.


In order for the transforming bench to be properly made with your own hands, it is better to draw up the drawings yourself. After all, it is very important that the image of the final product is not missed. When drawing up a drawing, it is recommended to pay attention to 3 factors:

do-it-yourself transformer bench
do-it-yourself transformer bench
  • The dimensions of the structure must correspond to the area where the transformer bench will be subsequently installed.
  • It must be taken into account that the device must have a movable mechanism, which will not be so easy to create.
  • First, you need to calculate the dimensions of fixed parts, which will later be fastened together.

Progress of work: main part

First of all, you should make parts that will later be used as legs for the structure. For this purpose, it is necessary to cut 8 identical segments, the length of which will be 70-75 cm. Preferably on both sidesmake cuts at an angle of 10 degrees. This is necessary to balance the installation on a slope.

Next, you need to make frames for two benches. They are made from cut boards. To do this, it is necessary to cut 4 segments 40 cm long and 4 parts 1.70 m in size. Several reinforcing elements should be made in the frame. Actually, here you will need a bar. It is nailed at a distance of half a meter from each other. So the transformer bench will be protected from lateral deformation. The legs should be attached to the seat with 2-3 bolts so that they hold securely. A rectangle should be made from the timber, which exactly matches the length of the benches in size. On the inside, it is fastened with additional stiffeners. This will be the back (or countertop).

bench-transformer drawings
bench-transformer drawings

Now it remains only to connect the resulting elements into one common design. This is not easy to do, because you have to work with large parts. Therefore, it is recommended to do the work not on your own, but together with an assistant. It is necessary to cut 2 beams half a meter long. They need to be placed between the bench and the shield. After fixing them, 2 more bars should be cut. Now their size should be 110 cm. They are attached to another bench in the center to make it easier to dock both elements. In this way, a do-it-yourself transformer bench will be made, the drawings of which can be seen in the article.

do-it-yourself transformer bench drawings
do-it-yourself transformer bench drawings

Final stage: exterior finish

I wonder what such a device canbe placed indoors. It follows that it can be covered in two ways: waterproof paint is recommended for the garden, and stain or varnish for the house. And if the second can also be finished with waterproof paints, then the first cannot be painted with varnish and stain.

do-it-yourself transformer bench
do-it-yourself transformer bench

Many people want something unusual to appear in their garden, for example, a transformer bench. Making such a device with your own hands will not be difficult. Moreover, there is a wide variety of its shapes and sizes. The main thing is to paint it with a suitable tool in the end. If this is not done, then the tree will begin to rot due to exposure to moisture. It is best to paint once every 1-2 years so that the bench is completely protected from bacteria. If desired, you can finish the bench with wild stone, clay and other materials.
