Do you spend the whole summer with your family in the country? It's just wonderful, because fresh air and the absence of city noise will benefit everyone. So that your child does not get bored, it is necessary to equip a play area for him. Making a playground with your own hands is a simple task.

First you need to find a suitable place on the site. Try to follow these guidelines:
1) Children's playground must be in direct line of sight of adults. Choose a plot of land that is clearly visible from the windows of the house or from the place where you usually relax during the day (pool, garden).
2) Do-it-yourself playground design should be carried out with safety in mind. Make sure that no wires or communications pass near the place where your children play.
3) It is necessary to locate the site away from outbuildings, greenhouses and thorny bushes.
4) If there is a body of water (for example, an artificial pond) near the playing area, then it should be enclosed with a fence.

5) The playground should not be in the shade of the house or inopen wind zone. If there are not many options for the location, then just protect the site from strong gusts of wind with fences, but remember that it should also be safe for the child.
Choosing a piece of land is half the battle. Making a playground with your own hands involves creating a project, which allows you to take into account all the important points and avoid problems in the near future. The playground should fit into the overall style of the garden. The size of the swing, sandbox and other objects are calculated depending on the number and age of the children. The design of the playground in kindergarten is carried out in accordance with the safety standards adopted in our country. For example, at least 2 m of free space must be left behind and in front of slides and swings. If your child loves to ride a scooter or a bicycle, then come up with and make a closed path for him, which can be laid through the entire summer cottage. Now let's take a closer look at the design of the playground. Photos are also attached.
Depending on the age of the children, the play area may include objects such as:
- sandbox. You can purchase a ready-made plastic structure from the store or make your own sandbox using logs and planks.
- Swing. They can be very different. Be sure to ask your children which swings they like best - rocking chairs, carousels, rope swings.
- Gorka. You can also make this object yourselffrom boards. A reliable and safe slide should have a perfectly smooth surface and special railings. An excellent option would be a plastic construction equipped with high sides. Kids will be able to ride it both in winter and summer.
- House. No one is talking about building a whole palace on a summer cottage. Little dreamers will be happy with a hut. The main thing is to be cozy and comfortable in it.
- Sports complex. This option is suitable for children who are 6 years old or more. There may be rings, bars, ladders and other projectiles.

As you can see, decorating a playground with your own hands does not imply anything complicated and impossible.