Installation of ventilation systems is carried out after assessing the operational parameters of the premises. The most stringent requirements for this infrastructure are imposed in cases with technical premises, which include boiler rooms. In addition, the need for a stable and moderate renewal of the air environment also extends to bathrooms and kitchens. In this regard, gas ventilation in a private house, which can cover several rooms at once, is of particular importance. Depending on the conditions of use of gas equipment, the appropriate design of the air exhaust system is also selected.

Inlet ventilation
Manufacturers of gas equipment usually recommend installing as few appliances as possible in the same room with such units. However, the need to provide the right level of air renewal leads many homeowners to use air inlets. Strictly speaking, this is forced-type gas ventilation, but in terms of the flow rate it is less efficient than traditional representatives of systems of this class. We are talking about valve models with the ability to adjustbandwidth.
The user can independently set the parameters for the functioning of such devices with a focus on the operation of the stove or boiler. As for the installation of valves, they are usually placed at a height of two meters in relation to the floor. Also, gas ventilation in the form of valves should not be placed in windows, since interference with openings in most cases adversely affects the insulating properties of the room.

Exhaust ventilation
Not so long ago, natural ventilation was the only way to ventilate technical rooms. Again, in accordance with regulations, the use of equipment for forced air flow is not recommended. In modern new buildings, which are characterized by a high level of sealing, natural ventilation cannot cope. This does not mean that it is necessary to use additional supply and injection means, but ventilation for a gas boiler, for example, must be improved by means of air ducts. It is also allowed to combine channels from technical rooms with passages leading from the bathroom and kitchen. The main thing is to ensure sufficient intensity of natural air exchange.

Combined ventilation
The best solution for a house with airtight openings can be a supply and exhaust ventilation unit. This is a rather complicated technical tool, but one cannot do without it if the functionnatural ventilation cannot provide circulation in the required volume. So, a block of this type consists of an exhaust and supply fans, an electric heater, filters and a plate-type heat exchanger. The advantages of such a system include the function of regulating the temperature of the incoming air. Indeed, combined gas ventilation ensures the inflow of the main air mass. At the same time, the user can count on a wide range of equipment control options, since modern air handling units are equipped with electronic control systems.
Ventilation in the boiler room

The room intended to be equipped with a gas boiler must be equipped with both exhaust and supply systems. Another thing is that they can be represented either as a single aforementioned block, or as separate communications. Again, forced ventilation equipment should be avoided - it is not allowed to be installed in such rooms in its pure form. During the design process, the calculation of both systems should be carried out. So, the exhaust ventilation of a gas boiler room should provide three complete air exchanges per hour. In turn, the supply channels, in addition to the exhaust volume, must separately take into account the intake of air used for gas combustion. It is important to remember one more feature of supplying the boiler room with ventilation equipment. Since there is always a danger of explosions and fires during the operation of gas units, local communications must have special protection in the form ofinsulation.
Features of ventilation in the kitchen
Special requirements apply to air exchange systems in the kitchen. First of all, for rooms where there is a gas stove, it is possible to provide a supply valve with the ability to adjust the volume of passing flows. If the kitchen has a gas boiler, then you can limit yourself to the same valve, but without the ability to adjust the throughput. The same recommendation applies to rooms in which there is a coal stove. It is worth noting that the ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove is largely determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the connection with other rooms. For example, if natural kitchen ventilation interacts effectively with other ducts, the need for air inlets may disappear altogether.

The principles of gas ventilation are in many ways similar to similar provision of other premises. But there are also some features. First of all, they are expressed in an increase in the intensity of air renewal and inflow volumes. In addition, in each case, an individual calculation of the channel capacity is made in terms of replenishment of the intake coefficient. And one more feature that distinguishes gas ventilation is the restrictions on the use of forced air supply systems. On the one hand, such a requirement is quite logical and dictated by safety standards, but on the other hand, it forces homeowners to look for more complex solutions to the problem.air exchange. In most cases, the situation is saved by intermediate options involving the use of supply valves.