Paint for wet areas. Waterproof paints: overview, characteristics, application rules

Paint for wet areas. Waterproof paints: overview, characteristics, application rules
Paint for wet areas. Waterproof paints: overview, characteristics, application rules

Bathrooms in most cases, the owners of the apartments are finished, of course, with tiles. But sometimes the walls and ceilings in such a room are simply painted by the owners of the property. Coatings for the design of enclosing structures in bathrooms should be used, of course, moisture resistant. Ordinary paints in such rooms will not last long - they will begin to peel off and crumble.

Main varieties of moisture-resistant coatings

You can use any dyes to decorate the walls in bathrooms. Not suitable for use in wet areas, mainly only water-based and water-dispersion coatings. Some materials can also be used only for finishing certain parts of such premises. For example, washable Tex paint, the composition of which, unfortunately, the manufacturer does not indicate, is often used to decorate the ceiling in bathrooms and in the kitchen. For walls, including in wet rooms, experienced craftsmen do not recommend using it.

wall painting
wall painting

Use to decorate bathrooms, as well asspaces next to the sink in kitchens can waterproof paint the following varieties:

  • alkyd enamels;
  • silicone pigment coatings;
  • chlorinated rubber;
  • latex;
  • oil.

Most of the products on the list include antibacterial ingredients. That is, these are antifungal paints.

Acrylic products are also quite resistant to moisture. However, such coatings are still usually used only for finishing walls and ceilings in toilets and kitchens. It is better not to use such products for surface decoration in bathrooms.

Alkyd enamels

It is these paints for wet rooms that are used most often in our country today. Alkyd enamels form an elastic waterproof layer on the plaster. LKM of this variety serve for a very long time and look attractive. However, alkyd enamel should be applied to surfaces in the bathroom in at least two coats. Otherwise, the paint in the future, and especially in a humid room, may wipe off.

Fungus on the walls
Fungus on the walls

For the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, alkyd enamel is just perfect. These paints are very inexpensive. However, LKM of this variety has one rather serious drawback. Alkyd enamels, when applied, smell very sharply and unpleasantly. Finishing work using such dyes in the bathroom should only be done with the door open. Moreover, the masterwall decorator, in this case, must wear a respirator.

Silicone coatings

Such funds are a very good answer to the question of how to paint the walls in the bathroom or the ceiling. Silicone compounds are currently a relatively new type of coatings on the Russian market. Paints of this type are characterized by increased moisture resistance. They cost more than alkyd enamels, but they can also last longer. If desired, walls painted with silicone coatings can subsequently be safely washed with ordinary household chemicals.

Paint "Tex"
Paint "Tex"

It is advisable to use such paints, including for wet rooms, because they are able not to fade in the sun for a long time. Therefore, the products of this variety are just perfect for decorating kitchens with windows facing south.

How to paint the walls in the bathroom: chlorinated rubber coatings

This product is also new on the Russian market. Chlorine rubber dyes are distinguished not only by resistance to high humidity, but also by ultra-strength. Also, the advantages of such coatings include the fact that they are not afraid of exposure to various kinds of chemicals.

Use such waterproof paints in bathrooms, but only if the walls here are covered with cement plaster. It is impossible to apply chlorinated rubber coatings on gypsum surfaces. In addition, when buying such paint, you should, among other things, make sure that it is intended for use in rooms withsufficiently high air temperature. Many products of this variety, unfortunately, are only allowed to be used in rooms with a temperature not exceeding 27 ° C.

Latex paints for wet rooms

Such products, like alkyd ones, create a very elastic film on the surface of the walls, including masking various minor defects. Among the advantages of latex paints, apartment owners, among other things, also refer to the attractive appearance of finished surfaces. Another advantage of such coatings is resistance to mechanical stress.

latex paints
latex paints

The main disadvantage of latex paints is that they never contain antifungal agents. In order to prevent black spots from appearing on the walls decorated with such paint in the future, the surfaces must first be treated with an antifungal compound.

Use this tool is only in the bathroom. For kitchens, latex dyes do not work very well. The fact is that such coatings can fade in the sun. Also, dyes of this type do not tolerate low temperatures.

Oil paints

Once upon a time, such paints for wet rooms were used very often in our country. Nowadays, such compositions in residential buildings are practically not used. Oil dyes are used today mainly only for decorating various kinds of structures on the street (arbors, fences, terraces, etc.).

The main disadvantage of oil paints is a very unpleasant smell when used. When decorating surfaces, such paints smell even worse than enamels. At the same time, they dry long enough.

Another disadvantage of oil paints is that they create an absolutely vapor-tight film on the surface. Therefore, they are not suitable for the bathroom too. Walls in such rooms must "breathe".

The advantages of paintwork materials of this variety include, first of all, low cost. Of all the types of paints discussed above, oil paint is the cheapest.

Use oil paints in bathrooms usually only for finishing the concrete floor. Thus, this tool, for example, is often used in old apartments in Khrushchev.

Acrylic dyes
Acrylic dyes

Rules for application in wet areas

Moisture-resistant dye of any kind can hold out on the walls and floors in the bathroom for a very long time. However, such a coating will have a long service life, of course, only if it is applied correctly. Wall painting in kitchens and bathrooms usually looks something like this:

  • the old coating is removed from the surfaces - tiles, pieces of peeling plaster, paint;
  • walls are cleaned, carefully leveled and puttied if necessary;
  • 2 coats of primer are applied to the surface thus prepared.

At the final stage, the walls are actually painted. This technology is used to decorate surfaces with washable Tex paint,latex products, alkyd and any other.

Bathroom floor painting
Bathroom floor painting

Helpful advice

To enhance the antibacterial and waterproofing properties of the primer, before applying it to the walls in the bathroom or in the kitchen, add a little liquid chlorine bleach or copper sulfate to it. After applying such a product to the walls, you need to wait at least 12 hours. Only after that you can start painting surfaces.
