Sandwich panels - what is it? First of all, we note that this is a modern multilayer building material, which is now widely used in the construction of residential buildings and industrial facilities. It has a sufficiently large margin of safety and low weight, which gives it a lot of advantages over other building materials.

Main advantages of sandwich panels
In all respects, this material is highly economical. Sandwich panels, the price of which can significantly reduce the overall cost of building an object, reduce the costs associated with loading, transportation and installation of structures. In addition, the low weight of the panels eases the load on the foundation, its cost, and also reduces the cost of geological study of the soil.
The convenience of using sandwich panels is that they make it possible to manufacture all elements of the building and structures in the factory, after which it remains simply to deliver them to the construction siteplatform and assemble. This makes it possible to save time and complete the construction of the building faster than with traditional building materials. Industrial and civil construction from sandwich panels allows, if necessary, to quickly dismantle a garage or house, after which it is easy to assemble it, like a designer, in a new place.

The undoubted advantage of this building material is its ideal surface, which does not require puttying or plastering, that is, additional processing costs. Moreover, for example, roofing sandwich panels are already painted, which also reduces the cost of finishing work. Panels can be bent to create irregularly shaped walls.
Due to the expediency of using this material and the possibility of using its physical properties, beautiful residential cottages, administrative buildings, industrial and entertainment complexes are being built from sandwich panels. In addition, sandwich panels, the price of which is affordable to the consumer, can play the role of a heater and a noise-insulating element.

And due to low moisture absorption and high thermal insulation properties of the material, it is possible to build in regions with a harsh climate. Factory coating with a primer, anti-corrosion and polymer compounds improves the resistance, strength and durability of the sandwich panel. What is it for man and the environment? This is environmental friendliness and safety, confirmed by research in our country and abroad.
Structure and properties of sandwich panels
Multilayer building panels, including PVC sandwich panels, are a material with a thick layer of lightweight filler sandwiched between two sheets of cladding (hence the name). The thermal insulation layer is also able to absorb noise, and the outer layers are important as a constructive, protective and decorative part. Increased sound insulation plays a big role in the choice of material for residential buildings.

Light foam plastic and mineral wool are used as heat-insulating material. The thickness of the layer is chosen depending on the climatic conditions, the required room temperature, etc.
Directions in construction using sandwiches
Due to the high manufacturability of production and a large selection of modifications, sandwich panels are in high demand in construction. What it is is clear from the technical and operational characteristics of the material. Therefore, it is used for the construction of low-rise residential buildings and technical structures, industrial and production facilities, supermarkets, bus stations, industrial refrigerators, etc.
Incredible ease of assembly and disassembly of structures made of sandwich panels is used for temporary structures, such as military camps. A prefabricated garage made of sandwich panels is in great demand, and due to the absence of transportation problems, this lightweight material can be delivered by helicopter to hard-to-reach places.
If as an exterior wall materialIf three-layer panels are used, including PVC sandwich panels, then the following standards must be observed: strength, heat insulation and fire protection. There are special requirements for special-purpose buildings (for example, for catering establishments - hygienic, etc.). And in this matter, multilayer panels meet the standards: the internal filler has good moisture resistance, and the metal layers are anti-corrosive. This acts as a guarantee of suitability, safety and long-term service of the material.
Functional purpose of panels
There are two types of sandwich panels according to their functional purpose: wall and roofing, which feature special lock systems and rigidity.

Roofing sandwich panels have greater mechanical strength, since in addition to their weight they must withstand the load from precipitation. To do this, they are reinforced with a frame, lamellas, stiffeners. The roofing material should be more moisture resistant, therefore, it involves the use of hydrophobic fillers and protection with a polymer film.
Three-layer wall panels are characterized by high compressive and shear resistance to withstand the weight of the roof and wall structure.
Production Methods
Sandwich panels can be produced in different ways:
- on an automated line;
- manual assembly (stand);
- foaming polyurethane foam insulation between two facing sheets.
The first way is more productive,than manual (bench), but in one and the other panel elements are connected with special glue, the quality of which directly affects the durability of the product.
Main quality criterion
The main criterion by which the quality of sandwich panel installation is evaluated is the quality of the structural joints, since the performance characteristics of the multilayer material depend on it: strength, insulation, moisture resistance. Some construction companies provide a full range of services, including design, production of three-layer sandwich panels and installation of the structure.

Sandwich building principle
Construction from sandwich panels allows you to reduce operating costs, as well as time for the construction of a building or structure. Usually they are mounted on a reinforced concrete, metal or wooden supporting structure.
Working with this material is easy, because it weighs little (50-80 kg) and does not require additional complex tools. It is convenient to fasten the panels thanks to the provided hidden or visible fasteners - self-tapping screws.
The main thing at the stage of installation of sandwich panels is a tight joint, which both builders and material manufacturers give priority to. Not only the strength of the structure will depend on butt locks, but also:
- no gaps where cold air can penetrate;
- maximum density required to keep moisture out of the insulation.
With explicitthermal fluctuations, sandwiches change their dimensions somewhat, which must be taken into account when fitting seams, joints and corners, in order to avoid deformation of the entire structure, even if an ordinary garage is being built from sandwich panels. For this, mastics and sealants, aluminum foil, polyurethane gaskets and foam, neoprene tapes are used. Seams at the ends of sandwich panels are usually sealed with mineral wool or polyurethane foam, after which they are covered with a special flashing.
Shaped elements in construction
Shaped metal elements for hidden and external fasteners are so strong that they are successfully used for fixing, strengthening and leveling the joints of panels obtained during installation. Usually the same metal is used as in the main structure. They provide thermal insulation and tightness at the joints of three-layer panels.

Technical support for the construction of sandwich panels
When constructing a building from sandwich panels, work can be done without involving complex technical devices and additional mechanisms. An ordinary construction hoist for lifting loads and a manual or electric rolling machine will suffice.
So, construction sandwich panels. What is it in modern construction? It is clear that such a progressive wall and roofing material for a long time will have a "palm tree" in the construction market. Having a three-layer structure, in which the moisture-resistant insulation made of mineral wool or bas alt fibers is reliably protectedmetal, sandwich panels are fireproof and recommended primarily for the construction of public institutions, as well as for the construction of warehouses and other commercial and industrial complexes.
The material is not subject to decay or damage by fungi, bacteria, insects. It is environmentally friendly and does not emit volatile elements, so residential and industrial buildings made of sandwiches are absolutely safe.