Sandwich panel pavilion: projects and construction

Sandwich panel pavilion: projects and construction
Sandwich panel pavilion: projects and construction

With the help of modern building materials, it is possible to build various kinds of structures in the shortest possible time. For example, trade pavilions in our time are often built using special sandwich panels. Such modular buildings are not only built very quickly, but they are also comfortable and have a long service life.

Design features

Outwardly, pavilions made of sandwich panels are not much different from structures of the same purpose, built from other materials. Usually these are small rectangular one-story buildings with shed roofs. Sometimes in settlements, retail sandwich pavilions of more attractive architecture can also be installed - with rounded corners, hip roofs and terraces.

In any case, such structures are usually erected on floating foundations. As the latter, simple reinforced concrete slabs are usually used for pavilions.

The basis of the construction of such buildings is always a solid frame. Sandwich panels are subsequently simply installed between its elements. ATsuch structures usually do not need additional finishing.

Sandwich panels supplied by manufacturers in most cases already initially have an aesthetic appearance both from the inside and from the outside. The roofs of such pavilions are most often also made, of course, insulated. At the same time, a special type of panels is used to assemble them. In any case, this is how shed roofs of pavilions are erected.

What types of panels can be used

This type of material is a multi-layer fireproof structure consisting of:

  • metal lining (usually corrugated board or sheet steel);
  • hydro and vapor barrier films;
  • insulation;
  • interior lining.
Small panel pavilion
Small panel pavilion

To ensure that such panels are not damaged during transportation and storage, they are covered with a special protective film from the outside.

For the assembly of prefabricated buildings, including trade pavilions, the following types of panels can be used:

  • wall - for assembling facades;
  • roofing - for roof mounting;
  • corner rounded or pointed.

The latest type of panels are installed outside the pavilion to improve fire safety and improve the appearance of facades.

According to the type of profiled sheet used for the manufacture of all sandwich plates are classified into galvanized and coated with polymerlayer. The latter type of panels is more expensive. But facades assembled using such material also serve much longer in the future.

Sandwich panels
Sandwich panels

How projects of pavilions from sandwich panels are made

Before proceeding with the assembly of such a structure, of course, its detailed drawings should be developed. In this case, you need to decide:

  • with construction area;
  • her height;
  • view of panels used.

And of course, the owner of such an outlet should, among other things, choose the right place for the pavilion.

Where they are placed

They have trade pavilions made of sandwich panels, like any others, of course, usually in crowded places or near busy roads. By choosing such a place for a kiosk, its owner will subsequently be able to receive maximum profits.

In order to lease the selected site, the entrepreneur needs to submit an application to the city administration. Further, you will also have to obtain permission from the SES, the fire service, the traffic police, the water utility, etc.

Finished panel pavilion
Finished panel pavilion

Exterior and area

The architecture of trade pavilions can be different. In most cases, these are just inexpensive rectangular buildings. But, of course, certain elements can be added to the exterior of such an outlet to emphasize its specialization.

Pavilions made of sandwich panels for pharmacies, grocery stores, and newspapers can be installed in cities. Also, it could befor example, a souvenir kiosk or a flower shop. In any case, in order to make the pavilion more attractive, for example, panels of two or more different, matching colors can be used for its construction, patterns, drawings, inscriptions can be applied to the facades, part of the walls can be made of glass, etc.

The area of such an outlet is chosen based on how many buyers are expected to visit it. So, for example, flower or pharmacy kiosks are usually not too big. Most often, the area of such pavilions does not exceed 20 m2. A grocery outlet of this type, of course, must be large enough. Pavilions of this specialization usually have an area of at least 30 m22.

Assembly of the pavilion at the factory
Assembly of the pavilion at the factory

How to choose panels

In most cases, sandwich slabs intended for pavilions are sheathed, as already mentioned, with corrugated board or sheet steel. But sometimes on sale you can find such panels and lined, for example, with clapboard or boards.

The last slab option usually costs more. But of course, pavilions assembled from such material look more aesthetically pleasing.

In some cases, for the assembly of pavilions, entrepreneurs also purchase budget sandwich panels sheathed with simple OSB. When using such material during the installation of the pavilion, among other things, it is necessary to separately stretch the vapor and waterproofing, and then install the finishing sheathing, which can be used as siding, corrugated board, lining, etc.

Assembly technology

Building a pavilion from sandwich panels is not a particularly complicated procedure. The slabs in the selected area are laid with the help of special equipment. At the same time, reinforced concrete products are located in place with a slight penetration into the ground in a checkerboard pattern. The space between them is blown with mounting foam.

Sometimes trade pavilions from panels are also installed on cheap columnar foundations. In this case, in the ground along the perimeter of the future building, they simply dig holes with a depth below the freezing of the soil. Then sand and crushed stone are poured onto their bottom, and then formwork from sheets of roofing material and a reinforcing cage are installed. Then concrete is poured into the formwork.

After the foundation is ready:

  • frames of walls and roofs of the building are assembled on the ground;
  • the frame of the lower trim is welded along the concrete foundation;
  • wall frames are put in place;
  • mounted welded truss system.

Next, sandwich panels are installed with self-tapping screws. Mounting such elements usually starts from the corners of the frame. At the next stage, the floors are finished in the pavilion. Boards, linoleum, tiles can be used for this purpose. The final step in assembling the pavilion is the installation of window and door structures.

Installation of a pavilion from panels
Installation of a pavilion from panels

Features of frame assembly

The basis of the pavilion of sandwich panels is most often mounted from steel elements. To connect parts of the frame of buildings of this typecan be used as prefabricated / collapsible units, and welded.

Sometimes the crate for sandwich panels is also assembled from a bar. This is often done in forest regions where the cost of lumber is low. They assemble paving frames for pavilions using usually steel corners and self-tapping screws.

Those who decide to mount a pavilion from sandwich panels with their own hands should take into account some of the nuances of building such structures. For example, the metal elements of the crate of such buildings are pre-treated with anti-corrosion compounds. At the same time, the timber is coated with antifungal and fire-resistance agents.

Approximate cost of sandwich panel pavilions

Trading facilities of this type are usually quite inexpensive for their owners. For 1 m2 of assembly of this design, construction companies, depending on the type and quality of the panels used, take 2000-6000 rubles. That is, the construction of a pavilion with an area of 30 m22 for about 16 buyers will cost the entrepreneur 60-180 thousand rubles

But of course, a businessman who decides to build a pavilion from sandwich panels should also calculate its final cost, taking into account, for example, the cost of connecting electricity, the price of foundation slabs and some other factors. Of course, such a building will need, among other things, to be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the SES.

In practice, the construction of pavilions of 30 m2 from sandwich panels costs their owners in most cases 300-350 thousand rubles. Of course the amount isbig enough. But if a good place for the construction of the structure is chosen, its construction will pay off, most likely, quickly enough.

Pavilion made of profiled panels
Pavilion made of profiled panels

Pros and cons of sandwich pavilions

The main advantage of such structures, therefore, can be considered primarily a relatively low cost and speed of construction. Mobility is also considered an absolute advantage of pavilions made of sandwich panels. A structure of this type can always be quickly disassembled and assembled in a new place. This can be convenient, for example, for entrepreneurs selling seasonal goods.

The advantages of structures of this type include the fact that they can be upgraded at any time. To do this, you just need to remove some of the panels or add new ones. The possibility of assembling a pavilion at any time of the year, of course, can also be attributed to the advantages of such structures.

Pavilion of panels from the inside
Pavilion of panels from the inside

The downside of such prefabricated buildings is considered primarily that heavy shelves cannot be hung on their walls from the inside. Also, some disadvantage of structures of this type is not too long service life. In 50 years, the panels of the pavilion will fall into disrepair anyway.
