In the construction of country houses and other specialized buildings, such a structure as a log house has been increasingly used recently. This is due to the good technical characteristics of this structure, in particular its heat-intensive properties, strength indicators and beautiful appearance. A log house built with your own hands is a reliable building that will last a very long time without requiring any repairs.
However, not everyone knows that such a design can also be used for the construction of a bath. This work is not easy, however, the result will be able to satisfy the wishes of even the most biased developers. That is why you should take a closer look at how to build a log cabin with your own hands so that the structure comes out reliable and beautiful.
Features of the construction of a log house

The construction of a log cabin is a structure, which is based on horizontally laid logs that act as walls. Each of these rows is usually called a crown, while the lowestthe level is called the crown crown.
For logs, only hardwood or softwood should be used. It is best to use freshly cut and dry trees to protect all structures from the accumulation of excess moisture.
The arrangement of corner dressings on the outside can be carried out both with and without a residue. At the same time, the first method is characterized by laying logs outside the walls, and for the second this rule is not respected.
Variants for the construction of log cabins can be very different - it all depends on the skills of the performer and the wishes of the owners themselves. The main installation methods are a do-it-yourself log house “in a bowl”, “in a paw”, as well as a simpler version - “in an end tongue”. Each of these methods has its own characteristics and distinctive features inherent in a particular structure.
Advantages and disadvantages of log cabins
Such a building has a huge number of advantages, thanks to which it is advantageous when choosing the desired type of construction. So, the main positive characteristics of the log house are the following:
- wood is an environmentally friendly and therefore absolutely safe material for he alth;
- the heat capacity of the log cabin is very high, so that the loss of heated air is minimal;
- this structure has an attractive appearance and original design;
- design has a high strength index.
However, the construction of such a structure as a log house from a bar with your own hands may have some negativepoints to which it is customary to attribute the following:
- high cost of consumables and the entire work process;
- relatively short service life compared to structures made of other materials (especially in the absence of waterproofing and antiseptic treatment);
- labor intensity of construction.
One way or another, constructing a log house with your own hands is absolutely realistic, it is only important to carefully follow all the rules and recommendations that can simplify the installation process.
Log cabin baths: construction features

When choosing such a popular building for construction, you should first of all decide on the complexity of all the work, since the classic version of how to make a log house with your own hands requires certain skills and abilities from the performer. However, the wide range of materials that can be found on the construction market today makes it possible to create any bath design using a much simpler technology. Alternatively, you can always order a ready-made so-called "frame" and do your own assembly.
To make the bath as correct as possible, you also need to correctly determine the construction site. Classical principles provided for the construction of such a log house near any reservoir, thanks to which contrast ablution became available. However, today there is no need to follow this rule, since nothing prevents you from creating a semblance of a pool yourself.
Choosing the optimal place for the construction of a log cabin of a bath, it is worthbe guided by the following recommendations:
- the structure must be located at least 15 m from the residential building;
- a good solution would be to create an artificial or natural hedge (it can be a fence, bushes and other plantings);
- significant distance from the carriageway and pedestrian road.
The layout usually depends on the wishes of the owners, so the design can be both typical and original (with the involvement of a designer).
Rules for laying the foundation for a log cabin bath
As you know, the basis of any structure is the foundation. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether a log house is being built with one’s own hands or this process is carried out under the guidance of specialists, since such work, as a rule, is performed in the same way with any of the device methods.
Here you need to decide what type of foundation will be used (columnar or strip), and also take into account the following tips:
- laying should be carried out to the possible freezing depth;
- the construction site must be cleared of any debris;
- it is extremely important to get rid of the top (fertile) soil layer.
Do not forget that a properly laid foundation is the key to the strength and reliability of the entire structure.
Choice of material for log cabins

It is believed that the classic log cabin of the bath (built with your own hands or with the help of professionals - it doesn’t matter) is a building made of coniferous wood (spruce or pine) with logswith a diameter of 250 mm. It is thanks to such wood that a unique atmosphere with an amazing smell is created in the steam room.
But today there is certainly no clear framework regarding what material to use. Speaking about the properties of wood, it is worth noting that, for example, pine is convenient and easy to process and will be an excellent option for creating such a structure as a log house with your own hands (this applies, first of all, to the construction of a bath).
Larch used in construction is very expensive, but this material is hard, resistant to moisture and can last a very long time.
Oak is a proven option, but in order to preserve its positive properties as much as possible, it is necessary to cut down the tree at the moment of greatest maturity and let it dry.
Linden and white spruce are excellent natural materials for removing excess moisture, so it is best to use these samples as bath cladding, as well as for its interior decoration.
The strongest tree is cedar. A bath built from such material will last a long time, and the logs themselves will not crack. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this option is its high cost.
Preparation of material for the construction of a bath

It is not difficult to lay down a log cabin, especially if the performer has at least minimal skills in working with wood.
Initially, you need to take a log with a section of 15 x 15 and lay it according toa predetermined project plan using supporting metal or wooden pins. The step of their installation should be approximately 150 cm.
It is necessary to equip the beam with holes for pins at half its thickness, and the diameter must be selected so that the supporting element enters it without any problems.
To lay the next row, special holes need to be drilled in a different place (they must be staggered, otherwise the installed timber may be deformed during the drying process).
Installation of pins during the construction of a bath house
As mentioned above, do-it-yourself felling of a log house can have several varieties: “into a bowl”, “into a paw”, etc. Another common option is to install cuts 1.5 cm deep in the areas where the beams are connected and fix in them metal staples. The last method is the easiest and fastest to implement, so it should be discussed in more detail.
The kerf is made so that the bracket is located more deeply, since gaps may appear during the drying process of the material. Such measures protect the frame from deformation and prevent the fixing elements from protruding above the surface.
Already completed construction has corners where the ends of the beams protrude beyond the walls. There is absolutely no need to cut them down right away, and there are 2 reasons for that:
- First, you need to wait at least six months so that the wood does not crack at the ends.
- Secondly, such protrusions can play the role of steps,facilitating the rise to the bathhouse for any work.
The process of leveling the log cabin from the outside

It is important that between all the bars of the equipped steam room a tape-type insulation is laid. Most often, materials like flax or jute are used for these purposes, but more traditional samples (tow, moss) can also be used. In no case should you forget about such an event as caulking a log house with your own hands, however, due to the high technical properties of modern heaters, this can not be done, after making sure that they are securely fixed inside the log house.
Insulating tape-type materials should be laid between the bars and fixed with a stapler. Technical characteristics of jute are higher than those of flax, which explains its high cost. The fibers of this insulation have one indisputable advantage: when the beams shrink, they are pressed in a certain way, creating an insurmountable barrier to the flow of cold air and moisture.
Device of window openings

When constructing a bath house from a bar with your own hands, it is extremely important to pay special attention to such important elements of the structure as window and door openings. If the parameters for the location of these holes are incorrectly calculated, the design may turn out not only ugly, but also functionally incorrect.
To avoid this, cuts should be made at the intended installation sitein the uppermost of the bars, or, alternatively, make them systematically through one crown. It is important to remember that the full sawing of window openings can only be started when the bath frame is completely seated, otherwise the holes may subsequently be in the wrong place.
After arranging all the necessary openings, you can proceed to the following procedures - installing the roof and laying the desired coating. This should be done at the end, since during the drying process the material may deform, and the additional weight in the form of a roof will press the timber and prevent various flaws such as gaps and crevices from appearing on its surface.
Interior decoration of the log cabin of the bath

Repair work in the steam room involves finishing the walls with high-quality insulation, as well as lining them with a specially designed wooden clapboard. The material for this can be very different, since the modern market offers numerous varieties of species - aspen, linden, cedar, etc., so choosing the desired sample is not difficult.
When sheathing a log cabin from the inside with your own hands, do not forget that the maximum temperature in this room is always kept under the ceiling, so it is important to foresee this moment and exclude the use of wood containing a large amount of resin, which tends to melt when heated and drip.
Special beauty and functionality will be given to the structure by original benches and shelves, which are also better made from hardwood, because at hightemperature, they do not burn the body.
In addition, it is worth remembering that the finish of the bath should be done in such a way that it remains possible to quickly clean the room, so it is better that all the benches below have an open view.
Recommendations for caring for a wooden sauna
When building such a structure as a bath log house, it is worth remembering with your own hands that such a construction requires more attention from the owners than an ordinary residential building. Regular exposure to high temperatures and moisture can cause mold and rot, so you should take into account the following recommendations for the operation of a wooden steam room:
- even before the start of laying the walls, it is important to treat the material with antiseptic compounds, and after the assembly is completed, this should be done at least once every 1-2 years;
- any bathing procedure should end with a thorough wet cleaning of the room and airing it;
- all furniture and other items used indoors must be taken outside to dry.
Compliance with such measures will eliminate the appearance of harmful fungi, mold and bacteria in the bath, provide the entire structure with reliability, attractive appearance and long service life and eliminate the need for any repair work.