Among the wide variety of wallpapers, non-woven wallpapers are an excellent choice. This type of wallpaper will work properly for a long time, and the question of how to glue non-woven wallpaper will not be as difficult and tiring as paper-type gluing. Non-woven - this is a wallpaper with a high degree of environmental safety, on the wall they look like an ideal integral surface without fractures and seams. But in order for the whole pasting process from start to finish to be correct and to please with an ideal result, you need to figure out how to glue the wallpaper.

A lot of beautiful wallpapers are produced on non-woven base. But what is it? This is a fairly popular type, they differ from others in high strength, have soundproofing properties. In addition, they are very flexible, which facilitates the process of pasting the walls. The basis for such wallpaper is made from a mixture of mineral fibers and cellulose, and foamed vinyl is used as the front part. A variety of types of relief pattern is simpleis striking. Among them you can find exclusive wallpaper for walls, wallpaper with intricate, geometric, floral patterns and many color options for paintings.
Perhaps, those who have never done wall repairs at home with their own hands before, our recommendations will confuse. But for those who are not afraid of work, we will explain how to glue non-woven wallpaper.

The first stage of gluing is the preparation of the walls. Proper surface preparation will ensure an easy bonding process. In the same way, the surface is prepared for Japanese wallpaper for walls. A peeling layer of paint or old wallpaper is removed from the wall, dust is removed, chips and cracks are filled with alabaster. After that, the entire surface is primed with a special adhesive antiseptic primer.
The second step is to draw a straight vertical line using a plumb or level, which will serve as the starting point for gluing. By the way, with non-woven wallpaper, you can forget that pasting should start from the window deep into the room so that the wallpaper joints are not too noticeable. Non-woven wallpaper perfectly converges at the joints, so you can start work from anywhere in the room.
The third stage is the cutting of wallpaper and, in fact, the process of pasting itself. Glue is applied to the wall, the first wallpaper is applied vertically and smoothed with a roller or rag. Excess glue that has crawled out from under the edges of the canvas is carefully and carefully removed. This is especially important if the wallpaper will then be painted. Subsequent sheets are gluedbutt.
The peculiarity of the whole process is that the wallpaper itself is not smeared with glue, they remain dry, and a layer of glue is applied only to the wall. This makes the whole process very easy. It is worth noting that the glue must be special, just for this type of wallpaper. It is applied to the wall or ceiling by any method (brush, roller, brush), not abundantly, but there is no need to save here either. Another nuance is the corners, here the wallpaper is glued with separate canvases on each side of the corner, a small allowance is made in the corner itself so that the edge of the upper canvas clearly follows the line of the corner. That's all that can be said briefly about how to glue non-woven wallpaper.

Non-woven wallpapers are very easy to use, have a lot of advantages and serve for a long time, decorating the interior of a modern home.