"Brook" - a pump for the ages

"Brook" - a pump for the ages
"Brook" - a pump for the ages

For more than a dozen years, the Livgidromash plant has been producing a pump under the Brook trademark, which is unpretentious and has small dimensions. It easily allows you to solve the issue related to the water supply of a private house or any suburban area.

Main use

trickle pump
trickle pump

The pump "Brook-1" allows you to get water from wells with a radius of 5 cm or more. You can use the installation by immersing it in a well, and also with its help you can take water from nearby open reservoirs. Due to its power, the “Rucheyok” (pump) is able to provide water to small industrial facilities. The water raised with its help to the surface is also used by gardeners and gardeners for watering agricultural plants. Often summer residents resorted to the help of this device during spring floods. In addition, this device is capable of supplying water at a distance of up to 100 meters, in a horizontal direction.

Features of the pump device

Submersible pump "Brook" has a lot of technical features, the main onewhich is the type of water intake. The above device has it on top. The result of such a design solution is the spontaneous cooling of the apparatus during its operation, which eliminates the need for a cooling unit. Thanks to such a reliable design, the manufacturer provides the consumer with an 18-month warranty. The intake of liquid from above eliminates the possible ingress of sand or silt along with it into the plumbing system and prevents the formation of blockages.


submersible pump brook
submersible pump brook

Among the many characteristics that the "Trickle" (pump) has, the most important for the average user, not the professional, are:

  • The power of the instrument installation is 300 W. This means that this device can easily cope with the water supply of any private house.
  • Water supply - up to 1500 liters per hour. For example, it only takes 20 minutes to fill a bath to the brim.
  • The maximum pressure generated by the pump is 60 m. For comparison: 60 meters is the height of an 18-storey building.
  • The weight of the device is up to 4 kg.


Buyers, as well as future owners of this device, will benefit from the following information. Absolutely every device, before entering the distribution network, goes through a whole range of acceptance procedures.

pump trickle
pump trickle

Consequently, when buying such a device, there is no need to check its performance. In addition, the manufacturerprovides warranty for all products. Therefore, when buying, require filling out a warranty card, which must be stamped with the date of purchase and stamp.

Thus, we can say that the "Brook" is a pump, which, due to its technical characteristics, is a completely reliable device that can last for many decades. The main thing is to correctly connect the device, which is a guarantee of long-term and uninterrupted operation of the device. Therefore, this issue should be taken seriously.
