Such a topic as transplanting daylilies is of interest to many beginner flower growers. This beautiful flower won the sympathy of people due to its appearance and unpretentious character. Daylilies, varieties of which amaze the imagination with a variety of shapes and shades, have become regular guests at the sites of our compatriots. In order for such flowers to show off in your flower bed, it is enough to study simple information about planting and caring for them.
General Description
This flower is native to East Asia and has been known since the 18th century. It is a large bud in the form of a funnel. The color of the bud differs depending on the variety. About three buds can grow at the same time, and the entire period when you can enjoy the flowering of the plant is almost a month.

The root system has a fleshy structure, there are also multiple appendages, which allows the planttolerate dry periods well. Peduncles can reach a meter in height. After the buds fade, seed pods appear in their place. It is not difficult to grow daylilies. Planting and care in the open field is within the power of even a novice gardener.
Select site
Before you plant a daylily flower, you need to choose a place for its growth. It is worth remembering that the plant loves the sun, which means that choose the appropriate site. But here you need to consider the flower variety, as varieties with red, purple, purple and other dark buds should be planted in darker places.

In general, so that you do not have problems with the development of a flower, follow the following recommendations when choosing a place:
- don't plant flowers close to large trees or bushes;
- make sure that the area where the flowers grow is not in a lowland;
- the soil in the flower bed should be rich in organic matter and be neutral or slightly acidic;
- Give the site a good drainage layer to keep water from stagnating.
Transfer Rules
Transplantation of daylilies, as well as their planting, occurs as follows:
- in the spring, pits are dug for the plant in the selected area, while the size of the pits should be twice as large as the size of the flower root;
- a mound of earth is poured into the center of the hole, on which the root of the plant is placed;
- you need to carefully straighten all the roots;
- the root neck of a flower should not be buried deep inground, it should be two centimeters above the surface;
- sprinkle the root with earth, level the hole, lightly tamping, and water the landing site abundantly;
- irrigate the land every day for two weeks;
- 30 days after planting or transplanting daylilies, you need to feed them with a mineral fertilizer complex.

Flower care
The goal of each grower in this process is the abundant flowering of the plant. One of the indicators of a successful result are beautiful lush daylilies. Planting and caring for these flowers in the open field is quite simple. We have already talked about planting, and now we will tell you what recommendations you should follow when caring for a plant.
- Moisten the ground where the flower grows.
- You only need to water in the evening and do it carefully so that the water gets to the very root.
- If it's a dry summer, then once a week you need to irrigate the land.
- If you planted a flower in sandy soil, then watering should be done more often.
- Mulch to avoid excessive water consumption.
- When fertilizing, you must also irrigate the land.
- You need to feed the flower monthly, as the plant is very sensitive to this process.
- To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use a mineral complex in spring and summer, and fertilizers based on phosphorus andpotassium.
- It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the flower in order to respond in time to the appearance of various pests or diseases.

Important points
When transplanting, some problems may occur that lead to the fact that subsequently the daylily does not bloom or even dies. We list some of them:
- When planting a plant, you need to carefully examine the roots for damage and remove those parts that have dried up or dead.
- Before planting, you need to cut off all the foliage above the root neck at a height of fifteen centimeters.
- Before planting in the ground, it is better to soak the roots in a solution with the addition of a growth stimulator, as well as a drug that prevents the roots from rotting.
- Don't use fresh manure for top dressing, because in this case the plant will have a lot of foliage, but will not bloom.
- Recommended to transplant a flower at any time except during the flowering period. The best time is the beginning of May or the last days of August.
- Split the bush and replant it every five years, but the flower can grow in one place up to ten years.

Plant varieties
When discussing daylilies, varieties and types of this flower, it is worth knowing that there are both wild and breeding options. At the same time, flower growers use both one and the other. But the advantage of wild flowers is their special resistance to diseases of various kinds and attacks by insect pests. To suchvarieties include:
- Chimerocalis Aurantica - large odorless orange-brown buds.
- Chimerocalis Citrine - yellow buds, very similar to a white lily with a pleasant smell.
- Chimerocalis Dumortieri - medium sized, odorless orange flowers.
The hybrid varieties that breeders have worked on include:
- Double Kuti.
- Double Dream.
- Double Red Royal.
- Spider.
- Helix.
- Amz to Haven.
- Free Heelin.
- Apple Spring.
- Oud to Faith.
- Stella Doro.
- Apple Blossomwhite.
- Granie Smith.
- Raffle Patchment and others.
Each variety differs from each other in the size and shape of the buds, as well as the color scheme. But the main thing is that all varieties, without exception, are beautiful and worth it to decorate your site with them.
Pest control
The daylily described in this article may be attacked by pests or become a victim of a disease. In order to take the necessary measures in time, you should carefully monitor how the plant looks. If we talk about pests, then most often the flower is affected by aphids, lily mosquitoes, water voles or slugs. To avoid the attack of such representatives of the insect world, you need to cultivate the land with a solution of insecticides. And if you find one of them, you need to act in accordance with the instructions for combating this pest.

Speaking of diseases, it is necessary to mentionrust, root rot and fungus. It is they who most often attack the flower. For the purpose of prevention, you need:
- sterilize garden tools;
- watering flowers with phytosporin;
- till the ground after watering activities;
- remove weed plants;
- do not disturb the watering regime.
Partners in the flower bed
The daylily flower looks great in any flower bed, both on its own and in company with other flowers. Landscape designers are increasingly using it in their work. Transplanting daylilies is a simple process, so people often decorate borders, flower beds and slides with them. The combination of this flower with tulips looks very beautiful. It is not uncommon to see knifofia and loosestrife on the same lawn. But in general, the plant is combined with different representatives of the flora - it all depends on the imagination of the owner.