Each summer resident or owner of a country house sooner or later wants to feel like a decorator and decorate his garden or house with something unusual. Surely you have some old things that are a pity to throw away, but it is no longer possible to use, we offer some interesting ideas for giving.

You can create very beautiful decor items with your own hands from unnecessary things.
Child grows up, adults and children wear out shoes, shoes go out of fashion. So why not use old rubber boots that have become small or no longer needed as the original summer flower pot?
Pour black earth inside them and plant one-year-old seedlings that do not require much space for the root system.
Very creative looking planters for climbing plants from old sneakers or shoes.

Attach them directly to a tree trunk in your garden or to a stump left from a felled apple tree, and you are provided with modern Babylon gardens.
Interesting ideas for summer cottages and gardens can be inspired not only by old shoes, but also by any other unnecessary thing.

Attach flower baskets to the trunk, frame, or front wheel of a broken bike, paint the vehicle itself in a bright color with metal paint, and a unique art object will settle in your garden.
And what kind of house does not have unnecessary boxes, suitcases, bags?

Such ideas for giving their own hands are born from one look at them. Create a small piece of desert in your garden. Pick up unpretentious low-growing plants from one habitat, plant them in an old suitcase. Let this flower arrangement remind you of the hot days of your vacation.

When decorating the garden, let's not forget about the birds. They not only delight us in the mornings with their perky chirps and flooding trills, but also help to fight a variety of pests. During the difficult winter months, you need to diversify the diet for birds in order to attract them to our garden. You can make a unique feeder from a tin can with the whole family. We cut a small hole in the bottom, fix a perch for birds under it. Let our old jar turn into a bee or a flying beetle with wire and streaks or specks made with colorful paint.

What, it would seem, is waiting for the old desk? The tabletop is covered with writing, the drawers do not close, and the model is outdated. However, he also gives us ideas for giving with his own hands. Let's give brightnessold table and chair, adding sun to their color. And from the boxes you can make a flower slide. Large-leaved plants in the bottom drawers will look great, and cascading flowers in the top drawers.
Do not limit your imagination to the standard purpose of things. Interesting ideas for a summer cottage with your own hands are born at one glance at an old, forgotten thing that you have prepared to throw away. Don't rush to do it. Bright paint, flower seedlings, a little bit of a miracle will transform not only your garden and home, but also add joy and celebration to the life and everyday life of you and your loved ones.