Children's bikes are the lightest

Children's bikes are the lightest
Children's bikes are the lightest

Sooner or later, all parents come to the conclusion that it's time to add their child and a bicycle to the fleet. But here the question arises: which bikes are the lightest and what to build on when choosing? It is noteworthy, but even for the youngest children - from three years old - it is quite possible to choose both a mountain bike and a speed bike. Consider the most popular models.

Taking into account the nuances

bikes are the lightest
bikes are the lightest

When choosing a bike for a child, you need to proceed from his height and physical development. That is why experts advise you to come shopping with your child - this will allow you to immediately check whether the vehicle meets its parameters. But sometimes it is bought as a gift. Therefore, it is worth remembering which bikes are the lightest and what to look for when choosing blind models.

From 2 to 4 years old

These bikes are designed for the smallest children, but you should not be afraid - it is at this age that they need to be taught to ride and teach new movements. All bikes in this group have a wheel size of 12 and are additionally equipped with side wheels - thanks to this, it will be easier for the child to ride without support, and you will not worry aboutabout vehicle stability.

lightest kids bike
lightest kids bike

The lightest children's bike for this age group is the Author Catty, weighing just 4.5kg, and it's the lightness and ease of use that many parents love. True, this is the so-called balance bike - that is, a bicycle without pedals. A complete bike that is just as light is the Author Jet, which weighs only 9 kg and is of high quality, due to the European production of the model.

3 to 6 years old

what bikes are the lightest
what bikes are the lightest

At this age, children's bikes (the lightest models weigh 6-9 kg) are equipped with 16-inch wheels. It is believed that this group of vehicles is the most popular. Like the models for younger children, these are equipped with additional safety wheels, but they can be removed. Experts say that the longer a child rides on safety harnesses, the more difficult it will be for him to switch to two wheels. The most popular models in this group (from three to six years) include:

  1. The Author Stylo is a bike with a lightweight aluminum frame that significantly reduces its weight at just 7.5kg. The frame attracts attention with ergonomics and a comfortable fit, so riding such a bike is a pleasure. If necessary, you can put safety wheels.
  2. Author Bello is a model that pleases with stylish design and reliability. The manufacturer pays close attention to the appearance, in which everything is perfect. Frame fromaluminum alloy, equipment with two side wheels, the ability to adjust the steering wheel and saddle, fenders and chain protection in the configuration - such a unit cannot but rejoice. The weight of the lightest bike of this brand is 7.1 kg.
  3. Stels Fortune 16". This beautiful model is suitable for both toddlers and older children. The frame is durable, as it is made of high quality steel, it has two brakes - front (manual) and rear. For walking through the streets and parks this is the best option!Due to the comfortable lowered frame, the child can sit on and off the bike himself. The seat and handlebars are adjustable, and the soft grips on the handlebars provide comfortable operation. By the way, it weighs, like the Stels Jet, 10 kg. These bikes are the lightest in the series of this brand, since most of the other models designed for children 3-6 years old weigh on average from 10.9 to 11.9 kg.

From 5 to 9 years old

lightest bike weight
lightest bike weight

For this age, bicycle wheels are already wider - from 18 to 20 inches. Their distinguishing features are lightweight frames that are already close to the design of adult bicycles. Some of them are complemented by a suspension fork or have a special geometry. Which bikes are the lightest in this age category? One of the popular models is the Author Melody with an aluminum frame: it has a well-thought-out geometry and is designed for girls. Six speeds will allow the child to choose the optimal riding mode. The model weighs only 10.3 kg, it has full-length metal wings that go inconfiguration.

Stark Bliss Girl

lightest mountain bike
lightest mountain bike

Girls will also like the Stark Bliss Girl bike: 6 speed modes, powerful and high-quality rim brakes, rigid construction - thanks to these indicators, the bike behaves perfectly both on the ground and on asph alt. The lightest bike for a child in this age category weighs 10.3 kg - we are talking about the Author Melody bike. Lightweight models include Autor Energy (weight 10.8 kg) or Autor Smart (the latest model weighs only 8.9 kg, although it is considered teenage).

Folding models

lightest folding bike
lightest folding bike

In an effort to save space in the apartment, we even try to choose bicycles as small as possible. Folding models in this regard have many advantages - they are easier to store and transport in public transport, they are lighter, however, it is important that the design is easy to assemble and disassemble and be durable. Most models are based on light aluminum alloys, and can even be equipped with an electric drive. Consider which is the lightest folding bike different brands offer:

  1. Dahon Speed Uno. The weight of this folding bike is only 10.9 kg. This model is suitable for trips to a picnic or around the city and is considered the lightest in the world. Another model of this brand weighs 12.5 kg, while it is distinguished by a compact design in which a hand-welded frame is striking - one of the most reliable and rigid. The presence of a rear derailleur is a pledgeexcellent clearance, that is, the bike can easily cope even with a sharp turn.
  2. Airframe. The frame of this bicycle is made of high quality alloy, so the weight of the whole structure is 10.5 kg. Thanks to the unique mechanism, the bike can be folded down to a very small size.
  3. Dawes Kingpin. The weight of this model is 13.6 kg, and even the pedals are added in it. Stylish appearance will appeal to every customer.

Mountain children: what to choose?

lightest bike for kids
lightest bike for kids

If you and your children are accustomed to extreme recreation, then for sure you will need high-quality equipment and equipment. And start costing by choosing lightweight mountain bikes. Their lightness is ensured by a strong but lightweight frame, which is created from aluminum, carbon fiber and other materials of similar characteristics. To choose the lightest mountain bike, there are many factors to consider, ranging from riding style and type of terrain in which the vehicle will be operated, to cost.

Most often, children's mountain bikes are equipped with 20 or 24 inch wheels. And for the most part, these are just cheap copies of adult models that have expensive components that kids simply don’t need. In general, mountain bikes are designed for children from 10 years old, but it all depends not so much on the age of the child, but on his parameters - height and physique. The lightness of the models is ensured by the use of a well-thought-out design based on aluminum alloy, steel, titanium or carbonfibers. The comfortable frame and design are thought out in such a way that children can comfortably travel even over long distances.

Popular mountain models

lightest mountain bike
lightest mountain bike

If you are looking for a mountain bike for your child, take a look at the following vehicles:

  1. Bulls Tokee 20 (2015). This bike weighs only 11.5 kg and is versatile enough to ride in the city or on difficult road surfaces. The geometry of the model is such that it is suitable for children from 6 years old. the bike is equipped with high-quality linkage, suspension fork, has 18 gears and powerful wheels.
  2. Cannondale. Bicycles of this brand contribute to a comfortable and straight fit, so your child's posture, even when riding on poor quality roads, will be correct. The children's frame, made of aluminum alloy, is thought out to the smallest detail, so the process of controlling a bicycle will bring only joy.
  3. Kellys Wasper is a mountain bike that is designed for kids from three years old. Yes, yes, even at this age, parents can begin to instill in their child a love of extreme sports. One speed, rear foot brake and front rim brake, safety wheels - all this makes a mountain bike ordinary and convenient to use. The weight of this model is 9.6 kg, which is convenient for parents who will have to carry it in their hands.


How are bikes for kids the lightest? To draw a conclusion, you need to immediately evaluate a number of models, consult with experts, givethe child to try to control the bike himself so that he can make the right decision. Only such an integrated approach will allow you to provide your child with a safe vehicle.
