How to remove bedbugs? Complicated? Our advice will save you from this misfortune

How to remove bedbugs? Complicated? Our advice will save you from this misfortune
How to remove bedbugs? Complicated? Our advice will save you from this misfortune

As soon as red itchy spots appear on the human body in the morning, it is necessary to check the room for blood-sucking insects. How to remove bedbugs, determine the way they get into the room and find an opportunity to get rid of them once and for all? This issue will become paramount for the coming days and nights, as bedbugs do not let you sleep at night, and during the day your whole body itches from their bites.

How to remove bedbugs
How to remove bedbugs

There are more than 40,000 varieties of these insects. Among them are herbivorous parasites (turtles), predatory blood-sucking (bed), carriers of infectious diseases (triatomy). In this case, we are interested in the appearance of domestic insects. The size of an adult parasite is up to 9 mm, color, depending on blood saturation, from light yellow to dark brown. It has strong paws and low weight, it crawls perfectly along the walls and ceiling. Due to the flat structure of the body, the bug is placed even in very small cracks. Insect larvae are white or translucent golden, they are almost invisible in the folds of mattresses or carpets. So finding and removing bedbugs is very difficult.

How to get rid of bed bugs
How to get rid of bed bugs

The appearance of parasites in the house is possible for severalreasons: they came from neighbors (nests should be looked for in sockets, crevices around ventilation and heating, in places where wallpaper has peeled off); brought in by animals or people (nests can be in carpets, sofas, armchairs, mattresses). You can try to remove these creatures mechanically: clean walls, sockets, equipment, vacuum furniture and books. But at the same time, it is most likely impossible to completely destroy them, and the question of how to get the bedbugs out will pop up again.

The physical method is effective only if it is possible to treat places where insects accumulate with steam, boiling water or frost. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to remove bed bugs will be as follows: the most effective way is chemical. Preparations for the destruction of uninvited guests are produced by our industry quite a lot. It is more convenient in this case to use means in an aerosol package. Only after processing for several days the room will have to be ventilated.

Remove bedbugs
Remove bedbugs

How to get bedbugs out at home, old grandfather's advice will tell you. An effective remedy against this scourge is denatured alcohol (technical alcohol), they are sprayed and doused with clusters of insects. Ammonia vapor also destroys them, but first you have to close up all the cracks and holes. A very good remedy is feverfew, dried and ground into powder, which is sold in pharmacies. You need to buy and apply only fresh, effective powder. It is scattered on the surface of mattresses, inside and outside sofas. In the cracks, behind the skirting boards, and in all its uncomfortable placessprayed with a rubber bulb. After a few days, it is enough to vacuum the room and things, ventilate and do wet cleaning.

How to remove bedbugs
How to remove bedbugs

Household bugs do not belong to insects - carriers of diseases, but pathogens of infections transmitted through the blood (plague, hepatitis B, Q-fever) remain in their body for a long time. The bite marks are a kind of path along which this bloodsucking moved. If there are a large number of them in the room, then the human body can become covered with red spots overnight.

Irritation, fatigue, possible skin rashes, allergies. A white or greenish liquid may be discharged from long-term non-healing bites, and this symptom requires urgent medical advice. Therefore, it is so important to deal with this unpleasant problem in a timely manner - how to get bedbugs out. These insects reproduce very quickly and must be eradicated immediately.
