The barely audible crackling of firewood, a quiet evening and the smell of fresh vegetables and meat grilled on the grill … This is one of the best ways to restore strength and get a charge of positive mood. And if everything was done on your own, including a brazier from a gas cylinder, then in addition to a good rest, self-confidence will appear.
The principle of assembling the brazier
The main purpose of any mobile design for frying food is to provide maximum comfort for the cooking process. To do this, you can buy factory-made barbecue models, but their quality does not always correspond to the cost. Therefore, attempts are often made to independently manufacture the brazier. But before starting the assembly, it is necessary to find out the basic principles of its design.

You can often find a homemade brazier from a gas cylinder. A photo of such structures indicates the relative simplicity of their manufacture. But without a competent approach, the operational life of the brazier will be minimal. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the principles of its assembly:
- Material of manufacture must meet safety requirements.
- The selected cylinder has no obvious or hidden defects.
- Additional accessories (grid, stand) are also made of non-combustible metal or steel material.
Based on these rules, you can eventually assemble a brazier from a gas cylinder, the quality of which will be no worse than factory models.
Material selection
For the practical implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a barbecue with your own hands, you must first choose the material of manufacture. The basis of the design will be a household gas cylinder. It is recommended to choose non-standard sizes with an increased diameter and a relatively small height. As an example, you can take a product with dimensions:
- Height - 610 mm.
- Diameter - 292 mm.
- Volume - 27 l.
Wall thickness must be at least 3 mm. To save money, they take a used cylinder, so you need to carefully check the body for integrity and the absence of obvious signs of deep corrosion.

For the manufacture of supporting elements (racks), it is best to use a metal pipe of circular cross section. In addition to cooking barbecue, you can make a barbecue net. To do this, take any suitable blank and cut it according to the internal dimensions of the cylinder.
It is best to plan a universal brazier from a gas cylinder. The drawings of this design should include overall dimensions, accessories - racks, hinges, mesh and carrying handles. Before drawing up a work plan, the surface of the cylinderis cleaned of dirt, its geometric dimensions are measured.

Then, based on the available materials, an assembly drawing is drawn up. It indicates all changes in the design of the cylinder. Since the standard length of the skewer ranges from 30 to 45 cm, the lid must be made removable. To do this, mount the hinges in one direction - in this case, the upper part of the structure can be quickly removed. The length of the racks is also indicated on the drawing. It should be such that the final height of the structure is convenient for cooking.
Materials and tools
You can make a brazier out of a gas cylinder only if you have the necessary equipment and consumables. They are selected according to the drawing drawn up earlier and the technological scheme of manufacturing. The minimum list of tools is the following set:
- Welding machine. A low power model can be used as the amount of work will be small.
- Power tool - drill and angle grinder.
- Roulette, building level.
With practical skills in working with a welding machine, in case of its absence, you can use the rental service. If you plan the whole event in advance, then it will take a maximum of one day to manufacture.
From the materials you will need a gas cylinder, a steel pipe (footage according to the calculation in the drawing), a grate. After selecting the above components and tools, a barbecue grill from a gas cylinder is ready for practicalimplementation.

Preparatory work
Before starting the assembly, it is necessary to process the cylinder for its modification. Since gas residues may have remained in it during operation, at the first stage you need to get rid of them. To do this, remove the valve and leave the container in the open air for 1.5-2 hours. After that, you can start surface treatment.
A layer of paint is removed with a sanding weight and the integrity of the case is checked. Final processing is recommended only after the fabrication of the structure. Work is best done outdoors.
After the preparatory stage is over, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of the structure. First, the valve is removed using a grinder (grinder). Then the cylinder is installed horizontally and the cutting line is marked.
When carrying out work, observe safety precautions. Therefore, it is necessary to wear special protective goggles and gloves. To prevent changes in the surface geometry during cutting, the processing line is moistened with water. After removing the cap, carefully examine the internal condition of the cylinder. Small defects (rust) are processed until completely removed. In this case, the thickness of the product should not decrease much.
The next stage of work, after which a brazier will be made from a gas cylinder, is to make recesses on the end surface for fixing skewers. Their number is determined by the heightblanks. For normal barbecue cooking, the recommended distance is 20-25 cm.

Further, according to the internal dimensions of the product, a metal barbecue grill is made. The length of the resulting hole is measured and, according to the data obtained, the workpiece is reduced. For mechanical strength, it is recommended to install stiffeners on the mesh around the perimeter. Hinges are welded to the body. They must be steel so that when the brazier is heated, they do not lose their shape. The final stage of production is the installation of racks. For greater stability, they should be located at the edges of the structure.
This is the most popular technology used to make barbecues. Photos, drawings and their operation speak of reliability and relative ease of assembly. But for an excellent result, it is necessary to initially take high-quality material and components. This is the only way to make a functional reliable barbecue.