Cherry Kharitonovskaya: variety description, reviews

Cherry Kharitonovskaya: variety description, reviews
Cherry Kharitonovskaya: variety description, reviews

Cherry trees are the second most popular in gardens after apple trees and have over 150 different varieties. It is a valuable dietary product that improves appetite and is loved by many for its unique healing properties. In this case, not only berries are used, but also the bark and leaves. The Kharitonovskaya cherry occupies a worthy place among its relatives.

kharitonovskaya cherry
kharitonovskaya cherry

It appeared as a result of selective crossing of varieties Zhukovsky and Almaz. In 1998, a new variety name was entered into the State Register. 1998 is considered the birth year of this cherry.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya: variety description, reviews

A medium-sized tree with a height of 2.5 - 3 meters will please any gardener with fairly large, delicate rounded fruits. They have a rich, dark red color, with a small number of inconspicuous subcutaneous dots. Cherry Kharitonovskaya (reviews indicate the presence of a thin pleasant skin) has a juicy orange pulp with a pronounced sweet and sour taste. The average weight of a berry is five grams.

What else is different about this cherry variety? Kharitonovskaya is characterized by a stalkmedium length and thickness, which is easily separated from the branch, but firmly and securely attached to the bone itself. It is worth noting that the bone moves away from the pulp very simply.

This cherry is partially self-fertile. Adjacent trees of related varieties - Zhukovsky and Vladimirsky - have a beneficial effect on pollination.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya is a sprawling tree with a spherical crown and foliage of medium size. The color of the leaves are dark green, they are smooth and dense.

cherry variety Kharitonovskaya
cherry variety Kharitonovskaya

The buds of the tree are slightly pointed, reddish-brown, located near the shoot. The color of the tree is abundant, with large white flowers collected in umbrellas. Bears fruit on last year's growth.

The main advantages of the variety and disadvantages

Cherry Kharitonovskaya, described above, is considered a richly fruiting variety, giving a stable harvest.

cherry kharitonovskaya reviews
cherry kharitonovskaya reviews

Its berries are perfectly transported. Even after a long transportation, they perfectly retain their taste and presentation.

All gardeners know resistance to fungal diseases in varieties such as Kharitonovskaya cherry. Reviews of all the same experienced gardeners indicate that when celandine grows at the base of a tree, it is much less likely to be affected by coccomycosis. And this important factor allows us to count on a consistently good harvest.

Resistance to frost, unfortunately, did not show this variety of cherries. Kharitonovskaya reviews, although it has positive,but those who planted it at home mention that in some regions the tree still freezes. The winter hardiness of flower buds is especially questioned.

The main (and for the most part the only) drawback is the fairly large size of the fetus's ossicles.


Cherry is not the most capricious tree, but the right soil and following simple rules when planting will provide every garden owner with this variety a great harvest.

Cherry Kharitonovskaya (or rather, its seedlings) are planted in the autumn period before the onset of frost. The optimal time for work will be mid-October. If you postpone the planting for the spring period, then it is very important to have time to do this before the trees wake up and the sap flow begins.

If the seedlings were purchased in late autumn, then it is better to postpone planting until spring. You can save them by digging in a trench 30-40 centimeters deep. In this case, the crowns should be laid on the south side. The roots in the trench should be firmly packed and watered.

cherry Kharitonovskaya description of the variety reviews
cherry Kharitonovskaya description of the variety reviews

Two-year-old seedlings grafted by cuttings take root best of all.

Landing: site selection

Planting cherries (Kharitonovskaya means) begins with the choice of location. Gentle slopes are well suited, especially on higher ground. Suitable for planting and a place near a fence or other outbuilding. The main thing is that it should be on the south side, especially since more snow will accumulate there in winter.

Close groundwater level is not very favorablefor the landing of Kharitonovskaya. The minimum depth of their occurrence should be at least one and a half meters. If the water is very close to the soil surface, when planting, you can make a hill, the height of which will be at least one meter.


Is this cherry variety demanding on light? Kharitonovskaya loves sunny places. In this respect, it is more demanding than, for example, a pear or an apple tree. So on the site it is not worth hiding it under the crowns of large trees. In such places, the cherry will begin to stretch upwards, but it will bear fruit poorly.

Suitable substrate

Cherry Kharitonovskaya (photo below) prefers loose sandy loamy well-drained soil with a neutral reaction. Such a substrate warms up well, is moisture-intensive and breathable. The soil must first be enriched with nutrients. In the process of digging, it is necessary to apply organic, potash and phosphorus fertilizers. If the soil is acidic, sod-podzolic, then a liming procedure will be necessary. Otherwise, the seedling will not be able to take root.

cherry kharitonovskaya description
cherry kharitonovskaya description

Before planting a seedling, inspect its roots for damage. All unhe althy fates must be removed. Dried roots are recommended to be dipped in water for three or four hours.

Cherry planting pit

Dig and prepare a hole for a seedling should be in advance, a few weeks before the intended planting. The pit should be at least 60 by 60 centimeters in size. In the process of digging, the upper fertile layersoil is deposited in one direction, the lower one in the other. A peg 1-1.5 meters long is set in the center of the landing pit.

Fertilize before planting not only the soil, but also the prepared pit. It is required to add several buckets of humus to the soil (it can be manure or compost), granular superphosphate, calcium sulfate and, of course, wood ash. In no case should there be mineral fertilizers, lime in the planting pit.

In the pit, where a half-meter mound turned out of the poured fertilizers, we place a seedling. Fixing the root system. First, we fill the hole with a fertilized top layer of soil, tamp it well, and then sprinkle it with the rest of the earth. A hole is made around the perimeter of the seedling, it is watered. One tree will require at least three buckets of water.

The root neck should not be deepened much. After watering, it should remain at ground level.

Care after landing

Cherry Kharitonovskaya (description of the variety, reviews of which are given in the article above) requires good post-plant care, which consists in loosening the soil, watering, pruning shoots, protecting against pests, removing weeds.

Plants in the neighborhood have a beneficial effect on the yield of cherries. Good "friends" for her will be strawberries, jasmine, rose, raspberries, gladiolus, grapes. A young cherry tree will be badly affected by an apple tree, daffodil flowers, pansies, irises, lilies, carrots.

Tree care in autumn

In autumn, the ground on the site and under the tree must be dug up, fertilized and the plant prepared forwintering. Preparation consists in the formation of a comprehensive protection of the root system and trunk from rodents and frost.

In autumn, phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied to the soil. Sawdust, compost, bird droppings, manure are suitable as organic substances. After fertilizing the substrate, it must be dug up to a depth of 20-25 centimeters.

To protect against frost, the tree should be covered with snow, and mulch (sawdust, straw) should be poured on top.

A mixture of clay, mullein and iron sulfate will help protect the cherry from rodents.

Spring Cares

Tree care in spring begins with pruning, which is performed for sanitary and aesthetic purposes. Firstly, the procedure allows you to remove dried or damaged branches, which will save the plant strength. Secondly, it is an opportunity to form the correct beautiful crown. The process stops when the tree reaches a height of 2-2.5 meters.

cherry variety Kharitonovskaya reviews
cherry variety Kharitonovskaya reviews

Thirdly, pruning rejuvenates the plant, which has a positive effect on the yield.

The procedure is carried out in early spring. It is worth starting with annual seedlings, which are cut on average by 60-70 centimeters.

The next step in caring for a tree will be whitewashing it. Pre-cuts of branches must be treated with copper sulphate, and then painted. Whitewashing allows you to protect the tree trunk from various insect pests. And from an aesthetic point of view, the garden looks neater. To carry out the procedure on fruit trees, slaked lime is used.

On top of everythingother things, Kharitonovskaya cherry, like any other, requires the removal of dry grass and leaves from the ground. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the root system located near the soil surface. Digging improves the condition of the topsoil, makes it looser, and increases oxygen access.

For a good harvest, the Kharitonovskaya cherry needs fertilizer. This adds strength to the tree, allows it to grow. Feed should be several times a season. After the tree has faded, manure mixed with ashes and diluted in six buckets of water can be applied. After a few weeks, the procedure is recommended to be repeated. At the same time, nitrogen fertilizers can be applied.

You can get rid of pests on cherries by spraying. The first procedure is carried out before the awakening of the tree. This will destroy the pests that have settled in the plant for the winter. You can use a solution of urea and water. But if you delay the procedure, the solution can burn the leaves.

Against wind-blown hairy caterpillars, preparations containing copper work well. A test can be done on one branch, see if there is a burn, and then process the entire crown.

Most of all, cherries are susceptible to such fungal diseases as coccomycosis and moniliosis. To combat them, Bordeaux mixture and Azofos are used. The main thing is to have time to do this before the first flowers appear.

Cherries should be watered several times a year. The first waterings are carried out in mid-July. You can repeat the procedure after thirty days. Finishing preparations for winterthird watering of the fruit tree of the season.

Application of cherries

This unique berry is consumed fresh, dried and canned. Its fruits are used to make compotes, syrups, jams, jams, extracts, liqueurs and liqueurs.

cherry kharitonovskaya photo
cherry kharitonovskaya photo

Cherry Kharitonovskaya (description, reviews and care for it are presented above) is a wonderful representative of fruit trees. The unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness of this variety make it a welcome inhabitant in any garden.
