Apple Cherry. Variety Description

Apple Cherry. Variety Description
Apple Cherry. Variety Description

The most common fruits in the Russian Federation are apples. Many summer residents grow them on their land plots. If the apple tree is properly looked after, it can live and produce a crop for more than a dozen years. And in order to decide which variety to plant, you need to consider various options and choose the most suitable one.

Apple variety Cherry. Description

This variety was produced by crossing Pepin saffron and Antonovka ordinary. Its removal on the territory of VNIIS them. I. V. Michurin were engaged in: G. A. Lobanov, Z. I. Ivanova, V. K. Zaets, S. I. Isaev.

As for the fruiting period, this tree can be attributed to winter varieties. The Cherry apple tree received the greatest popularity in the Tambov and Voronezh regions.


The tree is characterized by low stature and a dense, lush, rounded crown. This is due to the fact that the branches depart from the trunk at an angle of almost 90 degrees, but at the same time they are located very compactly. The most common fruit formations, which in their shape resemble a spear (can be short or long). The color of the bark is slightly different from other trees and has a red tint, while the shoots are painted cherry.

cherry apple tree
cherry apple tree


Apple Cherry is characterized by straight thin shoots with short internodes. The leaves, on the other hand, have an oval ovoid shape, the plate itself is flat and slightly pubescent. They differ in fine serration, which is more reminiscent of a serrated shape. In order to hold a fairly large fruit, the petiole of the tree is thick and has an average length. Departs from the shoot at an acute angle, changes color near the base. Stipules are either small or absent altogether.

Flowers are small, mostly white or cream. The stigmas of the pistils are on the same level as the anthers. The flowering period will be the second half of May.

cherry apple tree description
cherry apple tree description


Due to its appearance, this apple looks very appetizing and immediately attracts the attention of many lovers of this fruit. During the ripening period, the skin turns into a greenish-yellow hue with a pink blush, but if the weather turned out to be quite sunny, then the color of the fruit becomes bright cherry. Apples are distinguished by their regular round or conical shape. The average weight is 100 g, the maximum figure is 136 grams. The skin of the fruit is very delicate and thin, numerous subcutaneous points appear through it, there is a slight wax coating.

cherry apple tree reviews
cherry apple tree reviews

The funnel, in which the stalk is located, is even, of medium size, has an olive color. The cup is closed and the saucer is small. Those seeds whose size remains equal to the average are dark brown in color, andhere are large specimens can be burgundy. In total, in terms of its appearance, the Cherry apple tree deserved 4.5 points.

To taste the fruits are very tender and juicy, mostly sweet and sour. The flesh is white, with few grains. They have an unobtrusive aroma. The sugar content is 10.5%. This fruit was awarded a score of 4.3-4.5 points. The harvest period falls in mid-September.

This variety of apples is very much loved by fruit trading companies. And all due to the fact that fruits can keep their appearance and freshness until mid-February, and they are also well transported.

Apple Cherry produces fruits that are suitable both for fresh consumption and for conservation. Such a tree does not have high winter hardiness; in cold weather, young seedlings are at significant risk, their wood may be damaged. Also, the flowers do not tolerate spring frosts very well.

Possesses moderate resistance to fungal and other diseases.


Many gardeners and summer residents grow such a tree as the Cherry apple tree. Reviews about him are positive. They say that the appearance and taste of the fruits themselves justifies the efforts regarding care. This variety is quite whimsical to weather conditions, requires a lot of sun and heat. He also needs constant protection from pests.

apple tree variety cherry description
apple tree variety cherry description

Cherry is an apple tree, the description of which speaks for itself. It brings very tasty fruits, which in many ways overshadow other varieties. loversfruit cannot pass by such beautiful delicious apples.
