Apple columnar Constellation: description, characteristics of the variety, photo

Apple columnar Constellation: description, characteristics of the variety, photo
Apple columnar Constellation: description, characteristics of the variety, photo

Apple columnar Constellation is a worthy representative of this group of varieties. It is believed that it allows you to make the most of the available area, since there are practically no side branches on it.


The main feature of columnar apple trees is that they have practically no side branches, and it turns out that the fruits ripen on the trunk itself. Most of the varieties available are of Canadian origin. Although originally it appears to have been a random mutation.

Columnar apple tree
Columnar apple tree

At least in the specialized literature, one can find a legend that the columnar apple tree was first discovered in the 1960s purely by chance by a Canadian gardener who noticed a tree with a similar mutation in the garden. As it turned out, such traits are inherited.

That accidentally discovered tree became practically the progenitor of the Vozhak variety, Yesenia. And in a sense, the columnar apple tree of the Constellation variety is also its descendant.

All varieties are characterized by precocity. Initially, among them there were many dwarf varieties, howeverthen both medium and vigorous were bred.

It is recommended to grow dwarf and medium-sized apple trees on the plot. Representatives of the first type grow relatively slowly, but they give a harvest from the first year.

Apple Tree Constellation
Apple Tree Constellation

Medium-sized varieties are produced artificially. To do this, ordinary varieties are grafted onto super-dwarf columnar apple trees. As a result, relatively compact trees are obtained, reaching a height of 2.5 m.

Columnar apple tree Constellation: variety description

This variety is considered ideal for so-called amateur gardens, although research has shown it is also suitable for commercial cultivation, as it can produce excellent yields from each tree, and it appears already in the first year.

Description of the columnar apple tree Constellation (photos are presented in the article) should start with the fact that this is a very small tree. And it grows quite slowly. Although small side branches appear on it in the second or third year, there are very few of them.

That is, the variety has a certain tendency to branching. But, as a rule, after the fourth year, the branches stop growing. If the apical bud was injured, then the growth of the tree may stop altogether, but lateral branches will appear, and they will begin to develop actively.

Grade Constellation
Grade Constellation

Thus, if the gardener still wants to get a classic columnar tree, he must do everything so that the plant maintains a growing point for the first two or three years.

Although any description of the Constellation columnar apple cultivar indicates that the tree begins to bloom and bear fruit early, in the first or second year you should not expect a large harvest from it. Its volumes will increase, but only in the first 5-6 years of the plant's life. In the 7th-8th year, the harvest will be stable and at the same time high, provided that the apple tree is properly cared for.

In general, even the best columnar trees can only bear fruit for the first 15-20 years of their life. Then most of the apple trees, unfortunately, die off. Sometimes rejuvenating pruning prolongs the life of a tree, but if the variety is grown in its pure form, without rootstocks, then it will not help much.

apple tree constellation columnar description
apple tree constellation columnar description

Description of the columnar apple variety Constellation (in the photo you can see the size of the apples) can be completed with the characteristics of the fruit. They grow quite large, their average weight is 125-150 g. The fruits have a greenish aromatic pulp and a pleasant sweet and sour taste. This is a late variety but keeps well.

Variety Benefits

In addition to the high yield and excellent taste characteristics of the fruit, the description of the Constellation apple tree includes other advantages of this variety, which include:

  • the presence of immunity to scab, which reduces the time and cost of processing apple trees with appropriate drugs;
  • high winter hardiness, which allows the tree to normally endure frosts up to 40 degrees;
  • excellent preservation of fruits and the possibility of their transportation.

Of course, all the qualities of the variety are fully revealed only with proper care.

The nuances of landing

It is recommended to plant such apple trees, as well as other representatives of the columnar group, in spring. This should be done before the buds open.

Theoretically, seedlings can be planted in open ground in autumn, but only where climatic conditions allow. In the middle lane it is possible in September, in the southern regions - even in early October, subject to warm weather.

One-year-old, not two-year-old seedlings are selected for planting, as they take root faster and easier, start growing up early, bloom and bear fruit.

In any case, seedlings must be selected correctly, checking them before buying. It is especially important to inspect the root system to make sure there is no rot. It is also not worth buying seedlings of Constellation apple trees with overdried roots, as they are poorly accepted.

apple tree columnar grade constellation
apple tree columnar grade constellation

If you buy a seedling in a container, you can plant it even in summer. It is important to choose the right site. It should be well lit, although it is clear that constant direct sunlight can damage the tree. In addition, an apple tree, especially such a small one, needs protection from the wind.

The soil on the site should be well-drained, contain a lot of nutrients and pass water well. The groundwater level must be at least 200 cm deep.

Spring Care

Pruning is mandatory in the springapple trees Constellation, as well as preventive treatment for pests and diseases (despite scab resistance, this still needs to be done, and even before the buds open).

At this time, cut off all the shoots, except for one, the strongest. But they literally leave a couple of buds and treat this place with garden pitch. This is necessary in order to prevent branching of the tree, which could reduce its fruitfulness.

If we are talking about apple trees that are planted this year, then all the formed buds are removed from them. But the trees in the second year of life are left with 10 buds, then the number gradually begins to increase.

Apple tree care Constellation in summertime

Until mid-June, experienced gardeners carry out complex top dressing using mineral fertilizers. In addition, the ovaries will certainly thin out. This is done when fruits have already appeared on the trunk, but they still remain small, no larger than cherries.

columnar apple tree constellation variety description photo
columnar apple tree constellation variety description photo

During the summer more top dressing can be carried out, but in August they stop, except for the application of potash fertilizers.

Wintering apple tree Constellation

Although the apple trees of this variety have good winter hardiness, it is still recommended to cover them with spruce branches or sprinkle with wood shavings for the winter. But in any case, it must be dry material, protected from damage by rodents.

It is not recommended to cover apple trees with straw. When it snows, apple trunks are advised to hill up without fail.

Water and loosening

Apple Constellation loves fertile, well-moistened soil. Watering is carried out regularly, as the earth around the roots of the tree dries. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it with it, otherwise they will start to rot. As a rule, one or two waterings per week should be sufficient, but weather conditions must also be taken into account.

It is imperative to loosen the soil in the near-trunk circle. But just be careful not to damage the roots.

Also, the site is mulched. And at a distance of 1/4 from the trunk, it is advised to grow green manure grasses that do not need to be mowed.
