It's hard to imagine a dacha without a few beds allocated for sowing onions. Today, summer residents face a difficult choice, because there are a great many varieties of this vegetable. Among them, the Stuttgarter Riesen bow is a worthy representative of its kind.

This variety is the result of interspecific selection. Ripening is early. On average, 70 days pass from the time of planting a seed to harvest. Its yield is high - up to 8 kilograms per 1 m². The bulb of this variety is flat-round, dense, the size is medium, large. The mass of one bulb can reach up to 200 grams. The taste has spicy notes.
Onion Stuttgarter Riesen is high-yielding, has a universal purpose. It freezes well and dries very well due to its high solids content. Suitable for canning and use in any dish, can be left for distillation. Planting before winter is possible.
Planting with seeds
Grow onions Stuttgarter Riesen from seeds or sets. The vegetable prefers black earth, loamy, fertile soil. Acidic soil is categorically not suitable forhim. Onion seeds Stuttgarter Riesen can be sown in early spring or autumn. Autumn sowing involves mandatory mulching with peat or humus. Onions are sown to a depth of no more than two centimeters with an interval of at least 1 cm. After sowing, the soil is slightly compacted.

Planting sevka
Before planting the onion sets, the Stuttgarter Riesen is moved, dried and damaged bulbs are removed. Germination can be positively affected by pre-sowing warming up for 8 hours of sowing (for example, on a heating battery), scattered on a board with sides.
For autumn sowing, it is better to choose a small set, which can simply dry out before spring.
Before planting, onions are soaked in warm water, the temperature of which should be +40°C. Potassium permanganate can be added to it at the rate of 1 gram per 5 liters of water. The onion should spend from 2 to 6 hours in water, after which the water is drained, the vegetable is laid out on a film or burlap and covered. After such a procedure, on the eve of planting, roots can be seen in some bulbs. Planting depth should not be more than 2 cm. The optimal distance between the grooves is at least 10 cm.
Large bulbs with a long cold spring with a temperature not higher than +15°C can give a flower arrow. The correct choice of the landing period is very important. Early, as soon as the soil allows, it is good to plant small Stuttgarter Riesen onion sets.
The presence of moisture during early planting contributes to faster root development, which, in turn,save the plant from the bulbous fly. Planting can be temporarily compacted, for example, for sampling on greens, but it should be thinned out no later than mid-June.

Rejected sets are suitable for planting on a feather. Can be planted tightly. The onion is not covered with earth, but covered with a film. Watering requires frequent. To stimulate growth, you can feed urea once: 20 grams per 1 bucket of water.
Care and feeding
Watering onion Stuttgarter Riesen requires moderate. In the first month after planting, in the absence of rain, regular watering will be required. During the summer, onions should be weeded and loosened 5 times, especially after watering. Hilling should never be done.
If 2 weeks after planting, the set does not show good growth, then it should be fed. For this, a solution of mullein or bird droppings is suitable. The second top dressing is carried out a month and a half after planting. This will require a bucket of water and 15 grams of urea and superphosphate, 40 grams of potassium s alt. During the formation of the bulbs, you can make a third dressing. In a bucket of water, dilute 25-30 grams of superphosphate, 15 grams of potassium s alt.
Pale leaf color may indicate a lack of nitrogen, premature aging and wrinkling indicate a lack of potassium, blackening of the tops leads to a lack of phosphorus.
To avoid the appearance of pests and inhibition of growth, do not bring fresh manure under the plant. All three top dressings must be done before July.
Onion harvesting can be started if the feather turned yellow, wilted and died. If you tighten it with cleaning, then the leaf part may begin to rot, and subsequently the turnip itself. You should not forcefully break the onion feather prematurely - the experience of gardeners suggests that this also provokes rotting of the onion head.

To extract an onion from the ground, it is dug up. If the weather is sunny, then it can be left right on the beds for several days to dry out. Then the bow is moved under a canopy and dried for some more time. The leaf and root parts are removed. Damaged bulbs should be used immediately.
Onion Stuttgarter Riesen is well stored only when the onion head is fully ripe. To do this, the leaves must dry completely, and the neck must close. In preparation for storage, the neck is trimmed 3 centimeters from the bulb.
To store the seedlings, pour sand over the winter. Despite the fact that onions tolerate cold well, it is not recommended to store sets at temperatures below -3 ° C. It should be ensured that condensation does not form on the set due to a sharp change in temperature. Otherwise, it will start to grow and deteriorate.

Luk Stuttgarter Riesen is popular among summer residents for a reason. Good germination, yield and pleasant tangy taste make it such a demand.