Features of the construction of a turnkey log bath

Features of the construction of a turnkey log bath
Features of the construction of a turnkey log bath

Own bath or sauna is the dream of many owners of private plots. This is a great place to relax with family and friends, not to mention the great he alth benefits. Do-it-yourself construction is quite within the power of almost everyone. However, the real, most attractive and best, traditional wooden bath will require special skills and tools, not to mention an understanding of the technology. This task is best left to professionals. They will complete a project of any complexity quickly and efficiently, provide the right microclimate in a turnkey log bath.

What is good about turnkey construction?

Building a bath is not an easy task, especially when it comes to timber and logs. These are the most difficult, but also the most desirable options. It is better to trust them to professionals. Turnkey work has the following advantages:

  • Rich experience, knowledge of construction technologies, as well as the availability of the necessary tools, will ensure high quality of the final result.
  • The presence of a large number of proven projects of baths. There is no need to come up with your own plan, develop it to order, which usually leads to a rise in price. There are a large number of options: from cheapturnkey log baths, consisting of one steam room, to luxurious and spacious ones, including a swimming pool, jacuzzi and various relaxation rooms.
  • The scale of the project is almost limitless
    The scale of the project is almost limitless
  • Complex approach. During construction, the contractor connects all the necessary communications: water and electricity. A professional approach in the latter case is important, because of the high humidity. Proper construction of a turnkey log bath with a stove will help to avoid a fire.
  • Free consultation. To understand the issue on your own, you will need to spend a lot of time, but without experience it is almost impossible to find out all the nuances. Having chosen a turnkey project, experts will help you understand all the nuances.
  • When building a turnkey log bath, the contractor gives a guarantee for his work from 5 to 10 years. With independent construction, any mistake will need to be corrected at your own expense.
  • Due to the wholesale purchase of building materials, their prices will be lower than when buying on their own.
  • The speed of construction is several times higher than when building with your own hands. Experience, tools, the ability to pre-assemble and the presence of a team of several people will allow you to enjoy the bath in a matter of days.
  • It is impossible to get a bath faster
    It is impossible to get a bath faster


The disadvantages include the fact that a turnkey log bath can be more expensive, but the high quality and speed of work fully compensate for the difference. In addition, you do not have to separately hire specialists,especially for important issues such as electricity and the correct installation of the stove, which is especially important for structures made of wood.

Why a log?

The classic log sauna has the following features:

  • Wood is an environmentally friendly material. It is non-toxic and does not harm he alth. On the contrary: under the influence of high temperature and moisture, the tree will emit a pleasant aroma, calming and relaxing. And conifers include essential oils with healing properties.
  • Turnkey budget bath
    Turnkey budget bath
  • No need for decorative trim. The photo of turnkey log baths clearly shows that bare, natural wood looks great on its own.
  • No finishing, insulation or waterproofing required. The tree has high thermal insulation properties, and its ability to "breathe" will only contribute to the creation of a correct and he althy microclimate in the steam room.
  • High hardness and availability of logs of different diameters will help to implement a variety of projects. You can safely build buildings of several floors with many rooms.
  • Projects of any complexity
    Projects of any complexity

Features of working with wood

The peculiarities include the fact that the tree requires special processing. It is susceptible to rotting due to high humidity, and mold may also appear. High-quality impregnation of lumber eliminates this problem, but after a while care and repeated procedures will be required. About it betterconsult a contractor.

Construction Features

Due to the heavy weight of even one-story buildings, a foundation is needed, at least a strip one. This will be the first stage in the construction of a turnkey log bath. The cost is selected individually on the spot, depending on the characteristics of the soil, the location of the site, the depth of groundwater and other nuances.

After the construction of the foundation, lumber and all the materials necessary for the construction of the bath are brought to the site. However, due to the design features, a part can be assembled in a warehouse, and material is brought to the site for further assembly.

assembly at the contractor's warehouse
assembly at the contractor's warehouse

The logs are connected to each other according to the tenon-groove pattern. Pre-prepared material helps to significantly speed up the speed of construction. The joints on the inside and outside are insulated. Corners can be both with the installation of logs with release, and without. The first option is much easier to install and insulate. The second one is more difficult, especially this design makes it very difficult to maintain the correct geometry, even masonry and the process of insulation.

Connecting communications

Complex projects of turnkey log baths provide for the connection of all necessary communications. There is no need to pay separately for a plumber, electrician and stove-maker: all the work will be done by a single contractor. Proper adherence to technology will help to avoid the possibility of electric shock or fire due to improper installation of the oven.
