If you just planted tomatoes, then after a while you may notice that the leaves of the tomato seedlings twist and the buds deteriorate. Remember that tomatoes are rather capricious plants that require particularly strict adherence to the rules for their maintenance. Even with a minimal discrepancy with these rules, the fruits and leaves will signal you about their deplorable state.

Today, the question of why the leaves of a tomato curl is of concern to many gardeners. But, as it turned out, there are more than enough reasons for this. The most important of them is an excessive passion for nitrogen fertilizers, infusion of herbs and organic matter with a sharp lack of zinc, potassium and phosphorus. In this case, it is important to apply complex fertilizers, such as potassium monophosphate or solute, as well as to balance plant nutrition according to the rules.
Also, when you apply a lot of under-rotted slurry or manure, the released ammonia can cause superficial necrotic damage to the fruit or leaf scorch.
Also the reason why the leaves of the tomato curl,there may be a violation of the regime of humidity and temperature. Increasing the temperature to 35 ° C intensifies the breathing process of the tomato, resulting in a rapid breakdown of nutrients, although the accumulation and assimilation of these substances at the same time drops sharply. Due to starvation, the leaves of the tomato are twisted. A particular danger to the plant occurs if the roots are located in the cold, and the upper part is under high-temperature stress.

You can relieve stress by treating tomato leaves with urea, and after about 2 days, sprinkle the leaves with potassium permanganate, which must be diluted to the color of wild rosemary and treat the leaves with a solution. After a few days, you will notice that the tops straighten out.
Intensive watering, excessive pinching or pinching can also be the reason why the leaves of the tomato curl. Such curling may appear in the middle of the growing season. It usually begins with the lower leaves and gradually spreads to the top. The leaves crumble easily, become dense and somewhat hard to the touch. With strong twisting, flowers of plants often fall.
If you are sure that the plants are provided with the correct humidity and temperature conditions and proper nutrition, but do not understand why the leaves of the tomato are twisted, then maybe the cause was a bacterial infection that is transmitted when planting with seeds. We want to assure you that this disease cannot be cured, but it can be stopped a little.special systemic preparation "Avixil".

Final advice: in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the cultivation of tomatoes, from the beginning of the season we recommend that you strictly observe agricultural practices, properly prepare seeds before sowing, use complex fertilizers with microelements for top dressing, and take preventive measures in the first half of summer to combat the most common diseases and pests. Only in this case, tomatoes will delight you with a he althy and good harvest!