Digging, planting, watering, weeding and loosening - these are not all types of work that the gardener faces during the agricultural season. A plant, like any living being, can get sick. Sometimes it's not even clear why. Many vegetable growers ask themselves the question of why does the tomato leaves curl? There are several reasons for this phenomenon.
Tomato leaves curl due to unfavorable growing conditions. This happens when plants are planted in a greenhouse. The soil itself is still cold, and the air temperature is high. The roots cannot get enough nutrients, and the rest of the plant quickly loses them, so it turns out that the leaves of the tomato seedlings curl. Dealing with this problem is easy. You need to constantly ventilate the greenhouse. If daytime air temperatures are high, then it is necessary to arrange a draft. Otherwise, the plants will just boil.

Temperature fluctuations are not the only reason why tomato leaves curl. This may also indicate the presence of a rather seriousa disease called "bacteriosis", or "bacterial cancer". It can be recognized not only by the curling leaves, but also by the sores and cracks on the underside of the leaf. And if the stem is cut, then brown streaks can be found on the pulp. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease yet. There is only one thing left: to ruthlessly pull out and destroy diseased plants. It is advisable not to put these bushes in a common pile, but to burn them. The fact is that bacterial spores are usually very stable, they will not rot along with the rest of the plant material, but will remain intact and wait in the wings. It turns out that the owner himself can become a distributor of the disease in his area. It is also impossible to leave fruits from such a bush for seeds.
The reason why the leaves of a tomato curl up may be a lack of mineral nutrients. For example, they roll down, their color becomes grayish green, and the veins are purple if there is not enough phosphorus. Deformation occurs, spots appear - this means that the plant lacks sulfur. And the appearance of yellowness and purple streaks speaks of

deficit or large amounts of boron. If there is a lot of this trace element, the leaves become like paper. With a lack of zinc, the surface will turn purple, bend down. Quite seriously, the lack of copper, calcium and potassium will affect the tomatoes. Here, young and fruit-bearing shoots suffer more. With a shortage of these elements, the leaveswill not only curl up, but also become smaller and smaller, eventually they will begin to die off. The fruits will develop slowly with many defects. It is not difficult to deal with these problems. It is necessary to choose the appropriate fertilizers and feed the plants with them.
There are many reasons why a tomato leaves curl. The attentiveness of the owner to their pets will help to determine them. Then in the autumn they will thank him with a big harvest.