When installing various systems and communications in houses, one often has to deal with the fact that it is necessary to make a hole in the wall to pass pipelines or wires through it. To do this, it is necessary to drill it, and then expand the resulting opening to the required diameter. This is a very time-consuming process that requires considerable effort and time from the performer. Therefore, in such a situation, it is best to use diamond core bits.

They are hollow cylinders of a certain diameter, at one end of which there is a pin for attaching to a drill, and on the other side special diamond segments are soldered. The cutting surfaces are located at a certain distance from each other and are the part that plays a leading role in further drilling.
Diamond hole saws can handle making holes in the wall many times faster than standard tools. At the same time, the cost of physical labor and time is minimized, and the channels obtained in this way are perfectly even and accurate.

Some builders use diamond drill bits for concrete not only to conduct communications through walls, but also to organize landingplaces for further installation of sockets and switches. To do this, they drill the wall to the depth necessary to install the parts without going through it. This results in a neat recess. For such work, special diamond crowns are usually purchased that match in diameter with the device to be mounted. This is usually the standard plug for the outlet and for the junction box.
Because this tool has to work with abrasive material, it is often dulled, but it can be sharpened in the same way as drills. However, it should be taken into account that the diamond segments soldered onto the crown are very strong and, at the same time, very fragile. They are not designed for shock work and do not tolerate overheating. Therefore, do not knock on the bit to remove concrete or cement residue. When sharpening or intensive work, it should not be heated. There are also diamond crowns that have a cooling function. They are supplied with water or emulsion, which helps protect the working segments from overheating during operation. However, such a device can be very impractical and expensive.

The practice of using this type of device has shown amazing results. This did not go unnoticed and was the reason for the development of this area. Therefore, today in building tool stores you can find diamond drill bits for metal, concrete, wood, and even tools for working with granite. They were often used even in production, which made it possible to avoiduse of a drilling or milling machine in some operations provided for by the technological process.
Thus, diamond drill bits are a must-have for today's builders, as they help not only speed up the installation process, but also make it much easier.