One of the hardest minerals is diamond. That is why special diamond drills are used to process a variety of materials characterized by high strength. They are made using sintering technology, which allows to obtain products of high density.

Today, a diamond drill can be made with a variety of nozzle shapes: cylindrical, ball, conical and many others. Some varieties of this tool are used to work with glass or ceramics. Conical nozzles are made, as a rule, with a diameter of sixteen to eighty-five millimeters. They are used when working with glass for grinding holes. The resistance of such a tool to the state of wear is about ten to fourteen meters, and in natural stone - nine to twelve meters.

Tools of this type do not require constant cooling and sharpening during the work. They can be easily protected from overheating by periodic immersion in a container of cold water. In addition, the use of the tool at a low rotation speed helps a lot from the temperature increase during the application. Before starting work, be sure to mark the place of the upcoming drilling.
Modern diamond drill bits are produced either by powder metallurgy or electroplating. The use of the latter makes it possible to manufacture tools of absolutely any configuration, but, due to the single-row arrangement of grains, they are characterized by a rather low degree of resistance of sharp edges. The powder metallurgy method makes it possible to obtain diamond drill bits with a very high degree of durability. However, only large diameter tools can be produced with this method. This is explained by the fact that the strength of the structure being created requires the presence of gaps between diamond grains, and with small drill sizes, these gaps are equal to the grain sizes, and the tool eventually fails. Decreased edge resistance and efficiency of its application.

Experts recommend the use of diamond drill bits for particularly difficult jobs where traditional carbide type drills are not possible or difficult. Also, this tool is actively used in everyday life, in the mass production of mirrors, during stone processing and various construction and installation works. For example, diamond drilling of holes in concrete is very common. In addition, tools of this kind are used when working with various specialhard and hardened alloys, glass and ceramics, as well as in the optical, watch and jewelry industries. Separately, it is worth noting radio electronics, instrumentation, mechanical engineering and all those areas where materials with high hardness are currently used. In this case, only a diamond drill will act as an effective holemaking tool.