DIY lawn mower repair

DIY lawn mower repair
DIY lawn mower repair

In private households and in the country, you simply cannot do without a lawn mower - manually mowing lawns is very long and hard. Many use electric and gasoline units. Sometimes these devices fail, but there is no need to rush to the service. Do-it-yourself lawn mower repair is possible. If the unit is electric, then most likely the problem lies in the wiring. In the case of gasoline, there may be problems with candles, or the engine has failed.

Electric lawnmower problems

Often, any malfunctions with devices of this kind are associated with violations in the electrical part. Those who are at least a little versed in electrics say that the contact has disappeared (or has appeared where it should not be). In any case, repairing a lawn mower with your own hands is best to start with a visual inspection. Typical problems include damaged insulation or a malfunctioning start button.

lawn mower repair
lawn mower repair

Then check the serviceability of the plug and rheostat. If all these elements are normal, it is worth inspecting the electric motor. Often there are problems with equipment with an asynchronous motor. The reason is the phase-shifting capacitor. But the main problem is that at home, repairing a lawn mower becomes impossible. It is very difficult to perform a capacitor test without the proper tools. The fact that the capacitor is faulty can be indicated by the jerking of the electric motor when power is applied, overheating without a serious load, low speed and a characteristic buzz.

Gasoline equipment

Repairing a gas lawn mower is more complicated than rebuilding electrical equipment. But nothing is impossible. It is enough to know typical problems, be able to diagnose them and replace parts. Most domestic lawn mowers are equipped with gasoline two-stroke internal combustion engines. Sometimes units can be equipped with motors from other equipment. You can often find engines from chainsaws and trimmers in lawn mowers.

husqvarna lawn mower repair
husqvarna lawn mower repair

The most common problems that owners experience with this equipment are problems with starting the engine, no running, excessive vibration during operation.

The engine starts, keeps good speed, but the knives do not spin

This is quite a common problem. In this case, the mechanical part fails.

lawnmower engine repair
lawnmower engine repair

It is worth checking the attachment tomotor output shaft. It can be destroyed. Lawn mower repair consists of replacing the attachment mechanism.

Engine hard to start but stable

In this case, the unit with a gasoline engine does not start well, but behaves well in operating mode when fuel is supplied. This is a common cause that is associated with malfunctions in the carburetor idle system.

do-it-yourself lawn mower repair
do-it-yourself lawn mower repair

Also, the problem is hidden in the wrong ratio of the combustible mixture. Repair of a petrol lawn mower in this case may not be necessary. It may help to mix fuel with oil in the required proportion. If this does not bring the desired result, then the carburetor should be dismantled and the idle system adjusted.

The engine does not start well, unstable operation in all modes

In this case, check the carburetor. Possibly clogged fuel jets. It could also be a clogged fuel or air filter. Repairing a lawn mower involves cleaning or replacing filters, as well as blowing jets.

Power unit starts but cannot handle load

It happens. The engine runs tolerably at idle, but at the slightest load they fall. In this case, "oxygen starvation" takes place. The solution is very simple - replacing or cleaning the air filter will help.

If the gasoline engine does not start

It happens that even with a normal fuel supply, the engine refusesstart up.

repair of self-propelled lawn mowers
repair of self-propelled lawn mowers

Most often, problems in the operation of the ignition system. The coil needs to be checked. It is first inspected visually. If there is visible damage, it is better to replace it. Also, the reason may lie in the candles. They have a strong soot or the electrode is broken. You can diagnose by the candle itself, if you unscrew it. Another effective way to test is to install a known-good one.

Cleaning the carburetor

The carburetor is the most common cause of problems with lawn mowers and other gasoline-powered equipment. It helps to clean the device. The design of all lawn mowers is approximately the same. Therefore, you can easily perform such a repair of a lawn mower with your own hands, regardless of the model or brand. The first step is to remove the air filter cover. After unscrewing the screws, remove the plastic casing and take out the filter. If it is clogged, it should be cleaned. Under this casing there is an inner cover. It will come off after unscrewing the bolts. Under the cover is a carburetor. It should also be removed. To do this, the first step is to disconnect the fuel hose that goes from the fuel tank directly to the carburetor. If there was fuel inside, it will surely leak. You have to be very careful. Next, the carburetor is removed - it is held on by two bolts. Now that the device is removed, you need to disassemble it. Unscrew the bolt that holds the fuel chamber cover. Cleaning involves the use of special fluids.

gas lawn mower repair
gas lawn mower repair

But you can get byand the popular version - WD-40. You will also need thin copper wire. It is necessary to clean the fuel channels of the carburetor. You need to clean the device from the fuel chamber. It is recommended to soak the device liberally in carburetor cleaner and leave it for a while. This process should be repeated several times. After that, with the help of a copper wire, the fuel channels are cleaned. They can be blown under pressure. Most often dirty chambers or channels. This is the main cause of engine problems. After this operation, even if there were problems with the motor, repair of the lawnmower engine may not be needed at all. After cleaning, everything must be reassembled in reverse order.


As you can see, most garden equipment problems can be fixed at home with your own hands. If a lawn mower is owned by a car enthusiast who has set up a car carburetor at least once, then repairing self-propelled lawn mowers for such a person will not be difficult. But it is better not to bring the device to such a state. The key to the smooth operation of the device is high-quality fuel, good oil, compliance with the proportions in the mixture. With the right preparation and quality fuel, it is very difficult to ruin a two-stroke engine. If you follow all the rules, then the repair of the Husqvarna lawn mower, as well as any other models, will not be needed for a long time.
