How to build a barn for pigs? This question is asked by everyone who wants to try to breed these animals at home. After all, natural products, and even grown with their own hands, have always been valued. But the desire to have good meat is not enough. Before you buy a pig, you need to prepare her place of residence. It must meet all requirements.

Rules to pay attention to
Before you start building, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules in detail. Study this question, and no problems will arise in the future, and the pig barn will serve for many years, providing comfort to its residents.
- You need to carefully consider the choice of the location of the new building. The shed must be at least 15 m from the dwelling. It is important that there are no water bodies and swampy areas nearby.
- The wind helps to carry the smell from the barn. We need to study this issue! Find out which directionwinds blow most often in this area.
- Building location: the building should extend from south to north.
- Find out how close the water table is and avoid putting the pig barn in a flood zone.
What do pigs need?
If a person can say about his desire, then the animal is not given. Therefore, the one who will care for the pigs should know that the animals grow faster, reproduce better, and also have good he alth only in the right conditions.

Pigs, oddly enough, love cleanliness! Although they get dirty all the time, you need to clean up after them regularly. Home barn for pigs should be dry, spacious. Young piglets can even catch a cold if the room is too cold.
When a large number of livestock is planned, this must be taken into account. Animals should not restrict themselves in movement. Queens will have to allocate a separate area for fattening.
Calculate the area and parameters
At least 5 square meters should fall on each tenant of the barn. m., and for the boar and uterus - up to 10 sq. m. (we take into account that they cannot be nearby, and this also takes up space). If the number of heads is large, then it is necessary to take into account passages, drain systems, etc. in the calculations:
- The passage: it should be approximately 2 meters wide to make it convenient to deliver food and take out manure.
- Machine: depth - 2.8–3 m.
- Walls: outdoor height is 1.8m, the highest point is 2.0m6 m.
The building can be of various designs. The main thing is that it meets all the requirements.
Material preparation
Before you start building a barn for pigs, having already calculated the area, you need to choose a quality material. Financial opportunities are an important factor in this business. To build the foundation, you will need to buy stone, sand and cement. To ensure waterproofing, you will have to spend money on roofing felt.
To finish the walls you will need a board, a brick. It is advisable to give preference to hardwood, this will extend the life of the room. To separate the machines, bars with a thickness of 5 cm are used. But if finances allow, then it is better to buy a metal grate.
For the barn, you need to purchase roofing materials, windows and doors. Slate, tiles are suitable for the roof.
Ventilation system
It is possible to build a barn for pigs without high costs, there is an option - to save on materials. But you don't need to save on ventilation. It is a key moment in the construction of such a room. After all, pigs get sick in a poorly ventilated building.
For the ventilation device you will need a pipe or corrugation. With greater financial capacity, it is better to purchase an industrial hood. If all equipment is correctly installed, then the air flows will be regulated by themselves. In the warm season, they increase, and in the cold season they decrease.
You can't let the barn get drafty. Animals will get sick and die. For this, it is important to consider the placement of doors and windows. The window must be onheight 1.5 m from the floor, and the doors open outwards.
Climate for pigs
If the winter in your area is too cold, then you will have to think about the heating system. The pig shed can be well insulated, which will provide the necessary temperature in the cold season. The minimum temperature that piglets can tolerate is 5°C.

In order for animals to breed well, they need to be warm. Therefore, the heating system must provide the pigs with a temperature of 16-20 °C. And the sow and her offspring should not feel discomfort at all. Warmth is very important for them - 28-30 °C.
Lighting is something that should also be taken care of when planning. You need to purchase good wiring, lamps, switches. Windows also provide light. Their area is not less than 1 sq. m. The main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive lighting negatively affects the pigs, they become nervous and excitable.
There should be good humidity in the barn. To do this, you can buy a regular hygrometer and control the level. The ideal humidity level for pigs is 75%.
Let's start building
Everything that was described above should be planned before starting work. When all the materials are purchased, the place is selected, then you can begin to build a barn for pigs. The photo below shows the construction site at the initial stage.

The foundation is the basis of any building. Stone and concrete are used for its construction. The foundation goes deep into the groundhalf a meter. If the soil is clayey and moist, then the depression increases (with the condition that its border will be below the freezing level). Above the surface, the foundation is understood at 0.3-0.5 m. The finished structure is covered with roofing material for waterproofing.
The walls are built of bricks or cinder blocks. Inside, they are upholstered with boards, plastered and covered with whitewash. If possible, foam is placed between the brick and the tree. If you keep the whole sequence and take the construction responsibly, then such walls will retain heat well.
Overlapping must be durable, providing dryness and comfort to residents. It is preferable to make a ceiling in the barn, which will be an additional heat-insulating layer. For the ceiling, it is better to use a board.
If you had to build a barn for pigs with your own hands, it is important to provide the piglets with good flooring. The floor must be reliable, warm, and easy to clean. Sequence: pour concrete, and then cover with boards. Such a coating will become reliable, and thanks to the tree - warm.

Optional equipment
How to make a barn for pigs is already known. When the room is ready, then it is necessary to equip places for feeding. The feeder should be located at the entrance, which will provide good access to the owner. Its capacity is at least 2 buckets of feed. If you plan to feed the pigs with special additives, vitamins, then you can install an additional container next to the feeder.
Water is the main source of life forall creatures! Pigs love to drink, so it is important for them to pour water regularly. It would be better if you put a separate drinker for this.

Outdoor walk
A pet owner who cares about his pets should consider an open pen for piglets. It's like a gazebo for summer holidays. Corral - an extension to the main barn, which has lattice fences and a roof. It puts a feeder, a drinker.
The pen is designed so that piglets can be outdoors in hot summer weather. So they will grow faster, be fruitful. But animals should not be allowed to go out into the corral during the cold season. They react negatively to low temperatures.

How to build a barn for pigs with your own hands? It turns out that this task is not an easy one, but if you first study all the nuances, take a responsible approach to preparation, then the result will be a good home for piglets. The main thing is that it meets all the requirements, because in inappropriate conditions, animals will get sick, and in the worst case, die.