Recently, it has become very popular to use aerated concrete blocks in the construction of various structures. This is primarily due to the cost-effectiveness of this material, as well as high technical characteristics. At the same time, the use of special tools and materials, such as a saw, glue for aerated concrete blocks, and others, can significantly improve the quality of the work on laying these building elements.
Adhesive composition for aerated concrete

Glue for aerated concrete blocks is a mixture of dry consistency, which contains the following ingredients:
- fractionated quartz sand;
- portland cement without additives;
- special dispersion additions.
The use of this composition significantly improves the quality of the work performed, since the adhesive for aerated concreteblocks allows you to get a thin layer for connecting elements (about 2 mm). Whereas when using a cement-sand mortar, the gaps are more than 5 mm, which increases the heat loss in the room.
Preparation of composition

Glue for aerated concrete blocks can be prepared by observing the following points:
- the mixture is diluted in a ratio of 10 kg per 2–2.5 liters of water, it is recommended to use a clean (without oil impurities) liquid with a temperature of more than 30 ° C;
- the solution is prepared in a special container, kneading with a spatula or an electric mixer;
- the finished mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream, after that you need to let the glue settle for about 15 minutes;
- re-mix before use;
- ready glue must be applied within an hour, in case of a longer period, the container must be covered with a film;
- glue consumption for aerated concrete blocks is about 2 kg of dry concentrate per 1 m22 working surface.
The prepared adhesive has a high degree of formation of astringent properties (adhesion) and plasticity, and the connection can withstand temperature changes, moisture and other environmental influences.
Laying with glue

Glue for aerated concrete blocks (the price of which ranges from 200 rubles per 25 kg) is easy to use. At the same time, it willuseful to know the following points:
- block surfaces must be smooth, if there are defects, they can be corrected with the prepared adhesive solution;
- pre-moistening of concrete blocks is optional;
- glue is applied with a spatula, while the layer should be 2–8 mm;
- blocks are stacked, slightly pressing and turning;
- position of building elements can be changed within 15 minutes;
- a strong adhesive bond is formed in a day, and the final drying occurs within 72 hours;
- this composition can also be used to level seams in the vertical direction.
Glue for aerated concrete blocks creates a strong connection, while increasing the thermal insulation properties of structures. The use of this composition will significantly improve the quality of the work performed.