Foam adhesive for aerated concrete is an indispensable product in construction. Before buying this adhesive, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main features of the foam. Expert advice will help you make the right choice.
For reliable coupling of aerated concrete blocks to each other during the masonry process, various adhesives are used. Among the most common materials:
- Glue. This refers to a special, specially designed for these types of work, with the necessary properties.
- Cement-sand mortar. Used as a classic, proven option.
- Polyurethane adhesive-foam.
Foam composition

Among all the listed special adhesive-foam for aerated concrete is the most modern and reliable substance. The correct choice and operation guarantee a clean, even, reliable laying of aerated concrete blocks. It is plastic, dries quickly and does not shrink.
By default, the list of required ingredients includes the following components:
- fine, pre-washed andsifted sand;
- modifiers that serve to retain moisture;
- binder - Portland cement, giving the necessary consistency;
- polymer additives that enhance bonding properties.
Other components are possible. But they do not form fundamental characteristics, but enhance or give the adhesive additional properties. Some additives enhance thermal conductivity, while others increase resistance to low temperatures.
Performance of all kinds of glue

Performance may vary between formulations. So, for example, hardening can occur within an hour. The maximum indicator in a different version is 4 hours. Other indicators have similar variability:
- Composition exposure time: 10 to 20 minutes.
- Minimum required substance layer thickness: 1 to 8 ml.
- Temperature range in which work can be carried out: -25 - +35 °C.
These points should be paid attention to when choosing a foam adhesive for aerated concrete. It is necessary that they correspond to the real conditions and requirements of the construction. If this stage of work fell on the winter period, then it is necessary to buy frost-resistant glue with minimum requirements for the application layer. It does not hurt in this case to be informed about the types of glue.
There are three main types. The so-called gray adhesive-foam for aerated concrete "Titan" belongs to frost-resistant. This species is considered universal. Mainly used for outdoor work. Excellent performance in all weather conditions.
Another kind is white glue. Its use eliminates the need to seal the seams during interior decoration, since the composition is similar to building material and the wall has a uniform color.
Among builders, polyurethane foam is the most respected. It has many advantages. Therefore, its popularity is justified. It is no coincidence that glue is used everywhere. Adhesive foam for aerated concrete provides reliable masonry with minimal consumption.
Sensitive to ultraviolet, which adversely affects the structure. Therefore, the use of foam glue obliges to take into account this factor.
Consumption of matter

Consumption of foam adhesive for aerated concrete can be easily calculated. For a preliminary calculation, they are repelled from the total amount of aerated concrete converted to cubic meters. One cubic meter consumes an average of one and a half bags of adhesive in dry form: about 38 kilograms. Practical experience runs counter to manufacturers' assurances that it will take no more than 25.
The geometry of the blocks is an important indicator, which should also not be overlooked in preliminary calculations. The smoother the surface, the lower the consumption of bonding material.
Tool kit for adhesives

Laying aerated concrete on adhesive foam is carried out using special tools. Strictly speaking, the consumption depends even ona tool that prepares the mixture and applies it to the blocks. Experts recommend a carriage as a convenient device. This is a professional tool. With skillful use, it will greatly speed up the work. The design of the carriage itself ensures that the adhesive is applied in one even layer.
Different types of carriages are provided for different gas blocks.
Do not forget and neglect such details as gloves and a respirator. The cement included in the glue makes you think about the safety of the respiratory organs and open areas of the body.
To ensure long-term storage, if necessary, place the adhesive in a heated room with low humidity.
Advantages of this foam
The main advantage of the adhesive for aerated concrete over cement mixtures is the similarity of its structure with the building material. This ensures a fast wall construction speed. A low price means a low cost. As a result - the profitability of the building, if we are talking about a commercial facility. Well-known manufacturers of building mixtures keep the cost bar at the lowest possible level. It is about 200 rubles per bag (25 kilograms).
Builder recommendations

It is advisable to buy foam adhesive for aerated concrete from trusted suppliers. Particular attention should be paid to the expiration date of the product. If the buyer does not know which foam to choose, then you should contact the construction company for help. Employees of the company will provide freeadvice on matters of interest. In the event that a large batch of the product is needed, it is better to first purchase a few units, after which you can safely buy the rest.
The use of modern adhesive mortar is profitable, practical, fast and cheap compared to cement and other sand-based variations.
Adhesive foam occupies the highest step of the pedestal, as it relieves the construction of "wet" processes. It is economical, reliable and fastens blocks of aerated concrete together incredibly tenaciously. For ease of use and its performance, adhesive foam has earned respect from professionals. Many novice builders do not know why many people use foam adhesive for aerated concrete. Feedback from professionals indicates that this adhesive provides fine-grained masonry and reduces building heat loss.