Have you recently become the owner of your own vineyard? Sooner or later, you will have a desire to expand your lands or upgrade plants to younger ones. Reproduction of grapes can be carried out in several ways. The most versatile of them is with the help of cuttings (chibouks). Consider this procedure in detail.
Methods of propagation of grapes
Today, three main methods are known:
- Purchase of seedlings in a nursery, gardening shop. The option is correct, but costly.
- Propagation of grapes by layering. The oldest method. Here it is enough just to root the escape. However, many new plants cannot be obtained this way.
- Propagation of grapes by chibouks (cuttings). This vegetative method helps preserve all the flavors of the parent grapes.

Can grapes be grown from seed?
But the plant is not grown from seeds. First of all, this is due to the fact that such grapes do not repeat the parental taste properties. And it starts to bear fruit much later. Therefore, reproduction by bones isthe prerogative of breeders in the desire to obtain new grape varieties.
Let's focus more on propagation of grapes by cuttings.
Winter breeding
Preparation should start in the fall - during the pruning of the bushes. The best period is after leaf fall and before the first frost. The fact is that at this time the greatest amount of nutrients accumulates in the cuttings. This will help the chibouks survive the winter cold without much loss.
For propagation of grapes in winter, choose the following cuttings:
- Shoots that were most fruitful in summer.
- The diameter of the handle should vary between 7-10 mm.
- If you want to plant a chubuk in open ground, choose an escape with eight eyes. For other cases, you can stop at six.
- The distance between nodes on the shoot is 8-12 cm.
- The length of the shoot should be decent, which gives more chances for successful engraftment.
- Damaged, twisted chibouks should not be used - they do not take root well.

It is important to make a small notch or other mark at the bottom of the cutting after cutting. This will help determine where the bottom is, where the top of the plant is when planting.
After cutting, collect the cuttings in a bunch and leave them in water with water (best to use well or rainwater) for 2 days. Then wrap them in a wet cloth and send them to be stored in the cellar. A suitable temperature is within + 4 ° C. Humidity - 100% (so the matter needs to be periodicallymoisten).
This is how the chibouks are stored all winter - you only need to turn them occasionally.

Spring breeding
Very many gardeners agree that the propagation of grapes in the spring is the most successful. By the summer, the plant already has time to take root, and by the autumn - to get stronger for the cold.
Already 2-3 weeks before planting, the cuttings are taken out of the basement. Assess their suitability - press your finger on the barrel. If a drop of water comes out, then it is ready for landing. Also, a normal shank will be light green in color without dark blotches.
Make a fresh cut on the handle, then lower it for 2 days in rain or melt water. Then the plant needs to be planted as soon as possible. Propagation of grapes is further conveniently done using a bottle or plastic cups. Let's analyze both of these methods.

Planting in cups
We continue to analyze the propagation of grapes at home. If you are using glasses, prepare to do the following:
- Punch 3 holes in the bottom of each container.
- Fill the bottom with 2 cm of rotten leaves.
- Take a cup with a smaller diameter, cut out the bottom of it. Insert this container into the first one. Sprinkle the gaps with earth.
- Fill the inner cup completely with sand and water it. Now remove this container.
- In the sand, make a narrow hole 4 cm deep. A cutting is inserted into it.
- Make a top layer of dry sand.
- Finally, cover the landing with a dome ofplastic bottle without bottom and neck.
Don't forget to water the seedling every 2 days. Dome-bottles can be removed after the first 3-4 leaves appear on the handle.
And further on the propagation of grapes at home. We will plant in plastic bottles as follows:
- Cut off the neck of the container.
- Punch holes in the bottom with an awl.
- Make a drainage layer 2 cm thick.
- The soil is poured behind it - about 8-10 spoons.
- The cutting is placed in the substrate - so that its top is flush with the cut edge of the bottle.
- The top layer of the substrate is sawdust. It's good if they are steamed.
- We wrap up the landing with a plastic cup dome.
- The planted stalk is best placed in a saucer on the windowsill so that its "eye" is facing the sun.
Such a planting is watered through a saucer. You can remove the dome glass when the chubuk grows and it becomes crowded in such a "house".

Landing in open ground
The last and most important stage of winter-spring breeding. Try to choose the southern or western side of the site for landing. There should not be tall trees nearby. It is best if there is protection from winds and low temperatures in the form of a building wall.
Further actions depend on the type of soil in your area. If it is black earth and clay:
- Dig a hole 80x80x80 cm.
- Fill it 1/4 full with humus mixed with the main soil.
- Dilute 3 liters of ash. Add there 300 g of potash fertilizer and superphosphate. Saturate the soil with the solution.
- Another "humus-soil" layer, but now 2 times thinner than the first one.
- Third layer - 5 cm. It consists only of soil.
- The pit should now be half full of substrate.
- Make a small mound in the center, on which the seedling is vertically installed. If it is more than 25 cm in length, it is better to place the cutting on a slope. Spread your roots.
- Fill with soil up to the growth line. Water generously - 2-3 liters of water.
- Install a peg to support the plant. Tie a cutting to it, leaving one shoot.

The soil around up to 10 cm deep must be loosened. Watering - twice in 2 weeks. It also needs to be accompanied by loosening and mulching.
If the soil is sandy, then the depth of the pit is up to 1 meter. The very first layer (20 cm) is clay. Watering is more plentiful - 4 buckets once a week.
If the trunk of the plant is still green, it is best to plant it in early June. If lignified, then it can be placed in open ground as early as the end of April, given the weather conditions.
Autumn breeding
Now let's move on to the reproduction of grapes in the fall. Imagine a step-by-step instruction - you need to start the action in advance:
- During the flowering of the bush, cut the cuttings and put them in a bucket of water.
- Then each of the chibouks is divided intoseveral parts - each should have 2 kidneys.
- The cut shoots fall back into the water.
- Make an oblique cut on each chubuk, then plant the cuttings either in separate containers or in a common box.
- In winter or autumn, keep plantings in the cellar. In the spring they will immediately be accepted.
- In February-March, chibouks are transplanted into buckets. This stage is associated with their active development.
- In September, plantings are ready for open ground.
- For planting, choose shoots at least 40 cm long with a diameter of 7-8 mm. At least three 10-centimeter roots should depart from the chubuk. The absence of damage is mandatory and the presence of mature kidneys is desirable.
- Prepare the hole in advance, cover its bottom with a 5-10 cm layer of drainage. Cover it with thick paper from above.
- Before planting, the side roots of the seedling are cut off, as well as the part of the shoot that will be above the ground.
- The cutting will take root faster if you pre-soak it in auxin and then treat it with an antitranspirant. Both substances can be purchased at a gardening store.
- Be sure to straighten the roots before planting. Shoots should face south.
- Water abundantly, fertilize the plant. The top layer of the substrate should be humus.
- After planting, cover the soil around the plant with dry grass or hay to retain moisture and ensure an acceptable temperature regime. You can additionally insulate it with needles, peat or sawdust.

Methods of propagation by layering
Layers are artificialrooting lower shoots, which are placed in the ground without detaching from the parent bush until the seedling is "ready". Depending on the nuances of this case, there are several ways:
- horizontal;
- half-green;
- green;
- dry;
- Chinese;
- horizontal;
- katavlak;
- deep etc.

Algorithm for propagation by layering
An operation is performed until the buds appear on the vine. The simplest algorithm is:
- Near the mother piece, make a groove 15 cm long and 20 cm deep.
- 3/4 fill the groove with humus mixed with soil.
- Lay the vine along the hole, fixing it with wire, a slingshot or other device.
- Fill the shoot with potting mix and pour water mixed with manganese.
- Cover the layers all over with foil. Do not remove it until leaves appear above the ground.
- Tie young shoots to pegs and water them regularly throughout the summer. Pinching will cause them to ripen.
- In autumn, the layers are dug up, divided into parts. The root of each future seedling is lowered into a clay solution, after which the shoots are sent for winter storage.
Propagation of parthenocissus
Wild (or girlish) grapes are a liana that is used in decorating country buildings - houses, arbors, utility blocks. There are several ways to reproduce it.
Cuttings. Last year's shoots of girlish grapes are divided into 15-centimeter segments. Until the first internode, they go deep into a mixture of peat and soil. The plant should be watered regularly and protected from drafts. It can be planted outdoors next spring.

Layers. Take a shoot with a length of at least 3 meters. It is laid in a furrow (depth - about 3 cm), strengthened at its ends, sprinkled with earth. Green leaves should be visible above the soil surface. The plant needs to be watered abundantly. And wait for it to take root - this requires 1-2 seasons.
Seeds. In the spring, before planting, stratification is needed - aging in the refrigerator. In autumn - daily soaking in water. Planted in the substrate to a depth of 2 cm.
Seedlings. It is necessary to prepare a hole 60 cm wide and 50 cm deep. At 2/5, it is filled with large rubble or broken bricks. This is drainage. The rest is a soil mixture of earth, peat and sand (2:2:1). Between two adjacent seedlings, you need to maintain a distance of 1 m.
So we have analyzed the popular ways of propagating grapes - cuttings and layering, ordinary fruit and wild ornamental. Choose the method that is most simple, appropriate and easy to implement for your particular case.