Monstera is a flower suitable for growing in large rooms, as some species of this plant can reach five meters in height. Best of all, the flower will feel where it will create conditions similar to those observed in its homeland, in tropical America. To do this, direct sunlight should not fall on the plant, since there is relatively little light in the jungle thicket. The duration of intense sunlight should not exceed 1-1.5 hours per day. However, it is not recommended to put a flower pot in very dark corners, because in this case the leaves remain “monolithic”, without beautiful carvings. The favorable temperature regime for the plant is within +25-27 degrees in summer and at least +18 degrees in winter.

For a plant as unpretentious as the monstera, care is not difficult or expensive. It is enough to give the flower a spacious pot, water it abundantly in summer, and let the soil dry out slightly between waterings in winter. The air in the room where the flower is located should bemoist enough, for which the plant must be periodically sprayed with water and wiped with its large leaves. The latter not only contributes to the well-being of the flower, but also improves its appearance.
Monstera, with minimal care, can be perfectly grown at home from cuttings. To do this, in an adult plant, the upper part is cut off under the node, preferably with an aerial root, and planted in the soil. Under a transparent bag at a temperature not lower than +25 degrees, a new sprout can be expected in a month. After it appears, the package is removed, and the plant begins to develop.

If you have a young monstera in your house, caring for it additionally consists in transplanting it into a larger pot every year. Adult specimens remain in their fairly large containers all the time, but every year you need to renew the topsoil by about 5 cm. And, of course, you should not forget about complex fertilizers that feed the flower weekly in summer, and once a month in winter.
The main reasons for the loss of decorative monstera are brown or yellow spots. The first is a sign of too low a temperature, the second is an overflow of water. After eliminating the causes, as a rule, the plant feels better, and spots do not appear on new leaves.
Despite the fact that the flower is a good air ionizer, the monstera in the house is unacceptable in the bedrooms: it is believed that it has a depressing effect on a person, disturbing his sleep. Monstera is more suitable for foyers, large halls, publicinstitutions. She also feels good in winter gardens.

According to the horoscope of plants, some types of monstera (monstera deliciosa) belong to the zodiac sign Virgo. Such plants promote he alth, restore order, prevent empty talk and eliminate conservatism in views. Maybe that's why the monstera is so fond of being placed in clinics and various institutions.
The flower is also credited with the ability to relieve headaches caused by fatigue. Therefore, if you have a monstera growing at work, the care of which will be sufficient, then you can count on such a return on the flower in the form of an improvement in your own working environment.