Despite the abundance and availability of exotics on the market of indoor ornamental crops, there are plants that have not lost their popularity since the time of our grandmothers. One of them is chlorophytum. The beneficial properties of this South African culture have long been used by man. Chlorophytums are grown in industrial premises, in offices, apartments, they are also used in landscaping cities as summer plants, planted in flower beds in combination with coleus and begonias. They are beautiful, unpretentious, grow quickly and are characterized by high ecological plasticity. But that's not even why chlorophytum is so popular with landscapers.

Useful properties of the plant - that's its main value. Chlorophytum is an excellent air purifier. It helps to neutralize substances harmful to the human body, such as benzene, phenol, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and others, which are emitted in large quantities by modern finishingmaterials, transport and industrial facilities. In addition, the plant has pronounced antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, when choosing a material for landscaping any premises, do not ignore chlorophytum.
Useful properties of this plant also include the ability to neutralize tobacco smoke, so it is desirable to keep it in homes where smokers live. At least one copy should be placed in the kitchen - it will be a real biological filter that intensively absorbs carbon monoxide.

Chlorophytum crested is considered the record holder for air purification. The beneficial properties of this crop make it an indispensable material for landscaping premises. This species seems to have been created for life in a highly polluted air environment. Four adult copies purify the air in a room with an area of 10 square meters. m, by 75-80%. In addition, they moisturize the air well, of course, subject to timely watering. Therefore, even those who collect exotic plants and do not recognize trivial saintpaulias, ficuses and pelargoniums should keep chlorophytum in the house. The beneficial properties of this crop are undeniable, and it requires practically no maintenance, imperceptibly performing its colossal work of purifying the air.

Among other plants that have the ability to absorb harmful substances, purifying the atmosphere, it is worth highlighting aloe, nephrolepis, philodendron, chamedorea, dracaena, dieffenbachia, anthurium, sheffler, spathiphyllum. In general, for this purposeRepresentatives of many species with large foliage with a large number of stomata are suitable. But according to scientists, chlorophytum is still considered the ideal room cleaner.
The benefits and harms of indoor plants is a serious and important topic. The selection of planting material for landscaping residential premises must be approached wisely so that the created compositions are pleasing to the eye, and their components have a beneficial effect on the microclimate. All types of chlorophytum in this sense are ideal material. Therefore, feel free to plant this useful and grateful plant if it is not yet in your collection.